Walking OSHA Violation

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Elon Musk isn't a sociopath Trump isn't a narcissist Jeff Bezos isn't a psycho they are terrible racist bigoted assholes but I'm begging y'all to fucking give a shit about people with personality disorders. PLEASE.


They are billionaires. That is what is wrong with them. That is why they are like that. Having the amount of money and power that they have has made them the way that they are; they don't view other human beings as people because other human beings are only numbers on a chart or a means to an end, and if those human beings present an obstacle to their acquiring more wealth, they have to die.

All billionaires are like this. The influence they're accustomed to enjoying due to their wealth makes them uniquely selfish, entitled and deeply, deeply wicked. It's just that these ones in particular are stupid enough to do it loudly and in public.


I'm so old, I remember when a lot of people thought J. K. Rowling was the only good billionaire they'd ever heard of.

To put it mildly, that didn't age well.

And the way she spiraled into patron saint of transphobia is probably the single biggest data point I've ever seen in favor of "being a billionaire turns you into a monster."


Dolly Parton is not a billionaire because she keeps giving all her money away.




my watery friend... are you too brushed with the pattern of the dappled light...?


[ID: a photograph of a seal with a blobby splotchy silver pattern on its back that resembles light refracting in water, next to a photo of light's flowing white stripes at the bottom of a pool. Second set of images is a fawn ccurled up in the grass, next to a forested trail aglow with dappled light spots. end id.]



dappled with light