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Centropix has seamlessly integrated technology into the realm of well-being. Our innovations are poised to take your wellness to new dimensions.
Alternative wellness usually conjures thoughts of essential oils, homeopathic remedies,acupuncture needles and yoga. But now, holistic care is rising to a level of Nobel-prize-winning science, incorporating physics, chemistry, and electromagnetic technology — finally addressing the root cause of biological imbalance.
When most people think of alternative wellness and fitness, they usually think of essential oils, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture and yoga. But now holistic care is rising to the level of Nobel Prize-winning science that incorporates physics and electromagnetic technology - and finally addresses the root cause of biological imbalance, especially molecular imbalance.
With the KLOUD, a session begins with you lying or sitting comfortably on an applicator or mat. Depending on the time of day and the needs of the body, you choose the program that best suits your desired result. Simply choose one of the five different programs:
Relax, Balance, Energize, Synchronize, or Transform - and enjoy!
Mathematically 50x higher molecular activation potential than current products on the market.
Everything is made up of Molecules. Water, Stone, Wood, Bone, Hair, Nails, and Cells. Literally everything, even our Blood is made up of Molecules.
In Kafka's words: Obviously Health, our Well-being and Fitness is based on a good/Healthy molecular activity.Can we recharge our "Inner Battery"? HERE
We all know that our enviroment serves a lot of problems we have to struggle with. It is not only a lack of movement, a bad diet or wrong breathing where we could take care by ourselves. It's mainly the influences we can not avoid like: Poison in our food, polluted air. The worst impact in our days is electrosmog, espacially on our water.
We all know that our environment causes a lot of problems we have to struggle with. It is not only a lack of movement, a bad diet or improper breathing which we can correct by ourselves. It‘s mainly the influences we can not avoid like bacteria, chemicals in our food, or pollution. The worst modern impact on our lives is electro-smog, especially on our water.
Your health and well-being deserve the best. Experience the power of the future with KLOUD. Indulge yourself with 50 times the potential for better regeneration. Our latest generation KLOUD magnetic field applicator breaks all records with an activation potential of 23,040,000 - that's a whopping 50 times stronger than our competitor's products, which are only at maximal 450,000. Characterized by a form of stimulation that covers practically all previous forms, the wave technology of the KLOUD is based on a special mutual superposition of several pulsed intensity sequences, each varying in time.
The most decisive elements of technical proof probably lie in the superposition of two pulse forms that change in time and intensity. Compared to previous developments, the superposition offers much broader support for the self-preservation mechanisms at the molecular level.
Former analysis of forms of PEMF stimulation over the years is shown up to 2020 where the blue highlighted area shows the constantly changing stimulation width achieved by the patented superposition.
Biohack Yourself is the most important health documentary of our lifetime and CENTROPIX is featured! This Amazon Prime docu-series showcases innovative technologies to combat the effects of aging, enhance vitality, improve sleep, increase relaxation, and fight disease.
The CENTROPIX KLOUD has quickly become the leading electroceutical device for health professionals ... and this film provides the global exposure and world-class validation to take CENTROPIX to the next level. Biohack Yourself includes dozens of health and wellness luminaries such as CENTROPIX Co-Founder Nik Gleim as well as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Bruce Lipton, Miesha Tate, and Jim Kwik.
He closed an innovation gap that had existed for twenty-five years and developed forms of stimulation that cover almost the entire spectrum of electromagnetic stimulation currently available on the market. In addition, Prof. Dr. Wolf A. Kafka created and patented the superposition and the entrainment effect, which have proven to be extremely effective and fast-acting in practical application and the impact of customer benefits.
Kafka, theoretical physicist and physiologist, discovered and patented the first PEMF signal back in 1998, which supports natural self-preservation processes. After more than 20 years of scientific research and 60 years of PEMF Know-How, he developed a new technology in 2020 - the so-called PEMA (Pulsating Electro-Magnetic Activation) for the CENTROPIX KLOUD.
He closed an innovation gap that had existed for twenty-five years and developed forms of stimulation that cover almost the entire spectrum of electromagnetic stimulation currently available on the market. In addition, Prof. Dr. Wolf A. Kafka created and patented the so-called superposition and the entrainment effect, which have proven to be extremely effective and fast-acting in practical application and the impact of customer benefits.
Helping the body to help itself. Keep your vital forces at full speed - push your limits!
The ideal introduction to the use of the KLOUD. Synchronize your body and mind. Use this program in conjunction with relaxation habits and rituals to improve mental clarity and emotional harmony.
As a booster when you want more energy. Experience pure "KLOUD-Power", feel alive, awake, motivated and strengthened. Activate vitality from the inside out. Use this head start!
Ihr natürliches Gleichgewicht wiederherstellen, in einen guten Flow kommen, den Ausgleich finden. Balance bedeutet mit Zuversicht, Frieden und Gelassenheit sich gut zu fühlen und positiv zu denken. Gewinnen Sie ein grosses Stück Lebensqualität.Restore your natural balance, get into a good flow, find the balance. Balance means feeling good and thinking positively with confidence, peace and serenity. Gain a great piece of quality of life.
One of the special features of the KLOUD applicators are the different folding options. Depending on the folding of the applicators, the strength of the signal can be almost doubled. This is particularly useful for small-area applications. That this is unique is shown by one of our patents, of which we are very proud.
More technical detailsRelaxation of body, mind and soul. Put yourself in a relaxed state and unwind. Promote your well-being and find inner peace to help optimize a restful sleep.
- Feel comfortable & cozy all around
- Relax after a hard day
Restore your natural balance, get into a good flow, find the balance. Balance means feeling good and thinking positively with confidence, peace and serenity. Gain peace and quality of life.
- Feel balance & presence
- Set your focus on the here and now
- Let your energy flow evenly
A boost when you want more energy. Experience pure "KLOUD-Power", and feel alive, awake, motivated, and strengthened. Activate vitality from within. Take advantage of your body's natural power.
- Feel the maximum of (life) energy
- Fitness & wellness of the simplest kind
- More power in the long run
- perfect before physical & mental stress
The ideal introduction to the use of the KLOUD. Synchronize your body and mind. Use this program in conjunction with relaxation habits and rituals to improve mental clarity and emotional harmony.
- Feel balance & presence
- Set your focus on the here and now
- Let your energy flow evenly
Help the body help itself. Keep your vital forces turned up and experience a positive transformation - push your boundaries!
- Transform yourself from exhausted to renewed
- Charge your "inner battery"
When bees set up their hive on the KLOUD, kittens and dogs choose the KLOUD as their favorite place, chickens lay their eggs on the KLOUD and horses sniff the KLOUD, it says a lot. Animals are very sensitive to magnetic fields and are aware of their value. For this reason, we at CENTROPIX have addressed this issue and developed a VET-SET for large animals and a KLOUD COVER for all other animals so that our customers can share the KLOUD with their pets in a hygienic way.
When bees set up their hive on the KLOUD, kittens and dogs choose the KLOUD as their favorite place, chickens lay their eggs on the KLOUD and horses sniff the KLOUD, it says a lot. Animals are very sensitive to magnetic fields and are aware of their value. For this reason, we at CENTROPIX have addressed this issue and developed a VET-SET for large animals and a KLOUD COVER for all other animals so that our customers can share the KLOUD with their pets in a hygienic way.
Wenn Bienen ihren Bienenstock auf der KLOUD aufbauen, Miezekätzchenund Hunde die KLOUD als ihren Lieblingsort ausgesuchthaben, Hühner ihre Eier auf der KLOUD legen und Pferde dieKLOUD beschnuppern, so sagt das doch sehr viel aus. Tiere sind,was Magnetfelder anbelangt, sehr sensibel und wissen um derenWertigkeit. Aus diesem Grund haben wir uns bei CENTROPIX mitdieser Thematik beschäftigt und für Grosstiere ein VET-SET entwickelt.Für alle anderen Tiere wurde ein KLOUD COVER kreiert, damitunsere Kunden auf hygienische Art die KLOUD mit ihren Lieblingenteilen können.
In this captivating documentary, we take a deep dive into the fascinating world of longevity and health. The mission is to make the concept of biohacking accessible to the average family, demystifying the secrets of a healthier and longer life.
The journey within "Biohack Yourself" is guided by experts. With their invaluable insights and expertise, they aim to provide you with the best cutting-edge knowledge available in the world of biohacking.
Since the first application, I have felt the muscles in the left side of my face start to come alive again. I've been using the mat for 11 weeks now and I'm really impressed with the results and very grateful!
Angelina Kirsch
TV Host | Curvy Model
Last year, Ritchy had very severe bronchitis, which unfortunately dragged on for a very long time. Despite veterinary treatment, it never got better. Since I have been using KLOUD, Ritchy is simply much more alert and balanced and his muscles are much looser, which is of course noticeable when riding. He is simply doing well and that makes us both happy.
Sandra Hunke
Model | Horse lover
I have been working with CENTROPIX for a few months now and have integrated the KLOUD into my daily training routine. I mainly use the KLOUD for better regeneration, but also during training. I definitely notice a difference and have already been able to inspire a few people around me. I am super satisfied and can definitely recommend it.
Pauline Grabosch
Track cyclist | 4-time world champion in team sprint
I mainly use the KLOUD for better regeneration, better nutritional intake and so that I can perform better in training and build up more muscle.
Nils Biermordt
Athlete | 3-time world champion in bench press
Disclaimer: The testimonials of our customers reflect their personal use of our products. The testimonials are not endorsed by CENTROPIX, but exclusively the personal opinion of our customers. The statements do not represent any promises or guarantees by CENTROPIX. The results achieved with CENTROPIX products may vary, so you should not assume that the individual experiences described in the Testimonials are typical or representative of the experiences of all other consumers. The testimonials’ statements should not be construed as claims that the CENTROPIX products mentioned can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, alleviate or prevent disease. CENTROPIX’s products are not medical devices, nor are any other medical services provided through them and you should seek the advice of a qualified health care practitioner with respect to your health and the use of CENTROPIX products.
The Urban Dictionary defines centropy as "the electrification of matter, bringing on creative renewal. The beginning of reality; the opposite of entropy".
Inspired by this definition, a new word – CENTROPIX – was born. Harnessing the power of centropy, CENTROPIX evokes harmony and balance.
We believe in sustainability through a unique lens: that of our customers. Our approach involves not just creating products, but co-developing solutions that resonate with our customers needs while minimizing environmental impact.
We are committed to using recyclable materials in our manufacturing processes. From inception to completion, our products are designed with the environment in mind, ensuring minimal waste and maximum recyclability.
Through the update capabilities embedded in our devices, the results of ongoing research are seamlessly integrated into our products. With just a simple click, our devices evolve and stay relevant, making them a sustainable choice for a lifetime.
We are dedicated to fostering sustainability beyond our products. Two percent of our profits go towards supporting impactful and sustainable projects, reinforcing our commitment to creating a better world.
CENTROPIX focuses on the well-being of everyone. It was therefore important to develop a solution tailored to different living situations and needs. The KLOUD complete set includes two sizes of the KLOUD allowing different application possibilities. Relax on the KLOUD Maxi and feel a general sense of well-being. Reach for the KLOUD Mini for local applications. Includes branding carry bags, charging systems, and more.
The KLOUD maxi is perfect for full-body application and delivers the total experience. This mat is great for use in bed, on the floor, or on a sofa. Relax and enjoy a sense of well-being. Includes branded carry bag, charging system and more.
CENTROPIX focuses on the well-being of everyone. It was therefore all the more important to develop a solution that is tailored to different living situations and needs. The two available sizes of the KLOUD allow different application possibilities. Relax on the KLOUD Maxi and feel a general sense of well-being. Reach for the KLOUD Mini for local applications. The CENTROPIX KLOUD Mini is a favorite of athletes and travelers. It is easy to fold and tuck inside a backpack and is a powerful applicator for local applications. Includes a small branded carry bag, charging system, and more.
Take care of what is good for you! This protective cover is made of antimicrobial materialsto protect the KLOUD from moisture and dirt, especially in practices for applicationswith different patients or for applications in the veterinary field. When using the KLOUD cover, your product remains in great condition despite frequent use.
Questions? Your curiosity is my incentive! If you have questions about our products, I am ready to answer them. Please fill out the form below and I will reach out to you! Feel free to add your phone number in the message section.
Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Although the CENTROPIX KLOUD is registered with the FDA as a Class 1 Medical Device, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). CENTROPIX products are wellness and fitness devices and are not intended to diagnose any disease, to treat, cure or prevent.
The design of the KLOUD is appreciatedby users, and awarded by design professionals. The jury of the German DesignAward, one of the most recognizeddesign awards worldwide, has honoredthe KLOUD 2022 with a “SpecialMention Award”.
More informationYour health and well-being deserve the best. Experience the power of the future - with KLOUD.Treat yourself to 50 times the potential for better regeneration.
Our latest generation KLOUD magnetic field applicator breaks all records with an activationpotential of 23,040,000 - that’s a whopping 50 times stronger than our competitors’ products,which are only at 450,000.
Everything does exist out of Molecules.
In Kafka words: Obviously, our Wellbeeing and Fitness is based on a good/Healthy moleculare activity.
We would love to connect with you to share more information about our products.
Fill out our contact form now!.
Questions? Your curiosity is my incentive! If you have questions about our products, I am ready to answer them. Fill out our form and let me get your questions out of the way.
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URL: https://centropix.us/ZFIT
Name: Wellness & Performance Enterprises ZimmermannURL: https://centropix.us/ZFIT
Name: Wellness & Performance Enterprises ZimmermannURL: https://centropix.us/ZFIT
Name: Wellness & Performance Enterprises Zimmermann