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Contact Us

Contacting the Ceremonies Team

To contact the ceremonies team please call 01494 475 092 or email details of your query, together with your name, telephone number and ceremony date and venue if applicable to [email protected] and a member of our team will contact you within 5 working days.

View our Celebrate in Buckinghamshire brochure.

If you are a Buckinghamshire venue or supplier and would like to learn more about advertising in our brochure or online directories, please contact [email protected] to discuss advertising packages and rates.

Book a notice of marriage or civil partnership

To contact the ceremonies team please call 01494 475 092 or email details of your query, together with your name, telephone number and ceremony date and venue if applicable to [email protected] and a member of our team will contact you within 5 working days

Cancellation of booking

In the unfortunate event that you need to cancel your ceremony you can use the online cancellation form

Law Commission review into marriage ceremonies in England and Wales

Updated July 2022

The government launched a Law Commission review into marriage ceremonies in England and Wales on 29 June 2019. The Law Commission’s consultation on its provisional proposals to reform the law governing how and where couples can get married closed on 4 January 2021. A final report with recommendations for Government was published on 19 July 2022. The Government will consider the recommendations and then bring forward any new legislation required in due course. At present there is NO CHANGE to the current marriage ceremonies in England and Wales and no further information available from the Registration Service. 

If you would like to ask us a question about checking availability, booking a registrar or a general enquiry, please email [email protected]

For information about data protection please view our privacy notice.

If you would like to ask us a question please fill in the form below: 

Contact Us