Having difficulties logging in?
If you are having difficulties accessing your account please follow these steps:
Step 1 - Reset your password
On the login screen click the forgotten password link and enter your account details.
This is your 7 digit employee number, including any zeros at the start.
This is the email address you have provided in Ceri.
An email will be sent to you with a link which you can click on to reset your password.
> Continue to login
Step 2 - Email a request
If step 1 hasn't worked for you then please email [email protected], making sure you provide your username (above), date of birth and a contact telephone number in case we need to contact you.
Step 3 - Give us a call
If step 1 hasn't worked for you and you are unable to email us then please call 01970 633949.
Please be aware that we are not able to answer calls as quickly as usual at the moment. If you are unable to get through first time please try again later.
This phone number is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.