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8:33 PM


Dev - PC & Consoles by FRAG GAMES
Dev - Mobile Games by FRAG GAMES
3D - Hard Surface by FRAG GAMES

dev t.

3D Animator

9:03 PM



Vecna from stranger things by dev t.
Cinematic scene of abandon city by dev t.
A girl crying in front of the mirror cinematic animation by dev t.

Split Studio



UFC FIT - Mito de Verdade by Split Studio
Cabrito and Chewy by Split Studio
WeeBoom by Split Studio

Massimiliano T.

3D Artist

4:33 PM



Firebird - Ballet Backgrounds by Massimiliano T.
Metahuman - Dobby by Massimiliano T.
Night parade - 3D Illustration by Massimiliano T.

Duc V.

VFX Artist - Realtime

10:33 PM


2D Fx Frame by Frame - Personal Project 2022 by Duc V.
Spine 2D VFX Reels by Duc V.
2D Game VFX Reels by Duc V.