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NCPMI Statement on Equity and Inclusion 

The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) promotes policies and practices that advance equity, diversity, and the full inclusion and participation of all young children and their families in early care and education environments. The Pyramid Model practices and implementation approach affirm and celebrate the unique identities of young children and their families across all social identities. In accordance with this affirmation:

  • NCPMI is dedicated to developing and disseminating products and materials that affirm the highest levels of dignity, respect, and individuality of each child, family, colleague, and community.
  • NCPMI is committed to implementing the Pyramid Model to promote more equitable and just early care and education environments for young children, especially for those children who are historically marginalized. NCPMI will promote equitable outcomes for young children by: (a) confronting and dispelling implicit and explicit biases; (b) improving advocacy for young children and families who are often subject to biases; and (c) informing changes in policies, practices, and systems through advocacy.

NCPMI promotes the development of authentic relationships with young children, families and communities to enhance the capacity of early care and learning environments and systems to:

  • promote the social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes of all young children,
  • eliminate the use of biased and inappropriate discipline practices including suspension and expulsion,
  • promote family engagement,
  • use data for decision-making,
  • integrate early childhood and infant mental health consultation, and
  • foster full inclusion, access, and participation of all children.

The Problem

Data from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights show that suspension and expulsion continue to be used extensively in early childhood settings (United States Department of Education, 2016) and identify gender and racial disparities in their implementation. Research suggests these practices are associated with negative outcomes that include greater academic failure and grade retention, negative attitudes toward school and higher rates of dropout, and increased rates of incarceration.

Early Childhood Suspensions & Disproportionality: An Issue that Impacts Everyone

The above issues were summarized by Dr. Rosemarie Allen in the following recorded presentation at the 2017 OSEP Leadership Conference.

School Suspension are an Adult Behavior

You can explore this topic some more by viewing this TED talk by Rosemarie Allen

The Response

The US Departments of Education and Health and Human Services (2014) provide recommendations on the prevention and elimination of expulsion and suspension practices especially as they reflect disproportionate rates among children of color.  These recommendations suggest that:

  • Programs and schools use of evidence-based practices such as the Pyramid Model to promote social/emotional competence in young children
  • Staff engage in self-reflective practice that can prevent and eliminate potential biases, and
  • Programs and schools provide behavioral supports to children with disabilities, including preschool children with disabilities

The Pyramid Model and Equity

The evidence-based practices identified in the Pyramid Model include an understanding of cultural factors influencing behavior and social/emotional development.  As a result, practices include and support cultural awareness and responsiveness. In 2016, the Pyramid Equity Project (PEP) was funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to develop, demonstrate, and disseminate additional culturally responsive tools, materials, and procedures that enhance and supplement those currently available as part of the Pyramid Model.

Featured Resource

Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide

The Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide provides the classroom coach with a reflection tool to examine the implementation of Pyramid Model practices through the lens of culturally responsive practices and identification of implicit bias. The Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide is used within the collaborative coaching partnership and ongoing coaching activities to identify when there are equity concerns related to practice implementation.

Download the guide

Related Resources

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Tip Sheet

Across the country, families and educators are examining issues of racism and equity. This guide provides information about how young children perceive race and suggestions for how to talk about race with young children.

Tip Sheet

Across the country, families and educators are examining issues of racism and equity. This guide provides information about how young children perceive race and suggestions for how to talk about race with young children.


In this two-part conversation, Dr. Phil Strain and Dr. Rosemarie Allen tackle some challenging topics and have a frank and important discussion about equity, black lives, and racism. They invite you to listen as they discuss the impact of racism on black children and their families, how to talk to children and families about race, what does it mean to be anti-racist early educator, and the importance of the Pyramid Model practices in efforts to be anti-racist.


In this two-part conversation, Dr. Phil Strain and Dr. Rosemarie Allen tackle some challenging topics and have a frank and important discussion about equity, black lives, and racism. They invite you to listen as they discuss the impact of racism on black children and their families, how to talk to children and families about race, what does it mean to be anti-racist early educator, and the importance of the Pyramid Model practices in efforts to be anti-racist.

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