Server Settings Explained For Conan Exiles (2025)

This article is aimed at assisting you in setting your Conan Exiles server to your choosing.

Options highlighted in red are old settings, which may or may not work and will likely be removed by the devs in the future of Early acces.


Server Password - The server password can be changed here.
Admin Password - This password gives administration rights.

Battleye enabled – This enables Battleye cheat protection on the server. Fun-com highly recommends this to avoid cheaters from affecting your game-play.

`PvP Enabled`- When this is flagged, Player vs Player is enabled on the server.

Community –--------> Selecting a community from the drop down list will affect how your server is filtered in the server list. Please set up your community responsibly, in order to help players find a server that matches their play-style.

Server Region – Selecting a server region will affect how your server is filtered in the list. Please select your region to help players find a server that is close to them.
No Ownership – Flagging this means that the ownership rules on the server do no exist. This means that all players can loot all chests, use all machines, dismantle all buildings etc.

Can Damage Player Owned Structures ---–> If this is flagged, players can attack and destroy other player’s structures.

Enable Sandstorm – Flagging this allows sandstorms to spawn across the Exiled Lands.

Clan Max Size – This sets the maximum allowable size of clans on the server. Once a clan reaches the limit, no new members can join.

Maximum Nudity – This setting determines the maximum amount of nudity on the server. This overrides the client preference, so if a server is set to no nudity, even if a player sets their client to full nudity, they will not be able to see nudity on this server. However, if a server allows full nudity, and a player sets their client to partial nudity, the client will correctly show only partial nudity.


Player XP Rate Multiplier – This multiplier affects all types of XP that players can receive. You can use this to speed up player progression in all activities.

Player XP Time Multiplier – In Conan Exiles, players receive XP passively over time, simply for surviving. This multiplies the speed at which players receive this XP.

Player XP Kill Multiplier – This multiplies the amount of XP that players receive for killing monsters and players in Conan Exiles.

Player XP Harvest Multiplier – This multiplies the amount of XP that players receive for harvesting in Conan Exiles

Player XP Craft Multiplier – This multiplies the amount of XP that players receive for crafting in Conan Exiles

Day/Night Cycle

Day Cycle Speed – This multiplies the entire 24hr day cycle speed. Individual parts of the day can be tweaked in the settings below. Note, this multiplier is applied in addition to any settings changes below.

Day Time Speed – Daytime hours in Conan Exiles are between 7:00 and 16:59 ingame time. Changing this multiplier will multiply the time spent between these hours of the day.

Night Time Speed – Nighttime hours in Conan Exiles are between 19:00 and 4:59 ingame time. Changing this multiplier will multiply the time spent between these hours of the night.

Dawn/Dusk Time Speed – Dawn in Conan Exiles is between 5:00 and 6:59. Dusk is between 17:00 and 18:59. Changing this multiplier will multiply the time spent in the period of both dawn and dusk.
Catch Up Time – In order to create a smooth starting experience for new players, This forces the clients in-game time to speed up to catch up with the existing server day/night cycle.


Player Health Multiplier – This directly multiplies the player health amount.

Player Health Re-gen Speed Scale – Directly multiplies the player’s health regeneration speed.

`Player Stamina Multiplier - This directly multiplies the player stamina amount.
Stamina Cost Multiplier – This increases or decreases the amount of stamina players use per action.

Player Stamina Re-gen Speed Scale – Directly multiplies the player’s stamina regeneration speed.

Player Active Thirst Multiplier – Scales the speed at which a player gains or loses water.
Player Active Hunger Multiplier – Scales the speed at which a player gains or loses food.
Logged out characters remain in world – If flagged, player bodies remain in the world in an unconscious state. If not flagged, players will disappear.

Drop Equipment on Death – If flagged, players who are killed lose their equipment when they re-spawn. If not flagged, players who kill will re-spawn with all of their equipment.

Everybody can loot corpse – If flagged, anybody can loot the corpse of a dead player. If not flagged, only the player can recover items from their corpse.


Player Damage multiplier – Multiplies the amount of damage that a player does.

Player Damage Taken Multiplier – Multiplies the amount of damage that a player receives

Minion Damage Multiplier – Multiplies the amount of damage that thralls and pets do.

Minion damage taken multiplier – Multiplies the amount of damage that thralls and pets receive.

NPC damage multiplier – Multiplies the amount of damage that NPCs and Monsters do.

NPC damage taken multiplier - Multiplies the amount of damage that NPCs and Monsters receive.

NPC Health Multiplier – Multiplies the health of all NPCs

NPC Re-spawn Multiplier – Multiplies the speed at which NPCs re-spawn in the world after dying.

Durability Damage Multiplier – Modifies the amount of durability damage that an item takes when used or damaged. Increasing or decreasing this directly affects how long weapons, tools and armor will last.

Shield Durability Multiplier - Modifies the amount of durability damage that a shield takes when blocking. Increasing or decreasing this directly affects how shields will last.

Thrall Wake up Time – This determines the length of time that a Thrall will remain unconscious.

Avatar Lifetime – This determines the length of time that an Avatar can remain alive in the world.

Disable Avatars – If flagged, Avatars cannot be summoned on this server.


Item Spoil Rate Scale – Affects the length of time that foods will last before spoiling.

Harvest Amount Multiplier – Multiplies the amount of resources gathered when harvesting.
Version 1.0

Resource Re-spawn Multiplier – Multiplies the speed at which resources respawn after being harvested.

Land Claim Radius Multiplier – This increases and decreases the radius at which land claim is applied.
This affects the respawn of resources and NPCs as well as the ability of other players to claim nearby land.

Crafting Cost Multiplier – This multiplies the number of materials required for each crafting recipe.

Crafting Speed Multiplier – This multiplies the speed at which items can be crafted.

Structure Damage Multiplier – Multiplier for Damage to Structure

Structure Damage Taken Multiplier – Multiplier for Structure Damage Taken

Structure Health Multiplier – Multiplier for Structure Health overall

Player Encumbrance Multiplier – This multiplies the amount of encumbrance that an item adds to the player.

Player Encumbrance Penalty Multiplier – This multiplies the penalties that a player suffers when they are encumbered.


Chat Local Radius – Determines how far local chat will broadcast around a player

Max Message Length – Sets the max number of characters in a chat message

Region Access Control

These settings use an IP lookup to determine the connection country of origin and prevent those regions
not flagged for access from connection. Country codes can also be manually added, using the two letter
codes from the list here -
Separate country codes with a space in the input field

Unexposed Server Settings

There are many server settings that are not exposed in the server setting ui. To view a full list, open the
console (insert or tilde) and type GetAllServerSettings.

CAUTION – These settings remain hidden for a reason. These can have an extremely negative impact on
your game-play experience. Use with caution (but have fun, because this is a sandbox, after all!)

ServerBlend is not responsible for any disruption caused by use of these settings

Version 1.0
Version 1.0

Updated on: 30/07/2021

Server Settings Explained For Conan Exiles (2025)


How to edit server settings in Conan Exiles? ›

How to edit settings on a Conan Exiles server
  1. Open Conan Exiles.
  2. Press escape while logged onto the server.
  3. Choose Settings.
  4. Select the Server Settings tab on the far right.
  5. Press the Make Me Admin button and log in as admin.
  6. Click Back for the admin permissions to take effect.
  7. Return to Server Settings.

What are the difficulty settings in Conan Exiles? ›

There are three available difficulties for Conan Exiles server - Civilized (Easy), Decadent (Normal) and Barbaric (Hard). The easiest way to change your server's difficulty is using the in-game admin menu.

How often do official Conan Exiles servers wipe? ›

Official servers don't wipe. As gustogus said, no wipe on official servers. There is a default decay system that keeps maps clean from abandoned bases and pets/thralls. As long as you log in at least once a week, your stuff will be on the server forever.

Where are Conan Exiles server settings files? ›

The primary config file for Conan Exiles servers can be found at /conan-exiles/ConanSandbox/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/ServerSettings. ini .

What is durability multiplier Conan Exiles? ›

Durability Damage Multiplier Modifies the amount of durability damage that an item takes when used or damaged.

How do I setup a local Conan Exiles server? ›

Create a Conan Exiles server: 5 steps to multiplayer gaming
  1. Step 1: Connection to the server. First, you'll need to connect the remote desktop to your server. ...
  2. Step 2: Release ports. In principle, your server is protected by a firewall. ...
  3. Step 3: Install SteamCMD. ...
  4. Step 4: Configure the server. ...
  5. Step 5: Play on the server.
Jan 25, 2022

Is the purge hard in Conan Exiles? ›

Purges lvl 1 to 7 are quite easy, you just have to take care with the camp, defensive archer are tough, if the purge camp spawn close to base they will kill our thralls, another factor are the purge camp guards with spears, they are one skull mini bosses and they are 6, they will attack if you get to close to the camp ...

How to avoid corruption in Conan? ›

Cleansing Corruption
  1. Spending time in the presence of a Performer Thrall (varies per tier). Players who don't own these type of thralls can visit the dancers in the bar of Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters to the west of the map.
  2. Eating a. Heart of a Hero removes all corruption.
  3. Drinking. Cleansing Brew.
  4. Wearing.

What is the most difficult dungeon in Conan Exiles? ›

Hardest dungeon that you have to do for the story? Tower of the Bats.

How long will a purge last Conan Exiles? ›

Wave Time - This is the length of time before the purge automatically progresses to the next wave. By default, this is set to 600 (5 minutes).

How long does it take to finish Conan Exiles? ›

Survive in a hostile world, build your kingdom, and dominate your enemies in both single and multiplayer! How long is Conan Exiles? When focusing on the main objectives, Conan Exiles is about 37½ Hours in length.

What is whitelist on Conan server? ›

Whitelisting a Conan Exiles server allows only specific players to join the server. It can control who has access, which can help prevent unwanted players from entering and disrupting gameplay when running a private server for a group of friends or a community.

Does your race matter in Conan Exiles? ›

The original three races are the Aquilonian, Cimmerian, and Stygian. With the release of the expansion Rise of the Godslayer a fourth playable race was added, Khitan. Each race has a selection of classes to pick from but there are only cosmetic differences between players of the same class.

Can you change server settings on Conan? ›

Conan: Exiles in-game server settings. Conan: Exiles is a refreshing place to run a server due to the wealth of settings you can easily change in-game. You'll find the following in under the Server Settings submenu via ESC>Settings>Server Settings.

Do NPCs respawn in Conan Exiles? ›

Allow Respawn

It is on by default - if you uncheck this, the NPC will not respawn if destroyed in the game.

How do I edit a server configuration file? ›

🗄️ Change the Config Files Manually 🗄️

Click on Files, then on FTP Files Access. Find the config file you want to edit in the server root directory, then click on it and click on Edit. Change what you want, then click on Save and start your server.

How do you access the admin panel in Conan exile? ›

Accessing the Admin Panel

Once connected as an Administrator, the Admin Panel can easily be accessed from the pause menu. Press the escape key then click Admin Panel.

How do I change my Conan Exiles server map? ›

How To Change Map On Your Conan Exiles Server
  1. Access your control panel and Stop your server.
  2. Navigate to Files > Config Files.
  3. Open Conan Exiles Server Properties.
  4. Locate the Map field.
  5. Enter one of the following depending on which map you would like to play; Exiled Lands: ConanSandbox. ...
  6. Save and Start your server.

How do I change my Conan Exiles server region? ›

To do this just follow the steps below:
  1. Stop your server.
  2. Click "Configuration Files"
  3. Click "Config Editor" next to ServerSettings.ini.
  4. Scroll right to the bottom.
  5. You will see Server Region: 0.
  6. Change the 0 to a whichever number is correct for your location. ...
  7. Save the file in the top left.
  8. Start up your server.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.