SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Analysis of capillary rise profile around a cylinder Analysis of capillary rise profile around a cylinder (ACRPAC Capillary Rise (or Fall) of Liquids Capillary Rise Jurins Law Capillary Rise and Dimensionless Numbers Capillary Rise at a Vertical Plate Capillary Rise in Tubes Jurins Law Capillary rise method Capillary rise method, surface tension measurement Capillary rise test Capillary rise time Capillary tube rise Capillary-rise technique Contact Angle capillary rise Contact angle capillary rise technique Exact Solutions to the Capillary Rise Problem Kelvin equation capillary rise Liquid Surface Tension from the Capillary Rise Method Liquid capillary rise Mercury capillary rise Pressure Argument for the Capillary Rise Spontaneous Capillary Rise in Hydrophobic Capillaries Surface capillary rise Surface force capillary rise method Surface tension capillary rise method Surface tension capillary rise technique The Law of Capillary Rise The Treatment of Capillary Rise Xylem capillary rise