SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Applications of Corresponding-States Theory Compressibility corresponding-states correlation Conformal solution corresponding-states Conversion Corresponding states Corresponding States Using The Lee-Kesler Equation of State Corresponding state correlation Corresponding state experimental deviations Corresponding state principle Corresponding states Subject Corresponding states acentric factor Corresponding states calculations Corresponding states calculations methane Corresponding states calculations water Corresponding states critical-point conditions Corresponding states enthalpy change from Corresponding states entropy change from Corresponding states for polyatomic molecules Corresponding states for polymers Corresponding states fugacity coefficient Corresponding states law Corresponding states method Corresponding states mixtures applied Corresponding states molecular theory Corresponding states principle apparent Corresponding states principle applications Corresponding states principle exact Corresponding states principle extended Corresponding states principle four parameter Corresponding states principle mixtures Corresponding states principle phase equilibrium calculations Corresponding states principle pure fluid Corresponding states principle shape factors Corresponding states principle simple Corresponding states principle three-parameter Corresponding states quantum Corresponding states theorem Corresponding states three-parameter Corresponding states, physical Corresponding states, physical properties Corresponding states, theory ionic liquids Corresponding-States Theory Corresponding-States Theory Prigogine-Flory Corresponding-states characterization parameters Corresponding-states equations Corresponding-states extended Corresponding-states function integrals Corresponding-states in the Corresponding-states principle dense fluids Enthalpy corresponding states correlation Equations of state corresponding states Extended Corresponding States Methods In corresponding states Induced dipole corresponding states Introduction, Corresponding States Isothermal corresponding-states correlation Law of corresponding states Mixture Corresponding-States Relations Molten salts corresponding states Pitzer’s corresponding states correlation Prediction via the Principle of Corresponding States Prigogine-Flory corresponding-states Principle of corresponding states, Relaxation Spectra Reduced to Corresponding States Statistical Thermodynamics Theorem of Corresponding States and Intermolecular Forces Surface tension corresponding-states principle The Corresponding-States Principle The Problem of Corresponding States The Theorem of Corresponding States in Quantum Mechanics The law of corresponding states Theorem of Corresponding States for Polyatomic Molecules Theorem of Corresponding States for Polymer Mixtures Theorem of Corresponding States for r-mers Theorem of corresponding states Theory of corresponding states Thermal conductivity corresponding states Useful Property Data for Corresponding States Estimates Vapor pressure, corresponding-state Vapor pressure, corresponding-state expression Vapor pressure, corresponding-state reduced Viscosity corresponding states