SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Acoxy compounds (s. a. Acylation, Carboxylic acid esters ethers Alcohols, Ethers and Carboxylic Acid Esters Alkyl ether carboxylates Amide ether carboxylates Anionic surfactants ether carboxylates By Ethers, Carboxylic Acid Esters, or Sulfonylazo Compounds Carboxylation of cyclic ethers Carboxylic acid esters ethers, reduction Carboxylic acid esters trityl ethers Carboxylic acids silyl enol ether Carboxylic acids, and ethers Crown ethers carboxylic acids Dimethyl ether, protonated carboxylation Diphenyl ether 4-carboxylic acid Enol ethers from carboxylic acids Ether carboxylates Applications Ether carboxylic acid Ethers fluonnated, from carboxylic Ethers reaction with carboxylic acids Ethers with carboxylic acids Lariat ether carboxylic acid