SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A closed-system 3-box model with concentrations as the variables A two-variable biochemical model for birhythmicity Animal models variability Approximate Variable-Pressure Model Calculation of Relative Stability in a Two-Variable Example, the Selkov Model Coarse-Grained Variables and Models Complex oscillations in a seven-variable model for cAMP signalling Complex oscillatory phenomena in a three-variable model for cAMP signalling Construction of models for the dependent variables Dependent Variable and Duration Models Error-in-variables model, EVM Error-in-variables models First-Order Equations with Full, Three-Variable Model Fitting error—in-variables models Forward Selection Predictor Variables Added into the Model Heart rate variability modeling Hydrate Reservoir Models Indicate Key Variables for Methane Production Industrial process models variables Linear models dependent variables Linear models independent variables Linear process model variable scaling MODEL Generic-Variable Mathematical model variables Mathematical models variable diffusion coefficient Model 3 The Ideal Semicontinuous Stirred Tank Reactor (SCSTR) with V Variable Model additive residual variability Model combined residual variability Model proportional residual variability Model variable structure Model variable-slope Model variables Model, mathematical state variables Model-Based Variable Importance Modeling Heart Rate Variability using a Baroreflex Model Modeling with Binary Variables Modelling with discrete (qualitative) variables Models with Dispersive Variability Mott Variable Range Hopping (VRH) Model Multiple-variable process model Multivariate models, random variables Multivariate models, random variables distributions Oscillatory isozymes another two-variable model for birhythmicity Phenomenological modeling variability Predictive models environmental variables Receptor models, variability Regression model-based variable importance Rheological model variables Rigorous Variable-Pressure Model Selection of Independent Model Variables Sensitivity model variables Simple model state variables Test Using an Indicator Variable Model Univariate models, random variables Univariate models, random variables distributions Variability conceptual model Variability modelling Variable Selection and Modeling Variable Selection and Modeling method Variable density model Variable range hopping model Variable rate model Variable screening model Variable selection and modeling method based Variable selection and modeling method based on the prediction Variable, modeling Variable, modeling Variable-cluster model Variable-yield model