SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Average Chain Length of the Polymer in Stereoregular Polymerization Bond lengths polymer chains Chain length soluble polymer adsorption Chain length, polymer Chain length, polymer profile, and grating profiles Characteristic Length Scales in Polymer Solutions Condensation polymers average chain lengths Contour length of polymer Correlation length, polymer blend phase separation Dependence of N-I transition on polymer chain length Diffusion length polymers Length and Energy Scales of Minimal, Coarse-Grained Models for Polymer-Solid Contacts Length of polymer chains Length scales in polymer solutions Persistence length of polymers Persistence length stiff chain polymers Polymer backbone length Polymer chain length, free-radical Polymer chain length, free-radical polymerization Polymer chain structure Kuhn length Polymer chain structure persistence length Polymer clay nanocomposites chain lengths Polymer degradation chain length Polymer full-contour length Polymer length distribution Polymer solution characteristic length Polymer solution length scales Polymers coherence lengths Polymers contour length Polymers persistence length Polymers with an Arbitrary Distribution of Characteristic Length Scales Semiflexible polymers, persistence length Solution length scale polymer size Supramolecular Polymer Length Tolmans Length in Polymer Solutions