SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Alkanes space-time yield Analysis of Time and Space Efficiency Batch reactors space time Between time and space Carbon space-time yields Cells space-time yield Chemical reactions time—space relationship Chiral space-time Conjugate space-time Continuous Space-Time Symmetries Continuous space time Continuous stirred tank reactor space time Curved space-time Difference space-time pattern Discrete Space-Time Symmetries Discrete space-time Discrete time state space model Discrete time state space model description Effective euclidean space-time Einstein, Albert space-time Electron Kinetics in Time- and Space-Independent Plasmas Ethylene oxide space time yield Ethylene space-time yield Euclidean space-time Flow rates space time Functions and their space-time organization Galilean Space-Time Transformations The Michelson Experiment General Space-Time Symmetries Genesis space-time Hydrocarbons space time yield In space-time metaphors Increase in the Space-Time Yield at a Constant Ohmic Penalty Industrial reactors space time Influence of Space Time Interval space-time Introduction Complexities of Scales in Time and Space Invariance of Space-Time Interval Invariance space-time interval Liouville space time propagation Lorentzian Space-Time Transformations The Minkowski Universe Markov Chains Discrete in Time and Space Minkowski Space-Time Metric Minkowski space-time Minkowski space-time diagram Mixing in Residence Time Space Mixing residence time space Model of Diagenesis in Space and Time Models in Space and Time Molecular weight distribution time-volume space Nonequilibrium structures in time and space Normalized space time yield Order in time and space with the Brusselator system Partial Differential Equations in Time and One Space Dimension Phase Space Time Correlation Functions Phase space density, time evolution Photons pulse propagation, space-time foam Plug flow reactor space time Plug flow, reactor model space time Process space-time yield Projective space-time Reactor space time Required Resolution of Time and Space Residence Time Space Residence Time in Mass Fraction Space Scale space-time yield Separating space and time variables Separation of space and time variables Space Time and Velocity Space Time, advantage Space and time Space and time correlation functions Space and time dimensions Space time CSTR cascade Space time algebra Space time coordinate Space time defined Space time definition Space time, CSTR Space time, CSTR plug flow reactor Space-Time Patterns Space-time closed manifold Space-time continuum Space-time correlation function Space-time curvature Space-time curved manifold Space-time distortion Space-time five-dimensional Space-time geometry Space-time history Space-time lattice Space-time manifold Space-time mappings Space-time metaphor Space-time minimality Space-time singularity Space-time structure Space-time transformation Space-time worms Space-time yield Space-time yield defined Space/time sense Special relativistic notation Minkowski space-time. Lorentz transformation State-Space Model for Time Series State-Space Modelling of Time Series The Minkowski space-time continuum The Topology of Space-Time Time and Space Scale Time scales phase-space transition states Time series state-space approach Time-Invariant Markov Chains with Finite State Space Time-dependent equations phase-space transition states Time-dependent phase space compressibility Time-space equivalence Time-volume space, molecular Time/space barrier Topology of space-time Tubular reactors space time Volume Expansion space time