SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Continuous wavelet transform space-scale analysis Effective Hamiltonian Fock space transformation Exponential unitary transformations of states in Fock space Fock-space unitary transformation Fourier Transforms of Position-space Hybrids Fourier transformation spaces Fourier transforms (between crystal and diffraction space) Galilean Space-Time Transformations The Michelson Experiment General Transformation Theory in Thermodynamic Metric Space Hamiltonian transformed Fock space Linear transformations (operators) in Euclidean space Lorentzian Space-Time Transformations The Minkowski Universe Real space structures, Fourier transform Similarity transformation-based Fock-space Similarity transformation-based Fock-space theories Space-scale analysis transform Space-time transformation Special relativistic notation Minkowski space-time. Lorentz transformation State space transformation Transformation of phase-space volumes Vector space linear transformation