SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Anisotropic material strain-stress relations Carbon-black-filled rubber stress-strain relation Cell wall stress-strain relations Defect, stress-related Depression stress-related Generalized stress-strain relations Glass transition temperatures stress related Hydrogen related stress corrosion cracking INDEX stress-related Insomnia stress-related Isotropic material strain-stress relations Large deformation stress-strain relation Maxwell model stress-strain relation Network polymer stress-strain relation Newtonian fluid, stress-strain rate relation Occupational diseases, stress-related Orthotropic material strain-stress relations Oxidative stress-related diseases Peptic ulcer disease stress-related Poly stress-strain relations Post-traumatic stress disorder, work-related Psychiatric disorders stress-related Quasi-static stress-strain relation Relation of stress and strain Relations stress Relations stress Rubber stress-strain relations STRESS-STRAIN RELATIONS FOR ANISOTROPIC MATERIALS Solids, stress-strain relations Strain relation with stress Strain-stress relations Strain-stress relations anisotropic Strain-stress relations isotropic Strain-stress relations orthotropic Strain-stress relations transversely isotropic Stress Effects on Fluid Ingress and Its Relation to Damage Stress and High Temperature-Related Corrosion Stress apoptosis related Stress general relations Stress rate relation Stress related mucosal damage Stress stretch relation equation Stress volume relation Stress work-related Stress-Plastic Strain Power Law Relation Stress-Related Dimensioning Stress-Related Emissions Stress-Strain Relations and Solutions for a Kelvin Solid Stress-Strain Relations for Other Types of Deformation Stress-diffusion relations Stress-dilatancy relation Stress-optical relation Stress-related diseases Stress-related disorders Stress-related genes Stress-related genes heat shock proteins Stress-related headaches Stress-related mucosal bleeding Stress-related mucosal bleeding prevention Stress-related mucosal damage prophylaxis Stress-related mucosal damage prophylaxis protocol Stress-related odours Stress-related surface Stress-related surface tension effects Stress-related vomiting Stress-strain relation isochronal Stress-strain relation rubber elasticity Stress-strain relations blocks Stress-strain relations compliances Stress-strain relations engineering constants Stress-strain relations fluids Stress-strain relations indentation Stress-strain relations orientation Stress-strain relations shell Stress-strain relations stiffnesses Stress-strain relations temperature dependence Stress-strain relations thermal Stress-strain relations transformed Stress-strain relations viscoelastic materials Stress-strain relations, solders Stress/strain-rate relations Tension stress-strain relation The Stress-Optical Relation True Axial Stress-Strain Relation Uniaxial Stress Studies of H-Related Complexes Viscoelastic Stress-Strain Relations