SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 1- Butyl-3- chlorid Butyl chloride Butylated butyl chloride Magnesium tert-butyl- chloride Solvolysis of tert-butyl chloride Tert Butyl alcohol reaction with hydrogen chloride Tert Butyl cation chloride Tert Butyl chloride methylpropane Tert Butyl chloride reaction with lithium Tert Butyl chloride solvolysis Tert chloride Tert-BUTYL CHLORIDE.286(Vol Tert-Butyl acetyl chloride Tert-Butyl benzene chloride Tert-Butyl bromide with hydrogen chloride Tert-Butyl cation hydrogen chloride Tert-Butyl chloride alcohol Tert-Butyl chloride: Propane, 2-chloro-2-methyl Tert-butyl chloride, protonated Tert.-Butyl-methyl- -chlorid