SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A2 Second virial coefficient Absorption virial expansion Acoustic virial coefficients Adsorption isotherm virial Adsorption isotherms Virial isotherm An example the second virial coefficient Apparent second virial coefficient Apparent second virial coefficient definition Application of the Virial Equation Atomic force and virial theorems in the presence of external fields Atomic virial Atomic virial definition Atomic virial theorem Bader virial partitioning method Basin virial Burnett second virial coefficients Calculation of Interaction Virial Coefficients Chain virial coefficients Clausius, virial theorem Clausius’ virial Coefficient of the virial Coefficients, molar virial Coil molecules virial coefficient Convergence of the Virial Series Cross second virial coefficient D-INTERPOLATION OF VIRIAL COEFFICIENTS Density Virial Series for Nonpolar Fluids Determination of Molecular Weight and Second Virial Coefficient Dielectric virial coefficients Differential virial theorem Diffusion second virial coefficient Diffusion virial term Dimensionless virial coefficients Dispersion virial expansions Distribution function virial expansion Effective interaction and second virial coefficient Electronic kinetic energy, virial Electronic kinetic energy, virial theorem Energy quantum virial theorem Equation of state virial Equation virial Equation virial isotherm Equation virial-type expansion Equations virial equation Equations virial expansion equation Equipartition and the Virial Ethylene second virial coefficients Evaluation of Virial Coefficients Example 8.5. Estimation of Second Virial Coefficients Nonpolar Compounds Example 8.6. Estimation of Second Virial Coefficients Polar Compounds Exchange-correlation potential virial theorem Experimental Methods for Determining Virial Coefficients Factor virial First virial coefficient Flory theory of the second virial coefficient Force Field, Virial Calculation of Stress Force constants virial theorem Force virial, intermolecular Formal expression for the second virial coefficient Friction virial coefficient Fugacities with the Virial Equation Fugacity Coefficient of the Virial Equation (Leiden Form) Fugacity coefficient from virial equation Gas-solid virial coefficients Gases virial coefficients General properties virial relation Generalized correlations second virial coefficient Generalized virial functions Hard-sphere fluid second virial coefficient Helium second dielectric virial coefficient Hellmann-Feynman and virial theorems Helmholtz energy and development of the virial Ideality, deviation from virial function Interaction parameter from virial coefficient Interatomic surface virial Intermolecular potential, effect second virial coefficient Intermolecular virial Isotherm virial Kerr virial coefficient, polarizability Kerr virial coefficients Kinetic energy components, virial theorem Line shape virial expansion Local virial relationship Local virial theorem Low Densities The Virial Equation Measuring virial coefficients Mixed Second Virial Coefficients Mixture virial equation Mixtures virial coefficients, calculation Models virial equations Molecular oxygen second virial coefficients Molecular virial Molecular weight and second virial Molecular weight and second virial coefficient Mutual virial coefficient Nonspherical molecules, second virial coefficient Onsager virial expansion Operator virial Osmotic pressures virial expansion Osmotic virial Osmotic virial coefficients Osmotic virial expansion Poly second virial coefficients Polymer virial coefficient Polymers solutions, virial coefficients Polystyrene second virial coefficient Pressure surface flux virial Pressure virial Pressure virial coefficients Pressure virial equation Pressure virial equation of state Pressure virial equation state Pressure virial expansion Pure virial equation Quantum mechanics virial theorem Quantum virial theorem Reduced virial coefficients Relationship between Second Virial Coefficients of Leiden and Berlin Form Residual properties from virial equation Second Virial Coefficients of Polymer Second Virial Coefficients of Polymer Solutions Second and third virial coefficients at given temperature Second osmotic virial coefficient Second thermal conductivity virial coefficient Second transport virial coefficient Second virial approximation Second virial coefficient Flory-Huggins Second virial coefficient comparison Second virial coefficient definition Second virial coefficient determination Second virial coefficient estimated Second virial coefficient experimental Second virial coefficient from potential function Second virial coefficient light scattering Second virial coefficient of mixtures Second virial coefficient of osmotic Second virial coefficient of osmotic pressure Second virial coefficient of water Second virial coefficient osmotic pressure Second virial coefficient reduced Second virial coefficient table Second virial coefficient value errors Second virial coefficient, enthalpy Second virial coefficient-molecular weight Second virial coefficients Second virial coefficients excluded-volume Second virial coefficients for Second virial coefficients) from chromatography Second virial coefficients) from light scattering Second virial coefficients) temperature dependence Second virial coefficients) units Second virial coefficients, dependence Second virial coefficients, dependence molecular weight Second viscosity virial coefficient Second viscosity virial coefficient water Solution micelles second virial coefficient Spectral moment virial expansion Sphere virial coefficient Statistical mechanics second virial coefficient Statistical mechanics virial equations Stress tensor virial expression Surface flux virial Tensor virial theorem The Virial Equation The Virial Equation Explicit in Pressure The Virial Equation of State The Virial Theorem The Virial Theorem and Chemical Bonding The Virial Theorem for Atoms and Diatomic Molecules The molecular electronic virial theorem The second virial coefficients The third virial coefficient The virial coefficients The virial expansion Theoretical treatment using virial Theoretical treatment using virial expansions Third Virial Coefficients of Mixtures Third osmotic virial coefficient Third virial coefficient Third virial coefficient reduced Variational derivation of the atomic virial theorem Virial Coef cients Virial Coefficient Prediction Virial Coefficients of Selected Gases Virial Terms Links Virial Theorem condition Virial Tsonopoulos method Virial acoustic Virial activity models Virial charges Virial coefficient approach Virial coefficient classic fluid Virial coefficient configuration integral Virial coefficient determination Virial coefficient equations for Virial coefficient isotope effect Virial coefficient mean-field Virial coefficient system Virial coefficients (Pitzer Virial coefficients For water Virial coefficients asymptotic behavior Virial coefficients calculation Virial coefficients definitions Virial coefficients estimation Virial coefficients evaluation Virial coefficients for mixtures Virial coefficients from statistical mechanics Virial coefficients measurement Virial coefficients mixing rules Virial coefficients of hard spheres Virial coefficients of mixtures Virial coefficients of polymer solutions Virial coefficients of water Virial coefficients state dependence Virial coefficients, renormalization Virial coefficients, second mixtures Virial coefficients, use Virial coefficients, values Virial coefficients/series Virial composition dependence Virial convergence Virial correction Virial cross-coefficients Virial derivation Virial dimensionless Virial energy Virial equation limitations Virial equation methods Virial equation of state for gases Virial equation of state truncated Virial equation state Virial equations of state for pure gases Virial ethylene Virial expansion Virial expansion model Virial expansion nonideal solutions Virial expansion of line shape Virial expansion of spectral moments Virial expansion reduced Virial expansion validity Virial expression Virial expression for the bulk pressure Virial field Virial formulation Virial fragments Virial lines Virial methods Virial mixtures Virial partitioning Virial partitioning method Virial ratio Virial regime Virial relation Virial remainder Virial second Virial series Virial state Virial temperature dependence Virial tensor Virial theorem Virial theorem 414 Subject Virial theorem applications Virial theorem derivation Virial theorem for atoms Virial theorem of Clausius Virial theorem system Virial theorem, definition Virial theorem, electronic kinetic Virial theorem, of mechanics Virial third Virial value errors Virial, coefficients Virial-type expansion Water, virial coefficient