SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 2- Aminomethyltetrahydroquinolines reaction with urea 2- malonic ester, reaction with urea derivatives Acid-catalyzed condensation with urea Acid-catalyzed condensation with urea preparation Ammonium salts reaction with urea Carbamoylation with ureas Carbon modified with urea Cinchona Alkaloid Derivatives with a Sulfonamide, Urea, Thiourea, Squaramide, or Guanidine Function Condensation of ethyl acetoacetate with urea Condensation of urea with benzoin Deposition-precipitation with urea Deposition-precipitation with urea (DPU) Direct Dyes with a Urea Bridge Doping with urea Ethylene oxide reaction with urea Hydrazines with ureas Isocyanates reaction with ureas Ketones condensation with ureas Nitrous acid reaction with urea Of benzoin with urea Of ethyl acetoacetate with urea Peptic ulceration with urea Phosgene reaction with ureas Phosphorus pentachloride with ureas Protein denaturation with urea Reaction of Carbon Dioxide or Urea with Glycerol Reaction of Isocyanates with Urea Groups Reaction of alcohols with urea Sealants sulfur-coated urea with Starch with urea-formaldehyde resins Urea cycle metabolism with Urea cycle with mitochondrial metabolism Urea decomposition, with nickel nitrate Urea derivatives reaction with, phosgene Urea determination with amperometric electrodes Urea integration with ammonia processes Urea nitrate nitration with Urea production with gluconeogenesis Urea, Reaction with Nitrous Urea, clathrates with Urea, complex cation with Urea, complex cation with qualitative test for, in cyanates Urea, condensation with dialdehyde Urea, reaction with acids Urea, reaction with conjugated acids Urea/formaldehyde, reaction with Urea/formaldehyde, reaction with cellulose Urea/thiourea/selenourea-anion host compounds with Ureas polycondensation with Ureas reaction with Ureas reaction with anhydnde Ureas with heterocyclic substituents Ureas, reaction with carbonyl chloride With Urea or Isocyanates and Their Sulfur Analogs With Urea, Isocyanates, or Their Sulfur Analogs With cyclic ureas With thiazolyl ureas With urea derivatives