About Images We Use
We use a variety of images on our website to make it visually engaging and interesting. The images help support our content and bring our words to life. These are the sources of images we commonly use:
Pexels: Pexels provides beautiful, high-quality stock photos that are completely free to use. The photos are well-licensed for both commercial and personal use.
Pixabay: Similarly, Pixabay provides free stock photos and images under the Creative Commons CC0 license. This means we can use the images for any purpose, commercial or personal, without needing to credit the source. We often use Pixabay images on our website.
Unsplash: Unsplash is another source of beautiful, high-resolution photos that are easy to integrate into websites, projects, and social media posts. All Unsplash photos are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero license, so we can use them freely.
AI-generated images: Sometimes, we use AI-generated images, especially when there are readily available photos on the given topic that are both free and copyright-free.
Our own works: In some cases, we take and create our own images to use on our website. These include illustrations (created in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop) and photos.
We aim to use images responsibly and transparently. The images we use help enhance the experience of our website and support our content. If you believe we have used your image without obtaining your permission (we are not aware of this), kindly contact us at [email protected].