is a news-breaking website incorporated under BREWED CONCEPTS LTD, a registered company in Uganda.
Located in Kampala it specializes in reporting breaking news, news analysis, politics, entertainment, sports, business, investigations on human-interest stories and people covering Uganda at the Great lakes/East African region. started operation on the 15th October 2011. Its traffic ranges between 12-19m Page views per month and 450,000 to 640,000 visits per month .
We intend to achieve at least 50,000,000 page views per month and 1,000,000 visits in the next few months. We currently ranked among the top 100 websites accessed in Uganda at position 63 on Alexa and 36 in The city of Kampala, this is not where we want to be, we are targeting position number 5 in the next one-year.
ChimpReports at a Glance;
44% of visitors to use their mobile devices
28% of the mobile users access using Apple iOS operating system
69.95% of visitors are between the age of 25-44
87.5% of visitors are Male.
63.5% of visitors are news junkies interested in current affair news of ChimpReports’ target (Great Lakes region)
We are loacted at IJ Complex Apartment IJ4 in Kiwature along Najjerra Road0
How you can Connect With us
Twitter: @ChimpReports
Facebook: ChimpReports
Office Tel: 0312 517 291
Email: [email protected] and the Logo are Registered as a trade name and Mark of Chimp Media Ltd
Chimp Media Ltd is Regestered by Uganda Revenue Authority under TIN#1001386794
Name: Giles Muhame
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @gilespies
Name: Moureen Nuwasiima
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: 0772625511
IJ Complex
Suite IJ4, 3rd Floor
Mbogo Rd, Kiwatule