Thursday, March 1, 2012

Livin' the life...

After naps today the boys and I decided to cuddle in mommy & daddy's bed and watch the new tv for a few minutes.   We climb in and Olie lays his head on Henry's belly and put his feet on mommy.  I look over and Henry is playing with his hair, mommy's rubbing his feet and he is watching the tube while enjoying some nice cold milk.  WHAT.A.LIFE.  And whoever said the second child gets the short end of the stick....not in our family.  FAR.FROM.THE.TRUTH.  This little man runs our household on most days!  Loves these kids of ours...never a dull moment and soooo much love, and well a hell of a lot of punching, pushing, biting, clawing, drop get the picture.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Last week, on the 23rd, Oliver turned 18 months old!  I'll post more about what's new with little man but here are his 18 month well child stats compared with big bro Henry!  I was shocked to see how close they are.  I was sure that Oliver was shorter.  I knew he was thinner but had no idea he was only 3/4 inches shorter.  Big kids we have!

Oliver at 18 Months:
Height- 34 1/4" (90th percentile)
Weight- 27lbs 12.8oz (75%)

Henry at 18 Months:
Height- 34 7/8 (>97%)
Weight- 32.6 lbs (>97%)

Here are a couple pics of them both at 18 months.  Could they look any different?  Crazy.  Wonder what #3 will look like.  And, no that's not in the works anytime soon! ;oP

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bounce It Up

Today we finally got to celebrate Henry's 3rd Bday with his friends.  Due to the power outage/snow & ice storm on his real bday we had to reschedule.  It was well worth the wait as all the kids seemed to have a great time.  I haven't seen Henry sweat like that in a long time.  Lot's of running and bouncing!

 Don't mind the pizza all over Henry's face.  Oops.  I used to be so good at "clean up"...that all went out the door when we got 2 babies!  Hey, he was having fun. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sweet Henry

Last month on the 21st of January, Henry turned 3!  Where oh where has the time gone?  We are gearing up for his first soccer team in a couple weeks and getting ready to register for summer T-ball.  Cannot believe the "soccer mom" is in full effect now.  I am so excited about this next chapter.  Henry is all signed up for a 2 day drop off preschool in the fall and we are getting ready to dive into that potty training...again.  We have been working with a natural path to get the constipation issues under control and feel that we've made some great progress forward and his active interest in the past weeks of going potty is giving us the green light to tackle this big change.  He even stood up and peed "like daddy" today. I'm excited for him and for us to get one child out of the diapers!

Henry continues to be the sweetest, loving, kind soul he has always been.  His little brother might argue at times given the wrestling matches that have been going on lately.  However, Henry is super protective of Oliver.  He always knows where he is and is constantly looking out for him or telling on him (aka sending him to time out).  The funny thing is Oliver listens and actually goes to time out!  He also reads to his little brother and share a lot of belly laughs each and every day.  These moments of giggles regardless of what mischief they are up to are some of the greatest moments of being a mama.  Nothing compares to watching your kids get so deeply tickled by the other.  They really do think each other are the coolest cats in town.

Henry is also trying to spell everything or asking how to spell or what each word is when reading.  He's really taking an interest to words.  He has perfected his "H" in his name and we are working on the "E" now.  He more likes to draw race tracks (or what we call "line, line, dash, dash, dash) and big circles.  Crafts or "projects" are his favorite.  He would paint every day as long as he gets a paint brush and doesn't have to get his hands "sticky."  His numbers are getting great too.  He likes to be silly still and pretend 4 and 5 don't exist.  But, when he is actively interested he can count pretty high.  All depends on how much reaction he is looking for whether his class clown comes out or not.  He still loves puzzles and amazes us every night with how well he can put together some pretty advanced puzzles for a 3 year old.  But at the end of the day, CARS are his favorite.  I'm not talking just any car.  I'm talking the movie CARS and every single character.  He knows them all. He could tell you details about the movie...seriously daddy has quizzed him and tried to get him to slip up but he's too good.  He's got this CAR thing down.  Today at Olie's gym class he and 3 other 5 year old boys were playing with their CARS cars and trading with each other, etc.  It was amazing to watch him interact with these big kids and be able to hang in conversation.  I just hope we don't get into baseball cards anytime soon!

One of my favorite times of day is still bed time when I climb into bed with him and we say our prayers, read a few books and then turn the lights off and sing a few songs, cuddle a few minutes before leaving him to a peaceful sleep.  In the past couple months he has decided that singing Silent Night every night together is a must.  It used to be Twinkle Twinkle.  The funny thing about this is he takes his voice super high and low and it's sooooo hard not to laugh.  I actually snuck my phone in one night and got a few video clips of this.   I often listen to it just because it makes me laugh/smile so much.  So glad to have captured this silly sweet moment for us to enjoy in the years to come.

Henry, you will always and forever be mama's little monkey.  Your smile lights up the world and my heart in ways I didn't know existed.  One hug from you my dear and mama feels like the luckiest gal in the world.  Those big brown puppy dog eyes sparkle with life.  You are an old soul my son and I am constantly learning from you.  I thank you for choosing me to be your mama and cannot wait for each and every day we get to play and sing our song together.  Love you bigger than the sky lil monkey!  You have one proud mama!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Brotherly Love & New Kicks

I seriously owe a big update on each kiddo as it's been awhile.  Henry just turned 3!!!  And, little Oliver is 17 months.  This week I will get those fully deserved updates out.  But until then I had to share two of my favorite pics/events of this past week.
First, check out the love these boys have for one another.  What's so great about this pic is that right before nap/bed time I will say, "time for bed" and Olie takes off running, hops into his big bros bed, lays down and attempts to pull the covers up over him.  He sooo wants to be big and share a bed with his best buddy in the whole wide world.  Not yet my dear.  That would not result in the shut eye so much needed for the whole damn fam!  But, one day I promise bunk beds and weekend slumber parties!
And, the other big event was Oliver's first pair of Nike's!  This is a big deal as his big brother has big ole flat wide block feet and couldn't fit into any cool kicks.  Being that mommy used to get down and dirty on the bball court I could not wait to get my boys in some Nike's.  Next up...Air Jordans or some old Barkleys.  You are one fiesty little boy Olie and mommy will get you suited up for that small forward, base line runnin', elbow throwin', backboard slammin' day!  CANNOT wait...of course you are going to love hoops, right?!?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Haigh's

This morning I got to spend time playing with my camera with some of my very most favorite people in the world.  I know many of you also read Ashley's blog so I won't steal her thunder and only post a few of my favorite pics.  I had so much fun with this amazing family.  So blessed to have them in our lives.