A Shine of Rainbows (2009)
An extraordinary woman helps an orphan boy find self-acceptance and love through her unique gifts of colour and magic. Set in a small village on wind-swept Corrie Island, just off the coast of Ireland, A Shine of Rainbows is a story about the transformational power of love, finding acceptance, discovering magic and realizing that rainbows are all around you and within you, too.
Maire O'Donnell is a loving woman as rare as a double rainbow. Joyful, warm and caring, she adopts a young orphan named Tomas and whisks him off to a new home on remote Corrie Island, off the coast of Ireland. Maire shares with Tomas the joys of her island home and introduces him to the whimsical local folklore, including the secret of the seals, and teaches him that everything you need is inside of you- if you really look. But Maire's stern husband Alec silently disapproves of Tomas' timidity and halting speech. He can't hide his disappointment that Tomas isn't the kind of child he was hoping for and his reluctance to get to know the boy makes Tomas unsure of whether he really belongs. Soon though, Tomas too falls in love with his home, befriending local children, descending into a secret bat-filled cave, and saving a stranded baby seal. When tragedy strikes however, Tomas is faced with his greatest challenge yet...
Bazata pe romanul omonim al autoarei Lilian Beckwith, drama "A shine of rainbows" relateaza povestea unui baietel in varsta de 8 ani pe nume Tomas, care duce o viata solitara si trista intr-un orfelinat din Irlanda, fiind tachinat si bruscat de catre ceilalti orfani din pricina blandetii si timiditatii sale. Atunci cand exuberanta, incantatoarea si energica Maire O'Donnell decide sa il adopte pe copil si sa il aduca pe insula Corrie, acolo unde locuieste impreuna cu sotul ei Alec, Tomas simte ca i s-a oferit o a doua sansa la fericire. Ocrotit si invaluit de dragostea noii lui mame, baiatul isi face prieteni pe insula, dobandeste incredere in fortele proprii, devine sociabil si invata ca magia exista pretutindeni in jurul lui, cu conditia sa o caute. Traind in comuniune cu natura si redescoperindu-se pe sine sub indrumarea Mairei, Tomas salveaza viata unui pui de foca esuat pe plaja si invata sa il ingrijeasca. Numai ca existenta linistita a copilului este amenintata de sanatatea subreda a Mairei si de refuzul severului si morocanosului pescar Alec de a semna actele de adoptie...
Director: Vic Sarin
Writer: Vic Sarin, Catherine Spear
Starring: Connie Nielsen, Aidan Quinn, John Bell
Genre: Drama | Family
Release: Apr 23, 2010
Runtime: 101 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana
DVD-Rip / XviD / 640x256 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 125 kbps / 698 MB
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