CIS of Central Texas earned a 2021 Platinum Seal of Transparency. Click here to see our Guidestar profile.

Planned Giving

Making gifts of time, talent and treasure during your lifetime is one way of sharing your values with those around you. Your support of Communities In Schools lets others know that equal access to education, and empowering young people to realize their full potential is important to you.

We sincerely hope you will continue to support young people through your estate plan, and that requires thoughtful planning. Your legacy begins with having conversations with your family to discuss what’s important to you and making a plan for the future.

Communities In Schools is honored to have you consider providing for our students through a legacy gift, and we’re here to help you think through the possibilities. We invite you to contact us about creating a legacy at CIS that will have a lasting impact for years to come.

Ways to support Communities In Schools through your estate plan


Include CIS in your Will or Living Trust

Please include Communities In Schools in your estate plan, so your legacy will continue after your lifetime. To do so, please use the following bequest language in your will or living trust:

I hereby give the sum of $ ______ [or ____ % of my estate] to COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS OF CENTRAL TEXAS. The gift shall be fully expendable at the discretion of the Board, and it shall be used to further the objects and purposes of Communities In Schools of Central Texas.

Donors are encouraged to call the Development Office before finalizing provisions for a planned gift that includes any type of restriction on its use (e.g., gifts to specific programs, gifts for endowment, etc.).


Make CIS your beneficiary: Life Insurance, Investment, Retirement Assets or Donor Advised Funds

You can name Communities In Schools of Central Texas as your primary or contingent (secondary) beneficiary on your investment accounts. Please consider reviewing your beneficiary information and designating Communities In Schools of Central Texas as your primary or contingent (secondary) beneficiary on your 401(k), 403(b), IRA, Annuities, Life Insurance policy or Donor Advised Fund.  You can allocate 100% or a lesser percentage of the account or policy to CIS. You can also name CIS as “pay on death” beneficiary on bank accounts or CDs. If you have already allocated a portion of your wealth to charity by creating a donor advised fund, you can name CIS as a charitable beneficiary of the assets remaining in the fund upon your death.

These assets require beneficiary designation forms. The beneficiaries of these assets can be easily modified at any time to meet your changing needs. For workplace accounts, you may be able to make your designation online or through your HR department. For private accounts, contact your bank, investment manager or insurance company to request a beneficiary designation form.

Because most retirement plans are tax-deferred and therefore subject to income tax to your beneficiaries, retirement assets make ideal gifts to Communities In Schools of Central Texas. Naming Communities In Schools of Central Texas as the beneficiary of retirement assets upon death generates no income taxes. And the impact your designation will have on students in Central Texas will be powerful. Thank you for leaving a legacy.

Communities In Schools of Central Texas is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.  The IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) for Communities In Schools of Central Texas is 74-2369020.

We sincerely hope you will contact us about leaving a gift that will have a lasting impact for years to come. John Duck, [email protected] or 512-464-9724, would be honored to answer your questions and help you process your gift.


This form is intended to be a general guide for the use of attorneys. The information contained herein is for explanatory purposes only and is not intended to be used as legal or tax advice. Communities In Schools of Central Texas recommends that you contact a professional tax advisor who can provide you with additional information on how your participation in the programs mentioned on this site may affect your personal tax situation.