Help us translate English quotes

Join dozens of enthusiasts who translate interesting english quotes to their local language. Help us spread wise thoughts to your country.

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The most active translators

#1Eszter Kissová1359 translations
#2monnystr893 translations
#3Martin Svoboda242 translations
#4KarolinaS161 translations
#5pappenberg.margit@yahoo.com154 translations
#6Tschinakl106 translations
#7prosyanoy94 translations
#8dusan0169 translations
#9Herzerald65 translations
#10Micko65 translations

How to contribute

Always consider the context

Always consider the meaning and context of the quote. Be careful, single expression can often have multiple meanings.

Try to sound natural

The quote translation should express the original idea and should also sound natural in the target language. We recommend avoiding unnecessary words - usually pronouns.

Be careful about gender

Many languages ​​distinguish between male and female forms of words - usually verbs and adjectives. It is important to take into consideration the gender of the author.