Elon Musk citáty

Elon Musk je americký podnikatel. Spoluvlastnil internetový platební systém PayPal, založil kosmickou společnost SpaceX a spoluzaložil a v pozici CEO vede automobilku Tesla Motors. Zároveň je předsedou společnosti SolarCity, která se v USA zabývá instalací solárních panelů pro domy. Byl to Musk, který přišel s nápadem na založení společnosti, ale samotné provedení přenechal svému bratranci Lyndonu Riveovi, který je v současné době také ředitelem SolarCity. Musk má bakalářský titul v oboru obchod z The Wharton School a druhý bakalářský titul z fyziky z University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences. Jednou se také objevil v seriálech Simpsonovi a Teorie Velkého Třesku.

✵ 28. červen 1971   •   Další jména Илон Маск
Elon Musk foto
Elon Musk: 127   citátů 217   lajků

Elon Musk nejznámější citáty

Elon Musk: Citáty o lidech

Elon Musk: Citáty o životě

Elon Musk citáty a výroky

„S užíváním umělé inteligence bychom měli být nadále velmi opatrní. Podle mého by totiž technologie mohly v budoucnu být největším existenciálním problémem lidstva.“

Zdroj: [Největší hrozba lidstva? Chytří roboti, varuje Hawking, aktualne, 2014-02-09, 2022-04-16, https://magazin.aktualne.cz/nejvetsi-hrozba-lidstva-chytri-roboti-varuje-hawking/r~259cdbc47ede11e4b6d20025900fea04/]

„Krajní levice nenávidí všechny, včetně sebe!“

Originál: (en) The far left hates everyone, themselves included!
Zdroj: [Thomas, Barrabi, Elon Musk says the far left ‘hates everyone, themselves included’, New York Post, https://nypost.com/2022/04/29/elon-musk-says-far-left-hates-everyone-themselves-included/, https://web.archive.org/web/20220429191802/https://nypost.com/2022/04/29/elon-musk-says-far-left-hates-everyone-themselves-included/, 2022-04-29, 2022-04-29, 2022-04-29, angličtina]

Elon Musk: Citáty anglicky

“If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.”

Fast Company, article "Hondas in Space" https://www.fastcompany.com/52065/hondas-space (1 February 2005)

“I believe there’s some explanation for this universe, which you might call God.”

Axios, season 1, episode 4 (25 November 2018)

“Sooner or later, we must expand life beyond our little blue mud ball--or go extinct.”

[Elon Musk, http://www.esquire.com/features/75-most-influential/elon-musk-1008, Esquire, 1 October 2008, 29 November 2012]

“I would like to die on Mars; just not on impact.”

[Vance, Ashley, Elon Musk, the 21st Century Industrialist, http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-09-13/elon-musk-the-21st-century-industrialist#p5, 14 September 2012, Bloomberg, 13 September 2012]

“This is the chance to fulfill a dream.”

Conversation: Elon Musk on Wired Science (2007)

“I don’t get the little ship thing. You can’t show up at Mars in something the size of a rowboat. What if there are Martians? It would be so embarrassing.”

[Musk, Elon, I don't get the little ship thing, https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/965769366422798337]

Elon Musk citát: “Guardian is the most insufferable newspaper on planet Earth.”

“Guardian is the most insufferable newspaper on planet Earth.”

Zdroj: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/sep/07/tesla-chief-elon-musk-smokes-marijuana-on-live-web-show e-mail to Guardian

“I think we have a duty to maintain the light of consciousness to make sure it continues into the future.”

[50-innovation-quotes-from-spacex-founder-elon-musk, https://www.inc.com/larry-kim/50-innovation-amp;-success-quotes-from-spacex-founder-elon-musk.html?mc_cid=9410b2edd6&mc_eid=6e846ba3e0]

“Well, I have tried to learn as much as possible from prior attempts.”

Conversation: Elon Musk on Wired Science (2007)

“The answer was we thought it could be done.”

Conversation: Elon Musk on Wired Science (2007)

“I’m nauseatingly pro-American. It is where great things are possible.”

Conversation: Elon Musk on Wired Science (2007)

“We need to figure out how to have the things we love, and not destroy the world.”

[Driving With Elon Musk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSNXhHTLLIk, 26 March 2012]

“Holy flying fuck, that thing took off!”

Reaction to Falcon Heavy Launch[Video: Behind-the-Scenes: See How Elon Musk Celebrated the Falcon Heavy Launch, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL4dnvBytLA]

“History is written by the victors … except on Wikipedia haha.”

Quotes https://www.wewishes.com/elon-musk-quotes/
Zdroj: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1294921196564180994

“A good sign as to whether there is free speech is, "Is someone you don't like allowed to say something you don't like?"”

Elon Musk talks Twitter, Tesla and how his brain works — live at TED2022 https://www.ted.com/talks/elon_musk_elon_musk_talks_twitter_tesla_and_how_his_brain_works_live_at_ted2022, April 14, 2022 (at 19:39)

“Everything works in PowerPoint; but if you have the physical item or some demonstration software, that's much more convincing to people than a PowerPoint presentation or a business plan.”

Colonizing Mars The Future Belongs to SpaceX and Elon Musk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUuJKC3miLc (Jan 23, 2015)

“SpaceX's got 5,000 people. I get a lot of attention, but they are really doing the work.”

SpaceX Dragon Headed to the ISS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz60GcmKOvc at NASA Post-Launch News Conference (April 8, 2016)

“Getting to Mars is too big an accomplishment for us to feel proud by just by swinging by. We are a nation of enterprise as well as exploration, and we're not about to go there without making something of it.”

Page 10
Conversation: Elon Musk on Wired Science (2007), Foreword to Marc Kaufman's Mars Up Close: Inside the Curiosity Mission https://books.google.com/books/about/Mars_Up_Close.html?ido6XaCwAAQBAJ&hlen. National Geographic. ISBN 978-1-4262-1278-9.

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