Clark club, Paws for a Cause, donated bags of pet supplies to the Humane Society who was in need this holiday. Thank you to all who donated!Clark club, Paws for a Cause, donated bags of pet supplies to the Humane Society who was in need this holiday. Thank you to all who donated!Clark celebrated STRAIGHT A's with an invitation only breakfast. Just over 250 students were honored. We are all so proud of these students!
Clark club, Paws for a Cause, donated bags of pet supplies to the Humane Society who was in need this holiday. Thank you to all who donated!The LCSC SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Committee) presented their Impact Awards to winners: Jon Newcomb (LCHS, Teacher), Becky Szczesniak (Bibich, Paraprofessional), and Allison Petralia (Bibich, Principal).The LCSC SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Committee) presented their Impact Awards to winners: Jon Newcomb (LCHS, Teacher),
Becky Szczesniak (Bibich, Paraprofessional), and Allison Petralia (Bibich, Principal).
Clark club, Paws for a Cause, donated bags of pet supplies to the Humane Society who was in need this holiday. Thank you to all who donated!Clark club, Paws for a Cause, donated bags of pet supplies to the Humane Society who was in need this holiday. Thank you to all who donated!Clark club, Paws for a Cause, donated bags of pet supplies to the Humane Society who was in need this holiday. Thank you to all who donated!
Congratulations to these amazing Clark students for ranking in the top ten in the annual Patriot's Pen essay contest. Samantha Bandyk came in first place out of over 100 students. We are proud to be a part of the VFW's contest and proud of these Coyotes!Congratulations to these amazing Clark students for ranking in the top ten in the annual Patriot's Pen essay contest. Samantha Bandyk came in first place out of over 100 students. We are proud to be a part of the VFW's contest and proud of these Coyotes!Congratulations to these amazing Clark students for ranking in the top ten in the annual Patriot's Pen essay contest. Samantha Bandyk came in first place out of over 100 students. We are proud to be a part of the VFW's contest and proud of these Coyotes!
The Clark 8th grade hallway is looking festive in their matching shirts. 'The jolliest bunch of teachers this side of the hallway' is definitely true for this group!The Clark 8th grade hallway is looking festive in their matching shirts. 'The jolliest bunch of teachers this side of the hallway' is definitely true for this group!The Clark 8th grade hallway is looking festive in their matching shirts. 'The jolliest bunch of teachers this side of the hallway' is definitely true for this group!
Clark's Applied Skills classes were treated to some Halloween mask making. Librarian, Mrs. Genovese, went all out to make sure everyone looked extra spooky this year!Clark's Applied Skills classes were treated to some Halloween mask making. Librarian, Mrs. Genovese, went all out to make sure everyone looked extra spooky this year!Clark's Applied Skills classes were treated to some Halloween mask making. Librarian, Mrs. Genovese, went all out to make sure everyone looked extra spooky this year!
The Clark Middle School Jazz Band performing at the season opening of the Cedar Lake Farmers Market.The Clark Middle School Jazz Band performing at the season opening of the Cedar Lake Farmers Market.The Clark Middle School Jazz Band performing at the season opening of the Cedar Lake Farmers Market.
On May 2nd, Clark's Applied Skills classes joined several other schools to compete in the Unified Games. Students participated in various track and field events throughout the day. Everyone did spectacularly! We thank all the students, staff, peer mentors, and parents who came out to make this event possible.On May 2nd, Clark's Applied Skills classes joined several other schools to compete in the Unified Games. Students participated in various track and field events throughout the day. Everyone did spectacularly! We thank all the students, staff, peer mentors, and parents who came out to make this event possible.On May 2nd, Clark's Applied Skills classes joined several other schools to compete in the Unified Games. Students participated in various track and field events throughout the day. Everyone did spectacularly! We thank all the students, staff, peer mentors, and parents who came out to make this event possible.
Clark would like to congratulate the following students for winning the VFW Presidential Patriot Essay Contest. Ben Szafasz, Skylar Hubbard, Madeline Cheuvront, Connor Molitor and Jaxon Glinski entered the contest in Mrs. Castle's ELA class and were selected as top winners out of 116 total entries! Thank you to Sandra Bukowinski, Commander at the St. John VFW for helping students show their patriotism! Clark Proud!Clark would like to congratulate the following students for winning the VFW Presidential Patriot Essay Contest. Ben Szafasz, Skylar Hubbard, Madeline Cheuvront, Connor Molitor and Jaxon Glinski entered the contest in Mrs. Castle's ELA class and were selected as top winners out of 116 total entries! Thank you to Sandra Bukowinski, Commander at the St. John VFW for helping students show their patriotism! Clark Proud!Clark would like to congratulate the following students for winning the VFW Presidential Patriot Essay Contest. Ben Szafasz, Skylar Hubbard, Madeline Cheuvront, Connor Molitor and Jaxon Glinski entered the contest in Mrs. Castle's ELA class and were selected as top winners out of 116 total entries! Thank you to Sandra Bukowinski, Commander at the St. John VFW for helping students show their patriotism! Clark Proud!

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