CCA is working with governments to set up Clean Cooking Delivery UnitsWatch the video

Clean cooking
for the billions without it.

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CCA Releases 2023 Annual Report

CCA released its 2023 Annual Report, showcasing the organization’s progress in supporting governments, building markets, and expanding the ecosystem to help families around the world access clean cooking solutions.

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Clean cooking
saves lives

Nearly one out of three people are forced to rely on polluting cooking fuels like charcoal, wood, and kerosene. Such “dirty cooking” is a leading source of carbon emissions and kills some four million people each year. CCA and its partners are working to address this global crisis.

$25M in support

US$25 million in support to clean cooking companies

CCA provides a broad range of specialized support to enterprises around the world.

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5,000+ trained

5,000+ women entrepreneurs, youth, and educators trained

Women play a crucial role in the widespread adoption and use of clean cooking solutions.

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$17.8M invested

US$17.8 million invested in much-needed research

CCA-funded research has produced more than 60 peer-reviewed publications on the impacts of household air pollution and the benefits of clean cooking.

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US$25 million in support to clean cooking companies

CCA provides a broad range of specialized support to enterprises around the world.

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5,000+ women entrepreneurs, youth, and educators trained

Women play a crucial role in the widespread adoption and use of clean cooking solutions.

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US$17.8 million invested in much-needed research

CCA-funded research has produced more than 60 peer-reviewed publications on the impacts of household air pollution and the benefits of clean cooking.

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Our Impact

With partners around the world, the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) mobilizes investment, innovation, and political will to accelerate access to clean cooking.

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Help us ensure no one’s life is
limited by how they cook