CMAC, a World Leading Centre for Medicines Manufacturing Research, Skills, Facilities and Translation.

Transforming Medicines Development, Manufacture & Supply
Industrially relevant research delivered by a multidisciplinary and collaborative academic team.
Skills Development
A vibrant world-class, multi-disciplinary PhD & MSc training programmes that will equip graduates with leading edge skills in pioneering continuous processes.
Award Winning Facilities
Comprehensive suite of continuous processing, process analysis, and characterisation equipment housed in the Technology and Innovation Centre at Strathclyde.
Translation to Industry
The demand-led manufacturing research scope of the Centre was co-created with our industry partners.
Innovative Medicines Manufacturing
MicroFactories and Digital Twins
CMAC’s vision to transform medicines manufacturing requires development of innovative, modular and integrated continuous manufacturing processes for drug substance and drug product.
End-to-end modular lab scale microfactories are being developed to meet this need, with immersive augmented reality and virtual reality solutions providing exciting tools that enable sustainable development of ready to use technologies.