Forever Faithful
October 11, 2022

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6, ESV).
My pastor shared a story today about the father of a friend. At the age of 86, this man’s beloved wife suffered a debilitating stroke that confined her to a nursing home. For six years, every day, all day, he visited and sat with her until her death at his age of 92. During that time, he became well known in that nursing home and led four employees to faith in Christ. Not too long after his wife’s death, he required the same nursing home for five months until he met his wife and their Lord face to face, confident he had never abandoned the one he loved.
Our God will never abandon us.
Our God will never abandon us.
If we are physically shattered, our God will not abandon us.
If we are overwhelmed by the pressures of time and people, our God will not abandon us.
If we are lonely and very tired, our God will not abandon us.
If we are financially broken, our God will not abandon us.
If our marriage is struggling, our God will not abandon us.
If our children are failing, our God will not abandon us.
If we are the one who fails another, our God will not abandon us.
If death is at our door, our God will not abandon us.
If we are mocked or persecuted for our faith, our God will not abandon us.
Even if we turn our backs on Him and walk the other way, our God will not abandon us.
Even if our sin is so ugly that our own father would look away, our God will not abandon us.
This amazing husband was faithful to his wife until her last breath on earth. Our God will be faithful to us much longer than that. He will be faithful to us forever.
Our God will never abandon us.
If you are missing Him, bow the knee and open the door. He has never walked away.
Dear Father,
Let this be a rock upon which I stand. My God will never abandon me.