Glenn Klein received his degree in Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He spent his early adult life working with children as Owner/Director of his boyhood summer camp, Camp Menominee in Eagle River, Wisconsin.
After a 14-year career in camping, which included a term as President of the Midwest Association of Independent Camps, Glenn co-founded Advocates for Young Athletes, a non-profit advocacy group motivating and educating adults on how to utilize sports, recreation, and nutrition to positively affect young people through AYA’s “Young Jocks Radio”. Glenn Co-Hosted the broadcast with former Major Leaguer (and current Tampa Bay Ray Broadcaster) Orestes Destrade in Miami. He then went on to host a noon-time Daily Radio Talk Show, “Glenn Klein Online” in the Tampa Bay area covering such topics as politics, religion, sports, parenting, and relationships. “I’m having a difficult time deciding who to listen to, you or Rush Limbaugh,” commented a listener.

Glenn has been a frequent speaker at various venues and is internationally recognized as a marketing and life coaching expert. His positive, humorous, and thought-provoking style provides his clients and audiences with tools to move forward and much to contemplate. Glenn is the father of six: Joseph, Jacob, Judah, Hannah Joy, Isaac Joel and Jessica Grace (“The J-Team”) and grandfather of Connor and Caroline. Glenn resides in Riverview, Florida.