Secure Distribution for Argo CD and Argo Rollouts
The secure distribution of Argo includes a fast SLA for CVE patching, code auditing and much more. Contact us to get access to Secure Argo.

From the #1 Security Maintainers for Argo
Fast SLA CVE Patching
Argo images from Codefresh come CVE-free with an aggressive SLA to patch any issues.
Code Auditing
Fully-Auditable build process with code available for review.
Original Package Support
Distroless containers can introduce unpredictable bugs, ours *just work*.
SBOMs, FIPS-compliant, Signed
Full clarity on artifacts and provenance.
#1 Security Contributors to Argo CD
Codefresh leads on patching and securing Argo with contributions from Intuit, RedHat, and others.
Automated Security Rollouts
Automatically upgrade instances with security releases, or do manual approvals.
Trusted and Powered by Codefresh
Ready to learn more?
Contact us to get access to Secure Argo