When it comes to overcoming Satan, religion is of no value. In fact, it is one of the greatest weapons he uses against us.

Satan cast out of heaven,he is a defeated foe.
Once we put our trust in religious ritual or ceremony, or any other means of impressing God, we have become religious and miss the grace and power of God in our lives. That way we become easy prey to the devil.
But Christ has come and removed every charge or accusation against us through the blood of his cross, and in doing this, he has totally disarmed the devil forever. He has displayed his triumph over the devil and his evil forces and manifested his complete victory.
?Lord, I bless you for setting me free from the bondage and guilt caused by religion. Thank you that all spiritual charges against me cannot hold because you have totally disarmed the devil of his power.?
The defeat of Satan extends to the spiritual realm where Christ has openly triumphed over the devil. He is totally disarmed, stripped of his authority and has no more power over your life. He can no longer hold you captive through religious guilt or accusation. You are set free in Christ.
The freedom of true disciples consists in this: we know there are no more requirements we have to fulfil in order to be acceptable to God. The controlling forces of religion have been defeated in our life through the blood of Christ.
This deliverance leaves us ready to walk in the new resurrection life of Christ through the daily exercise of our faith. Take up that mindset of belief as you set out today on the next step in your journey of faith. Every day is an adventure to a disciple.