Colorado Commercial & Residential Painting (CCRP) is a highly rated Colorado painting contractor that has over 40 years of industry experience within both Residential and Commercial properties.
We are leaders that act with confidence and deliver excellent communication and organization.
We believe if you’re not growing, you’re dying and understand that growth creates opportunity.
We act with urgency to exceed our customer's expectations and are empowered to make the long-term business decisions necessary to make it happen.
We’re honest, transparent and committed to acting with integrity to do what’s best for our customers, partners, and company.
We execute...Get Sh*t Done and understand we must overcome obstacles, find solutions and deliver simple, executable and sustainable results to continue to drive our business forward.
We are grateful, positive, and enthusiastic about life. We take advantage of opportunities, have fun, stay humble, try not to take ourselves too seriously and want to do good.
We've been servicing Colorado since 1983
We only use the industry's best products
We are locally owned and operated Denver painting contractors
We are an EPA Lead Certified Renovation Firm
We insist on delivering high quality professional work
We are highly rated and easy to do business with
Cancel at any time, for any reason before the start of the job. No questions asked and no deposits or hidden charges
We won’t accept payment until you’re fully satisfied!
We believe in working with integrity and offer a warranty for all exterior and residential painting projects.