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Create the page "Arum crinitum" on this wiki!
- Genus: Arum L. (1753) Type species Arum maculatum L. (1753) Arum carpaticum ??? Arum concinnatum Arum creticum Arum cylindraceum Arum italicum Arum maculatum...5 KB (251 words) - 22:10, 30 January 2023
- File:Catalogue of bulbs for winter and spring blooming (IA catalogueofbulbs00abla).pdf (matches file content)each, $3 per dozen. The Dracunculus. A. beautiful foliage stems ARUM CRINITUM. are handsomely marked and spotted. Leaves large, palm-like and ornamental...(975 × 1,458 (4.52 MB)) - 05:55, 13 February 2024
- File:Florula ceilanica ... (IA mobot31753003468219).pdf (matches file content)Hedyfarum jaJatum. >albicans. i^asnfolium. z ^ / lo Hedyfarum crinitum. gangeticunj. Ophioglosfum flexuofum. gramineum. Mertensia dichotoma...(4,639 × 6,433 (1.46 MB)) - 00:16, 15 December 2022
- File:FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection (IA princesselectcat1860wmrp).pdf (matches file content)Arum ^thiopicum 25 to Arum arisarum. Friar's Co-vvl Arum crinitum, very peculiar. 1 Arum cornutum Arum dracontium Arum dracunculus Arum Italicum Arum...(881 × 1,272 (2.8 MB)) - 13:04, 8 October 2024
- File:A hand-list of the Jamaica ferns and their allies (IA b28107408).pdf (matches file content)-KAULFUSSII, Hook 14. T_ -CRISPUM, 15. T- -PINNATUM, 16. T_ -CRINITUM, 17. T. -ALATUM, Baker. Hook Sr Grtv. Swartz. Swartz. Swartz...(766 × 1,291 (2.34 MB)) - 05:27, 29 June 2023
- File:Prince's select catalogue of the unrivaled collection of bulbous flowers of every class, and of dahlias, chinese tree, & herbaceous Pæonies, etc. (IA princesselectcat1857wmrp).pdf (matches file content)(climber), 20 Arethusa bulbosa, 25 Arum crinitum, . 50 . Arum Italicum, 60 Arum dracimculus, Crimson Dragon, 25 to 50 Arum dracunculus albo, . . . . ...(856 × 1,268 (2.1 MB)) - 16:39, 27 October 2022
- File:Seeds of rare plants - offer no. 27D - Rex D. Pearce. (IA CAT31349976).pdf (matches file content)15c. ARUM CRINITUM—ubmsth(2)20. Curious Corsican Arum Lily, with huge bent fiower-spathe, brown with purple patches. Rare. 6 seeds for 25c. ARUM DRACUNCULUS...(1,477 × 2,245 (9.78 MB)) - 15:22, 23 August 2020
- File:William Bull (Firm) materials (IA WilliamBullFirm00WillAH).pdf (matches file content)fancy by-and-by. —one of them, was called S. pyracanthum and Solanum crinitum, of which the their widest part, tho same width this had white at least...(785 × 1,254 (816 KB)) - 00:02, 17 April 2022
- File:Tentamen hygieticum de frictione sicca ... (IA b30790542).pdf (matches file content)experiere, qui mane priufqukm e ledo furgerenc, duriter per horae dodrantem crinitum corium fricuerunt pedine acutiffimis denfiflimifque dentibus inftrudo;...(1,460 × 2,125 (1,020 KB)) - 21:27, 6 March 2021
- File:Seeds of rare plants - offer no. 27C - Rex D. Pearce. (IA CAT31349975).pdf (matches file content)15c. ARUM CRINITUM—ubmsth(2)20. Curious Corsican Arum Lily, with huge bent flower-spathe, brown with purple patches. Rare. 6 seeds for 25c. ARUM DRACUNCULUS...(1,485 × 2,106 (8.98 MB)) - 15:58, 29 November 2022
- File:Manuel complet du jardinier, maraicher, pépiniériste, botaniste, fleuriste et paysagiste (IA manuelcompletduj31nois).pdf (matches file content)aiguës au Même culture que le n° i mais humide. 8. Arum chevelu, gobe -mouche. A. crinitum-, Willd. muscworum ; L. ')f Minorque. Pas de tiges feuilles...(785 × 1,283 (21.12 MB)) - 15:50, 14 December 2022
- File:Blumen-Zeitung (IA CAT30991742010).pdf (matches file content)psittacina. Anemone — 3. 4. 353. 249. — — — Aristea capitata 67. Arum crinitum. 388. Aubfietia purpurea. 377« Azalea indica. 113. nudiflora novitas...(1,181 × 1,395 (26.28 MB)) - 17:48, 1 December 2023
- File:Seeds of rare plants - offer no. 27B - Rex D. Pearce. (IA CAT31349974).pdf (matches file content)15c. ARUM CRINITUM—ubmsth(2)20. Curious Corsican Arum Lily, with huge bent flower-spathe, brown with purple patches. Rare. 6 seeds for 25c. ARUM DRACUNCULUS...(1,472 × 2,062 (8.15 MB)) - 16:18, 18 August 2024
- File:Wholesale trade price-list of pansy and other seasonable seeds - also bulbs, roots and plants for forcing and outside planting (IA CAT31285764).pdf (matches file content)Arum Dracunculus (Dragon flower), hardy, purple and black-blue, marbled stems Arum Cornutum, red, with black spots Arum Crinitum, marbled stems Arum Elliottiana...(1,145 × 1,647 (2.75 MB)) - 18:55, 17 February 2021
- File:Systema characterum plantarum; seu, Dictionarium rerum botanicum, filio conscriptum, et ab ipso figuris illustratum (IA systemacharacter00pere).pdf (matches file content)mucronatum , devehas, ignefeens crajflfolium. Gojfypium arbos eum. Hedyfantm crinitum coriulum , petiolatum lieliotr opium peruviamtm , gnaphalodcs. nutum ,...(1,235 × 1,525 (24.9 MB)) - 12:25, 16 September 2024
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA b3194291x).pdf (matches file content)aliisq»Tyranni^ os Ecclefia DEI femper in venit,Icribam: fufficiar Vlpium Trajanum Crinitum attigi^ P|Ui inftigatus aMamerfino ScPublioTarquinio Ethnicorum laerorumPrincipe...(1,368 × 1,879 (1.35 MB)) - 06:23, 10 December 2022
- File:Commercial gardening, a practical & scientific treatise for market gardeners, market growers, fruit, flower & vegetable growers, nurserymen, etc (IA commercialgarden02weatrich).pdf (matches file content)Aquilegia Arabis albida Arenaria Armeria Arnebia echioides Artemisia (Wormwood) Arum Arundo Asclepias currasavica (Eedhead) Asperula odorata Michaelmas Daisy)...(981 × 1,475 (49.8 MB)) - 19:52, 6 April 2024
- File:Florula javanica ... (IA mobot31753002702147).pdf (matches file content)Cynodon Digitarla cimkinn. filiformis. -J" aciculare. caricofum, crinìtum. farciculatum. rtum. ifchffimum. <-^^ (anguinalis. Chloris barbara. Anihiftiria...(4,200 × 6,347 (2.98 MB)) - 12:33, 26 April 2024
- File:Wholesale price-current especially of California and Mexican seeds, bulbs, and plants - lilies, ferns, orchids and cacti, tree and flower seeds, palm seeds, etc (IA wholesalepricecu1894orcu).pdf (matches file content)ornatum *Cyclobothra — flava 8 9 10 .50 ".) 5 "Mt Blanc" neapolitanum crinitum dracuiiculns italicum ' 60 excesa tEBYTHRONtUM .SO t — SO — — —...(981 × 1,437 (1.92 MB)) - 18:53, 17 February 2021
- File:Ferns and Orchids (IA fernsorchids00back).pdf (matches file content)America horrida. Urolepis ... species ? Hymenodium v (. DicUjoglossum crinitum. Trop, America. ... FERNS. 15 Hymenolepis REYOLUTA 11 ... 8. ...(1,275 × 1,650 (1.67 MB)) - 15:39, 19 August 2020