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Create the page "Gerbillus dasyurus" on this wiki!
- DescriptionGerbillus dasyurus.jpg English: Gerbillus dasyurusm from United Arab Emirates Date 17 January 2015 Source Own work Author Broobas...(2,413 × 1,561 (547 KB)) - 12:36, 18 August 2022
- File:A glimpse of an ancient agricultural ecosystem based on remains of micromammals in the Byzantine Negev Desert.pdf (matches file content)......................... 2 Eliomys melanurus Psamommys obesus Gerbillus dasyurus R. Soc. open sci. 5: 171528 3 ...(1,085 × 1,575 (1.2 MB)) - 01:12, 19 June 2024
- File:Catalogue of mammalia in the Indian Museum, Calcutta (IA b29327799 0002).pdf (matches file content)lasiurus Gerbillus indicus. Gerbillus cuvieri . Gerbillus persicus Gerbillus erythrurus Gerbillus meridiatius Gerbillus hurrianse Gerbillus nanus Gerbillus gleadowi...(891 × 1,537 (19.93 MB)) - 06:30, 13 February 2024
- File:A hand-book of the management of animals in captivity in Lower Bengal (IA handbookofmanage00sany).pdf (matches file content)Gerbillin^e. Genus GERBILLUS. 137. The 138. The Indian Jerboa Rat Cuvier's Jerboa Rat (Gerbillus cuvieri — Waterhouse.) (Gerbillus indicus .........(635 × 1,070 (35.48 MB)) - 12:09, 26 April 2024
- File:Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College (IA bulletinofmuseum59harv).pdf (matches file content)project slightly 5.6. occipital beyond the region. Gerbillus gerbillus Tawny Dipus 7 gerbillus Olivier, (Olivier). Gerbil. Voy. Egypt., 1801, 3...(754 × 1,166 (32.57 MB)) - 13:43, 2 January 2024
- File:III. Systematische naamlijst van Gewervelde Dieren, voor de DIERGAARDE levend ingekomen van 1 Mei 1838 tot 30 April 1988 (IA bijdragen-tot-de-dierkunde-16a-001-104).pdf (matches file content)Gerbillus 221. » 222. Wa gn., pyramidum, Licht., meridianus » , 228. obesus, » Pyramiden Zand Fluv., pygargus, Rüpp., Gerbillus. ...(1,664 × 2,250 (4.57 MB)) - 05:18, 15 June 2024
- File:The natural history of animals - (class Mammalia-animals which suckle their young), in word and picture (IA naturalhistoryof02vogtuoft).pdf (matches file content)(Phascogal 200 penicillata), Viverrine Dasyure (Dasyurus viverrinus), Tasmanian Devil (Dasyurus ursinus), . 201 201 Tasmanian Wolf (Thylacinus cynocephalus)...(1,379 × 1,964 (32.02 MB)) - 18:40, 17 December 2020
- File:Animal Kingdom Arranged In Conformity With Its Organization In 15 Vols And Index Vol. (IA dli.granth.37109).pdf (matches file content)fDasyurus cynocephalus, Geoff. 1. Dog faced dasgurus minimus, Geoff. Dwarf doI I. Dasyurus, ) 2. Phaseogali, Tent.. { Das. .synchs Geoff 3. Dasyurus,...(750 × 1,058 (34.76 MB)) - 07:56, 25 August 2023
- File:Abhandlungen aus der menschlichen und vergleichenden Anatomie (IA abhandlungenausd00grub).pdf (matches file content)Hemionus letzteren bestimmt bei Myoxus, Sciurus, Pteromys, Tamias, Spermo- Gerbillus, Hypudaeus, Lemmus, Jaculus y Dipus, Pedetes, Lagidium, Spalax, Georychus...(1,264 × 1,720 (31.21 MB)) - 14:32, 26 April 2024
- File:The animal kingdom - arranged according to its organization, serving as a foundation for the natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy (IA animalkingdomarr05cuvi 0).pdf (matches file content)—Didei.phis Cancrivora, Lin. (The Crab-eating Opossum) —Dasyurus Veverrinus (White's Dasyurus) Fig. 3 —Perameles Nasutus (The Perameles) —HypsipRymnus...(777 × 1,308 (31.89 MB)) - 17:41, 18 August 2024
- File:Catalogue of the fossil Mammalia in the British museum (Natural History) (IA catalogueoffossi05britiala).pdf (matches file content)tHachaerodus cultridens Pseudaelurus quadridentatus tFamily sTo *Gerbillus indicus . . . 320 320 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Family MURID^E (continued)...(662 × 1,066 (20.51 MB)) - 11:22, 13 February 2024
- File:Catalogue of Mammalia in the Indian Museum, Calcutta (IA catalogueofmamma02indi).pdf (matches file content)Thylacinus cynocephalus 46 Sarcophilus ursinus 47 Dasyurus maculatus 48 Dasyurus viverrinus 49 Dasyurus geoffroyi 50 Phascogale flavipes 51 Phascogale penicillata...(806 × 1,300 (19.52 MB)) - 04:05, 13 February 2024
- File:Archiv für Naturgeschichte (IA archivfrnaturg0801berl).pdf (matches file content)verschieden ist, in welcher Bezie- hung sie sich wie Lichtensteins *) M. Gerbillus verhält. Unser Exemplar ist ein sehr niedliches Thier. Schädel und Gebiss...(864 × 1,570 (27.71 MB)) - 08:31, 12 September 2023
- File:Okens Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte (IA okenslehrbuchde321816oken).pdf (matches file content)Gastrohranch us 127 D^cosomns XIV Gecko, Stellio 2oi Georychus 84-1 Gerbillus, Meriones @lame 709 Glareola 609 Glaucopis, Callaeas Glis, Myoxus 860...(660 × 1,229 (150.82 MB)) - 16:20, 12 October 2021
- File:A classified index and synopsis of The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization (IA classifiedindexs00grif).pdf (matches file content); iii. iii. 1 49 237 243 v. ; 80. 164; v. 240 240 236 237 v. gerbillus, v. gerboa, v. jaculus, v. jaculus var minor, v. 237 maximus, iii...(783 × 1,275 (30.84 MB)) - 15:59, 26 April 2024
- amphibia 610 agrestis 610 lemmus Ellobius talpinus Family 603 Gerbillus indicus My odes Family 602 MYOXID^E Muscardinus avellanarius Family...(1,081 × 1,766 (33.21 MB)) - 11:49, 13 February 2024
- File:An introduction to the study of mammals living and extinct (IA introductiontost00flow).pdf (matches file content)Arctomys, ; ; ; ; Hydromys, 461 Xcromys, 461 Platacanthomys, 462; Gerbillus, 162; Pachyuromys, 462 ; Mystromys, 462; Otomys&nd Dasymys, Molar,, mys...(781 × 1,254 (58.19 MB)) - 07:02, 9 August 2023
- File:On the natural history and classification of quadrupeds (IA b22026381).pdf (matches file content)Didelphidce. Opossums. Arctic tis Cercoleptes Didelphis Cheironectes - - Dasyurus Perameles - Cladobates - Gymnura Sorecrdcs. - 365 365 365 365 365...(560 × 931 (32.48 MB)) - 05:12, 22 February 2023
- File:The royal natural history (IA royalnaturalhist03unse).pdf (matches file content)(Hydromys)—Queensland Rat (Xeromys)—Malabar Spiny Mouse (Platacanthomys)— The Gerbils (Gerbillus)—Philippine Rat (Phlceomys)—Hamsters and White-Footed Mice (Cricetus)—Common...(1,312 × 2,002 (83.51 MB)) - 07:00, 26 February 2023
- File:List of the osteological specimens in the collection of the British Museum (IA listofosteologic00brit).pdf (matches file content)52 concolor, 52 Arctomys Empetra, 22 pruinosus, 52 iEgypticus, 49 49 Gerbillus montanus, 49 melanurus, 49 Indicus, 49 Alactaga 144 Xerus setosus,...(581 × 1,025 (12.99 MB)) - 20:32, 26 August 2024