Category:Waste management
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Considerato essere uguale a | waste management industry, Raccolta, trattamento e smaltimento dei rifiuti: recupero dei materiali, waste recycling | ||||
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English: Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of waste materials.
Questa categoria contiene le 70 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 70.
- Waste management conferences (299 F)
- Anaerobic lagoon (1 F)
- Automated waste sorting (2 F)
- Clean-up (37 F)
- Waste converters (2 F)
- Forestator (5 F)
- Waste hierarchy (16 F)
- Martin Services (2 F)
- Septic tanks (132 F)
- Waste picker (8 F)
Pagine nella categoria "Waste management"
Questa categoria contiene le 2 pagine indicate di seguito, su un totale di 2.
File nella categoria "Waste management"
Questa categoria contiene 175 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 175.
1 Milione di Tonnellate.jpg 105 × 127; 6 KB
11TH MEU 141017-M-HU038-016 (15396564588).jpg 5 472 × 3 648; 697 KB
11TH MEU 141017-M-HU038-038 (15396670897).jpg 3 187 × 4 780; 608 KB
11TH MEU 141017-M-HU038-044 (15396670067).jpg 5 472 × 3 648; 691 KB
079 San Thomé. - Le service de la voirie.jpg 1 333 × 905; 558 KB
40,000 trash trucks stopped (5370054789).jpg 500 × 294; 88 KB
4Rs.JPG 665 × 578; 127 KB
Activitytotal1.svg 425 × 283; 56 KB
ADAW Concept.jpg 960 × 720; 42 KB
Adaw's Pilot Plant.jpg 1 545 × 1 395; 569 KB
Aerated pool for waste water treatment.JPG 3 072 × 2 304; 3,26 MB
Afghan day laborers pick up trash (5224389173).jpg 1 400 × 865; 689 KB
Afolabi Azeez.jpg 753 × 651; 51 KB
Back-Scattered Electron Micrograph of Coal Fly Ash small.tif 2 048 × 1 872; 11 MB
Bada Bing.png 1 260 × 930; 492 KB
Ballona Creek Bike Path and the Culver City Waste Reduction facility.jpg 4 032 × 3 024; 3,14 MB
Basura mal dispuesta en Bogotá.jpg 769 × 461; 113 KB
Commune du Fief de la Gruchetterie La Trinité Jersey.jpg 2 483 × 3 304; 8,83 MB
Construction garbage.jpg 1 666 × 2 134; 302 KB
Covra de opslag.JPG 640 × 480; 77 KB
Crayons usagés récupérés comme déchets à valoriser 01.jpg 6 000 × 4 000; 4,14 MB
Crayons usagés récupérés comme déchets à valoriser 02.jpg 6 000 × 4 000; 10,48 MB
Crayons usagés récupérés comme déchets à valoriser 03.jpg 4 000 × 6 000; 3,01 MB
CSIRO ScienceImage 8180 Effluent pipes.jpg 2 657 × 1 772; 3,33 MB
Cuero crudo.jpg 945 × 628; 406 KB
CVRD1loader.5bays.jpg 576 × 432; 37 KB
CVRD2week1bay.jpg 576 × 432; 40 KB
CVRD3week2.bay.jpg 576 × 432; 38 KB
CVRD6windrow.matureing.jpg 682 × 400; 46 KB
CVRD7windrow.turner.jpg 646 × 413; 59 KB
CVRD8finished.biosolids.jpg 709 × 432; 68 KB
Deponering (6165938938).jpg 6 000 × 4 189; 19,72 MB
Domestic waste in a sack dumped beside a drainage system in Lagos state, Nigeria.jpg 4 032 × 3 024; 4,33 MB
Drain pipe in Lohja.jpg 4 608 × 3 456; 7,31 MB
DUF6 storage yard far (cropped).jpg 360 × 245; 18 KB
DUF6 storage yard far (original).jpg 384 × 288; 21 KB
DUF6 storage yard far.jpg 385 × 296; 21 KB
Dumpit muncher - - 1103936.jpg 640 × 414; 53 KB
DVO 4760.JPG 4 256 × 2 832; 5,1 MB
DVO 4809.jpg 4 256 × 2 832; 3,57 MB
Déchets ultimes.jpg 760 × 385; 49 KB
Easy day truck.jpg 4 032 × 3 024; 3,36 MB
Eboueur à Abidjan.jpg 2 335 × 2 200; 1,34 MB
Energy production through wastewater.webp 1 890 × 1 330; 431 KB
ERP Italia.jpg 1 089 × 385; 131 KB
Estrategias de biorremediación.jpg 1 920 × 1 080; 111 KB
Extrapolated change in plastic fate to 2050, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 13 KB
Fermentative organic waste bioconversion into biobased products.png 3 197 × 1 778; 1,07 MB
Fire of toxic waste storage at Krasny Bor 24 Mai 2008.jpg 604 × 453; 29 KB
Flujograma colchones residuos.JPG 543 × 458; 61 KB
Flujograma proceso residuos solidos.JPG 543 × 493; 74 KB
Flujograma residuos viales.JPG 542 × 489; 68 KB
Fluor Fernald Workers.jpg 288 × 192; 55 KB
Fragment of Royal Mail rubber band - Bilton.jpg 1 280 × 960; 437 KB
Fragment of Royal Mail rubber band - Lesbury.jpg 1 280 × 960; 463 KB
Garbage at Yakowa market, Kafanchan.jpg 6 000 × 4 000; 6,66 MB
Gibraltar - 190212 DSC 1858.jpg 5 568 × 3 712; 5,61 MB
Global plastic waste by disposal, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 8 KB
Global production and fate of plastics.png 1 136 × 640; 55 KB
Global-plastic-fate.png 3 400 × 2 400; 172 KB
GM Waste P2090005.jpg 1 600 × 1 200; 1,29 MB
Goiâniasourceoutofcollimator.SVG 617 × 615; 24 KB
Gregadoo Waste Management Centre.jpg 2 000 × 1 330; 2,24 MB
HierarchyIG-FINAL.png 1 352 × 1 742; 602 KB
Hierarquia de gestão de resíduos.jpg 616 × 383; 22 KB
Historie Sudhaus.jpg 1 024 × 768; 67 KB
Hiérarchie de gestion des déchets.jpg 580 × 377; 23 KB
Homerdump.jpg 3 418 × 1 539; 1,8 MB
Hospital waste segregation buckets in public area of the Hospital.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 2,76 MB
How to make biodegradable waste bag.svg 512 × 1 280; 23 KB
Igglogo.png 88 × 56; 3 KB
Il Ciclo dei RAEE.jpg 391 × 709; 67 KB
Il Ciclo dei RPA.jpg 233 × 528; 46 KB
IMG 21-05-01 150053208 watermark.jpg 1 500 × 845; 378 KB
Industrial discharge.jpg 1 512 × 987; 110 KB
Jasper-Bear-Hunt-41.jpg 3 554 × 2 369; 6,44 MB
Keep your city clean.jpg 3 456 × 4 608; 4,65 MB
Kevin Countermine Garissa Kenya Waste Management.jpg 250 × 225; 26 KB
Klein gevaarlijk afval A.jpg 1 600 × 1 200; 302 KB
Kolkata Maidan called 'the lungs of Kolkata' 8.jpg 1 920 × 2 560; 773 KB
Krasnyi Bor fire 2014 by ppchukz.jpg 800 × 533; 114 KB
Latrintömning medeltid.jpg 934 × 1 222; 338 KB
Logotipo Alianza Pro Gestión Integral de Residuos.jpg 428 × 428; 36 KB
Low9HydrantLitterFree4Jan06.jpg 2 592 × 1 944; 2,2 MB
Make this bag last.jpg 854 × 678; 134 KB
Manejo de desechos sólidos..pdf 1 241 × 1 754, 12 pagine; 156 KB
Mismanaged plastic waste, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 140 KB
Miu charging.jpg 480 × 280; 29 KB
MSW Slca.PNG 864 × 358; 23 KB
Müllgebiet Ezbet Al Nakhl.jpg 3 648 × 2 736; 2,39 MB
Nereda Gansbaai STP.jpg 597 × 640; 82 KB
NetBin nPod Fill Level Sensor.png 800 × 600; 535 KB
Oncethroughcycle.png 495 × 203; 1 KB
Over The Shoulder Litter Bag Holder 2.jpg 1 365 × 768; 429 KB
Over The Shoulder Litter Bag Holder 3.jpg 447 × 251; 63 KB
Over The Shoulder Litter Bag Holder 4.jpg 1 264 × 711; 297 KB
PCB-labelling.jpg 1 500 × 1 209; 378 KB
Pentaorganostannane.png 430 × 375; 7 KB
Per capita mismanaged plastic waste, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 140 KB
Per capita municipal waste generation, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 141 KB
Photo pathway draft.png 1 295 × 769; 115 KB
Pictoformabase.png 156 × 159; 26 KB
Plasma Arc plant.jpg 355 × 419; 40 KB
Plastic-waste-emitted-to-the-ocean (OWID 0839).png 850 × 600; 110 KB
Plastic-waste-littered.png 3 400 × 2 400; 342 KB
Plastic-waste-mismanaged (OWID 0838).png 850 × 600; 108 KB
PlasticOceanic.jpg 8 256 × 5 504; 3,77 MB
Poubelles (21159917806).jpg 2 736 × 3 648; 2,5 MB
Powderhall Waste Transfer.jpg 2 592 × 1 944; 1,78 MB
Proportion-of-population-served-by-municipal-waste-collection.png 3 400 × 2 400; 388 KB
PSM V79 D144 Creek where sewage empties.png 1 629 × 1 364; 675 KB
PSM V79 D148 Alley near the main street of the town.png 831 × 971; 205 KB
PSOV.jpg 960 × 720; 98 KB
Recycling public health.jpg 720 × 960; 66 KB
Red container02.jpg 3 264 × 2 448; 1,88 MB
Red container03.jpg 3 264 × 2 448; 1,93 MB
Red container04.jpg 3 264 × 2 448; 1,96 MB
Red truck with container01.jpg 3 264 × 2 448; 1,96 MB
ReFood Spezialfahrzeug.JPG 1 024 × 572; 639 KB
ReFood-Einzugsbereiche.jpg 598 × 834; 318 KB
Repe Romu pirkanmaan jatehuolto 2024.jpg 2 000 × 1 333; 985 KB
Rim200pd1000rad1000fueltemp.png 911 × 623; 5 KB
Rodrigues CreoleWarning.jpg 1 728 × 2 304; 1,64 MB
Royal Mail rubber band - Alnmouth.jpg 1 280 × 960; 485 KB
Segregation of Trash.png 1 200 × 629; 123 KB
Share of global mismanaged waste, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 141 KB
Share of inadequately managed plastic waste (2010).svg 2 723 × 1 488; 1,51 MB
Share of plastic waste that is inadequately managed, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 146 KB
Share-of-global-mismanaged-plastic-waste (OWID 0990).png 850 × 600; 108 KB
SLC-IT Staff Member Painting Waste Barrel - 2016.jpg 6 000 × 4 000; 11,18 MB
Solid Waste Types.jpg 1 390 × 881; 87 KB
Solid Wastes from Slaughterhouse.jpg 606 × 366; 56 KB
Table 1 Allowed treatment for Slaughterhouses residues.jpg 960 × 720; 99 KB
TANA Smart Drum Screen.jpg 5 360 × 3 573; 9,39 MB
Treatment-of-hazardous-waste (OWID 1130).png 850 × 600; 64 KB
Tricycle Waste Bin 04.jpg 2 048 × 1 536; 1,18 MB
Twincyclefuelcycle.png 853 × 443; 6 KB
Untergrundabdichtung einer Sondermuelldeponie.png 179 × 171; 52 KB
USMC-00144.jpg 2 816 × 1 880; 2,85 MB
USS Cavalla - garbage disposal.jpg 2 268 × 4 032; 11,79 MB
USS Thetis Bay (LPH-6) c1963.jpeg 1 917 × 1 281; 619 KB
Valorisation énergétique.JPG 959 × 719; 54 KB
Verbrennungsofen Bozen Süd von Westen.jpg 2 717 × 1 920; 1,22 MB
Walter Schmid mit Kompogas.jpg 2 020 × 2 422; 1 010 KB
Waste Disposal Curve.jpg 839 × 765; 32 KB
Waste Management & Recycling.jpg 1 080 × 1 080; 524 KB
Waste management hierarchy.jpg 1 213 × 845; 84 KB
Waste management in UAE.jpg 4 160 × 3 120; 4,16 MB
Waste management overload.jpg 6 016 × 3 633; 4,01 MB
Waste Management.jpg 5 315 × 7 087; 5,9 MB
Waste stream and post-treatment system.png 596 × 330; 13 KB
Waste-Management-Clean-Abul-Fazal.jpg 1 836 × 1 421; 743 KB
Zille Frauen bei der Müllabfuhr.jpg 780 × 1 000; 150 KB
בור שומן.jpg 1 599 × 899; 122 KB