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Immunohistochemistry categories:
- Category:Immunofluorescence (the category also contains cytology, and not only histology)
Sample gallery
EMA in meningioma
Insulin in Pancreatic insulinoma
Chromogranin in Pancreatic insulinoma
CK CAM5-2 in Thymoma
CD30 in sarcoidosis
CD30 in Hodgkin lymphoma
CD31 in cutaneous angiosarcoma
CD34 in Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
CD20 in Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
ER in breast carcinoma (?)
C-KIT in gastric GIST
CD34 in gastric GIST
S100 in granular cell tumor
CD340 in Hodgkin lymphoma
IC of Helicobacter
Actin in Intraductal papilloma
p63 in Intraductal papilloma
S100 in Pleomorphic adenoma
HMB45 in Renal angiomyolipoma
S100 in Subcutaneous schwannoma