SdKfz 251
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SdKfz 251 armoured personnel carrier.
Devastated German mechanized columns during the battle of Mortain, 7 August 1944.
SdKfz 251 Captured by polish forces during Warsaw Uprising in 1944
SdKfz 251 Ausf. D
SdKfz 251 Ausf. D
SdKfz 251 Ausf. D
SdKfz 251/7
SdKfz 251/9
SdKfz 251 "Rosi", Poland
SdKfz 251 "Rosi", Poland
Replicas basing upon OT-810
[Bearbeiten]SdKfz.251 replicas basing upon Czechoslovak-made OT-810 (post-war SdKfz.251 modification
Sd.KFz.251 in Sanok , Poland
Sd.KFz.251 in Sanok , Poland
Sd.KFz.251 in Sanok , Poland