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- File:The American historical magazine (serial) (IA americanhistoric04peab).pdf (matches file content)probated June 28, Jno. 1787. Rowland Ward, W. B. 2^- 6, p. probated Oct. 145, Feb. 3, 1800; l8O0. Ward, Benj. VV. B. 7, p. 105, made April...(779 × 1,247 (22.49 MB)) - 04:38, 16 September 2023
- File:Vital records of Pembroke, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 (IA vitalrecordsofpe02pemb).pdf (matches file content)Benjamin, s. Prince and Abigal, Sept. 30, 1756. Benj[ami]n, ch. Joshua and Mary, Jan. 28, 1781. Benjamin, s. Benj[ami]n and Sally, Jan. 17, 1812. Bethiah, d...(845 × 1,318 (21.4 MB)) - 22:00, 14 May 2024
- File:Vital records of Northbridge, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 (IA vitalrecordsofno00nortrich).pdf (matches file content)1793. Sam[ue]l, s. of Benj[ami]n and Marcy, May 11, 1780. Sarah Shearman, d. of Benj[ami]n and Sarah, Feb. 7, 1813. Simeon, s. of Benj[ami]n and Marcy, in...(854 × 1,345 (9.21 MB)) - 22:00, 14 May 2024
- File:Vital records of Pembroke, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 (IA cu31924028816473).pdf (matches file content)Benjamin, s. Prince and Abigal, Sept. 30, 1756. Benj[ami]n, ch. Joshua and Mary, Jan. 28, 1781. Benjamin, s. Benj[ami]n and Sally, Jan. 17, 1812. Bethiah, d...(835 × 1,337 (8.61 MB)) - 22:41, 2 May 2024
- File:Act of incorporation and constitution of the Pennsylvania Society, for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery - and for the relief of free negroes unlawfully held in bondage (IA actofincorporati00penn).pdf (matches file content)David S. Brown, Paul K. Hubba, John Jenkins, Joseph W. Rowland, (del.) Benj. Hanna, Dr. Benj. Ellis, Alexander McDonald, Isaac Lawrence, Uriah Hunt...(654 × 981 (1.83 MB)) - 14:11, 8 July 2023
- File:Cornell University Library digitization (IA cu31924025963061).pdf (matches file content)Middlebor". was maryed by me Mar. — Benj^ 10. 1737. Ruggles Then Benj^. Renolds & Sarah Smith both Benj» Ruggles of MiddIebor°. were maryed by...(791 × 1,329 (1.6 MB)) - 08:07, 15 April 2024
- File:Volunteer service in Army of Cumberland (IA volunteerservice00gree).pdf (matches file content)\vhole ^var. AND THEIR HISTORY SINCE. 10 pages. PART THIRD. Sergeant Benj. T. Strong's Biography, and history of the Chiekamauga Campaign. 24 pages...(766 × 1,187 (4.56 MB)) - 23:00, 4 June 2022
- File:List of persons assessed a state, town and county tax, in the town of Charlestown, for the year 1844 (IA listofpersonsass00char).pdf (matches file content)labor Abm. Chamberlain, team work Benj. F. Brackett, labor " Benj. FUnt, Jas. Saml. Ferrin, bricks Benj. Flint, labor Benj. F. Brackett do " Dean Ames Patrick...(833 × 1,397 (3.08 MB)) - 18:26, 5 April 2024
- File:John Chambers (IA johnchambers00paririch).pdf (matches file content)Mississippi Valley and laid the foundations of an empire of American Pioneers. Benj. p. Shambaugh Office of the Superintendent and Editor The State Historical...(808 × 1,206 (15.59 MB)) - 17:43, 28 October 2020
- File:Pennsylvania archives .. (IA pennsylvaniaarch11penns).pdf (matches file content)&: Admitted: Capt. John Wait £1G. 5. Benj C'olwell £1G. 5. Alex. Gaston £9. 15. Christopher Crary ^ Share Rowland Barton £1G. 5. Martin Howard 5 dolls...(839 × 1,158 (46.1 MB)) - 17:24, 8 August 2022
- File:Baptisms at church in Salem village (IA baptismsatchurch00danv).pdf (matches file content)jr. J ch. of Rowland Thomas. 5 Sarah, dau. of Dr. Jonathan Prince. 1749, 37 1751, Aug. 4. " " " 11. " " Eunice, dan. of Benj. Putnam. John,...(864 × 1,268 (2.1 MB)) - 02:03, 30 October 2023
- File:Centennial commemoration of the burning of Fairfield, Connecticut (IA centennialcommem01fair).pdf (matches file content)SUSAN HOBART. Miss Miss DORA BULKLEY. Miss Miss R. ROWLAND. Mrs. henry L. MILLS. Mrs. BENJ. BETTS. INTRODUCTION The mind of our time and the...(808 × 1,368 (5.18 MB)) - 16:38, 17 May 2024
- File:John Chambers (IA johnchamber00pari).pdf (matches file content)Mississippi Valley and laid the foundations of an empire of American Pioneers. Benj. F. Shambaugh Office of the Superintendent and Editor The State Historical...(814 × 1,218 (13.71 MB)) - 21:17, 5 January 2023
- File:The annals of the barber-surgeons of London, - compiled from their records and other sources, by Sidney Young ... , with illustrations by Austin T. Young (IA b21364473).pdf (matches file content)chosen Warden. Benj"- Cole. John Papps. Richard Jones. Adams chosen Warden. Rich^- Jones. John Thomas John Dan'- Driver. John Benj" Cole. 1816...(1,179 × 1,481 (37 MB)) - 23:08, 11 October 2024
- File:The Genealogical advertiser (1899) (IA genealogicaladve02gree).pdf (matches file content)Racket of middlebor". — Nov. married mallachy Rowland and RopeDwelley Both of middlebor". p^ Benj-i. Rug% y^. 4. still ffles 1743 Then I —...(883 × 1,408 (10.98 MB)) - 00:50, 19 November 2022
- File:Minutes of the Georgia Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South (microform) (IA (matches file content)Elijah N. Bolan, Benj. F. Breedlove, David W. Calhoun, W. F. Cook, John W. McGehee, Jas V. M. Morris, Absalom H. Ogletree, W. C. Rowland, Peter M. Ryburn...(975 × 1,397 (2.78 MB)) - 19:37, 3 October 2024
- File:Catalogue of the law library of the Equitable Life Assurance Society (IA cu31924022841302).pdf (matches file content)York, etc. 7 vols., . New New Svo. Abbott United States Courts and (Benj. V,). Second -. edition. . 2 vols., Svo. Third edition. New New their...(706 × 1,204 (7.67 MB)) - 11:29, 13 February 2024
- File:Annals of Chicopee Street - records and reminiscences of an old New England parish for a period of two hundred years (IA annalsofchicopee00palmer).pdf (matches file content)brother-in-law, Rowland Thomas. Japhet and Henry were sons of Dea. Sam one of the early nel Chapin, settlers of Springfield Rowland Thomas had married...(845 × 1,237 (3.98 MB)) - 00:46, 26 August 2023
- File:Minutes of the- session of the Detroit Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (microform) (IA (matches file content)Isaac E. Springer, Benj. C. Moore, Thomas B. McGee, Justus A. Rowe, Chas. W. Baruum, Samuel M. Gilchriese, Charles E. Hill, Benj. Reeve, Calvin M. Thompson...(1,120 × 1,741 (10.49 MB)) - 20:04, 3 October 2024
- File:The Genealogical advertiser (1899) (IA genealogicaladve00gree).pdf (matches file content)of middlebor". p^ Benj^. Ruggles Nov^ y^. 4. 1743 Then I married mallachy Rowland and Ropestill Dwelley Both of middlebor". p^ Benj^. Rug- June g. 1743...(847 × 1,329 (10.4 MB)) - 01:24, 19 November 2022