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Create the page "Callum Rose (footballer)" on this wiki!
- File:The Sage (October 1914) (IA sageoctober1914101gree).pdf (matches file content) Hallowe’en, Kirk Callum, ’15. Dreams, Just Dreams, Evangeline Brown, ’17. A French Hero, Benjamin...(1,395 × 2,250 (3.48 MB)) - 23:16, 15 February 2023
- File:The Reflector (1915) (IA reflector191507gree).pdf (matches file content)Shelton, Stout, and Callum 6. POEM _Kirk 7. PROPHECY _Elleijre 8. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT_Mary 9. CLASS SONG _Kirk Callum 28 Cai.lum Broadnax...(1,391 × 1,887 (13.61 MB)) - 16:29, 30 October 2020
- ( ) Author McCallum, M. M Title Ballarat and district : "Citizens and sports" at home and abroad Publisher [Ballarat, Vic.] : McCallum Press and Publishing...(666 × 1,079 (11.46 MB)) - 15:21, 27 October 2023
- File:Yackety yack (serial) (IA yacketyyackseria1985univ).pdf (matches file content)Editors Editor-in-Chief Philip E. Berney Editor Photography G. Ward Callum Lankard ~-r Editor Design Bryce Lankard <; Managing Editor Mary Clark...(1,127 × 1,539 (36.09 MB)) - 02:00, 27 November 2022
- File:Barium messenger (serial) (IA bariummessengers1952pres).pdf (matches file content): Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Craig, - Rowland: Opal Mc- Misses Lucie Mae & Callum, Rowland Ashpole Women, Circle No. 1 Lentz, Mr. Luther Augustus, East Los...(1,485 × 1,964 (31.28 MB)) - 05:59, 31 October 2023
- File:The Sage (May 1918) (IA sagemay19181918gree).pdf (matches file content)'is. 7< ■ A- Poseman, Head of Knulish Uepartment is 17. Private John Callum, Class ’Is. I’riv. Frazier Forsyth, Class 'IS. Radio-Operator Norman...(747 × 1,245 (3.08 MB)) - 23:21, 15 February 2023
- File:The Reflector (1914) (IA reflector19141914gree).pdf (matches file content)majestic height of Annie Fred Foushee and Jennie Vanstory, we bestow upon Kirk Callum and Mary Rees. (13.) We leave a pleasant combination of Woodrow Clark’s...(1,058 × 1,516 (8.13 MB)) - 16:29, 30 October 2020
- File:State 1990-07- Iss 335 (IA sim state-magazine 1990-07 335).pdf (matches file content)highly motivated staff of only four nationals and two Americans,” Mr. Mac¬ Callum added. ■ Alford: victor over virus Mr. Alford was cited by Ambassador Smith...(1,097 × 1,477 (13.04 MB)) - 06:05, 18 August 2024
- File:GWU Cherry Tree yearbook 1943 OS.djvu (matches file content)benjamin makela NANCY MARMER DENBIGH MATTHEWS MAURICE McCALLUM WILLIAM McCALLUM jane McCullough Robert McCullough MARVIN McFEATERS SUSAN McNEESE...(1,103 × 1,500 (16.46 MB)) - 10:45, 5 May 2022
- File:Boulder (IA boulder1913fitc).pdf (matches file content)her diffidence. herself will of her talks, J SAP, ELLA McLAGAN McCALLUM. A simple maid was she. one ambition is to preach the gospel to we kind...(910 × 1,454 (8.83 MB)) - 23:58, 14 December 2023
- File:The Sage (December 1914) (IA sagedecember1914102gree).pdf (matches file content)Adelaide Van Noppen - Editor-in-Chief ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charley Causey Kirk Callum Nellie Jefferson Magdalene Monroe Washington Clark Mary Foust Ellebre Broadnax...(1,391 × 2,210 (4.43 MB)) - 23:20, 15 February 2023
- File:GWU Cherry Tree yearbook 1931 os.djvu (matches file content)rge V on D a c he n h a u se n Frank Weitzel 4 44 T of* Ln re — McCallum, Wright, Parsons, Alary Hudson. Albert. Sproul Second Line Fugift, Burnham...(1,091 × 1,500 (29.88 MB)) - 08:49, 5 May 2022
- File:The Seventeenth Highland Light Infantry. (Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Battalion) record of war service, 1914-1918 (IA seventeenthhighl00arthiala).pdf (matches file content)Deans, W. Lieut. D. collection), : A. G. Houstoun, J. L. Hardie, C. MacCallum, J. M'Kechnie, N. M'Intyre, W. K. M'Taggart, D. Murray, J. L. L. Niven,...(720 × 1,185 (7.22 MB)) - 13:50, 20 November 2020
- File:Lodge Echoes - 1900-12-08 (IA cl 000196).pdf (matches file content)Martha; Mrs. Dumster CUT RATES EAST ON FURNITURE. Electa; Miss FI. A. McCallum, Warder; Mary McMil lan, Sentinel. At the conclusion of the installation...(1,468 × 1,870 (4.55 MB)) - 08:15, 22 October 2023
- File:DP 0008940 (IA dp0008940).pdf (matches file content)SCHULTZ Winter Park, Florida McCallums Silk Hosiery For the College Girl A Smart Frock may be worn by accident, but McCallums Silk Stockings are worn by the...(962 × 1,297 (513 KB)) - 09:43, 5 May 2024
- File:Oregon Primary Voters' Pamphlet 1968 R.pdf (matches file content)Official Voters’ Pamphlet Republican DONALD V. McCALLUM For National Committeeman Don McCallum, Portland lawyer, civic leader and former president...(800 × 1,156 (13.76 MB)) - 10:31, 9 March 2022
- File:Sierra Madre News 1917-12-21 (IA csie 000594).pdf (matches file content)Decree of I with Sapphire I $ 3 .0 ü L ,¿ ^ n s Foreclosure and Sale Alma McCallum, Plaintiff, vs. Mabel j A. Smith, Etoile B. Thorp, cxecu- 1 trix of the...(2,452 × 3,412 (12.73 MB)) - 05:14, 28 February 2022
- File:Sierra Madre News 1917-12-14 (IA csie 000593).pdf (matches file content)Saturday, 10-11 a. m. So much prominence has been given to the football games fea turing Rose Tournament day at Miss Margarette Preston re-i There will be...(2,489 × 3,445 (22.39 MB)) - 05:14, 28 February 2022
- File:Victoria Daily Times (1914-04-17) (IA victoriadailytimes19140417).pdf (matches file content)contracting parties were Charles Me apology. New York, April 17.-Booker T. Callum and Mr*. Matilda Reyston, ing country.” hour after the accident. The deceased...(2,114 × 2,643 (16.37 MB)) - 16:14, 7 March 2021
- File:North Carolina State Normal School for the Negro Race Catalog (IA northcarolinasta19231927).pdf (matches file content)C. Hall, Jeffries, Fayetteville, N. C. Manilla Vineland, N. C. McCallum, Beatrice Maxton, N. Mial, Lillie Clayton, N. C. Mitchell, 0. Hill...(762 × 1,262 (7.56 MB)) - 22:43, 18 April 2022