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- File:Natural history catalogue (IA (matches file content)resemblances or wide differences to the minutest shade. But Carex No. 77 1 shall not know from Carex No. 87, nor could I determine the relative scientific weight...(750 × 1,131 (785 KB)) - 02:38, 20 October 2022
- File:Monographische studien am Zugersee .. (IA monographischest00brut).pdf (matches file content)aeruginosa CoelosphaeriumKuetzingian. Oscillatoria rubescens Cyclotella socialis — — — Schroeteri ghmerata rnelosiroides Asterionella gracillima Fragilaria...(862 × 1,402 (4.45 MB)) - 06:14, 5 November 2020
- File:1979 Annual technical report of the National Plant Materials Center. (IA CAT81754666001).pdf (matches file content)Poaceae Carex arenaria Cyperaceae Buphthalmum salicifolium Asteraceae Carex buxbaumii Cyperaceae Caesalpinia dementis Fabaceae Carex crinita ...(1,147 × 1,416 (7.11 MB)) - 18:08, 18 August 2024
- File:Hedwigia. Bd. 16, 1877 (IA mobot31753003366629).pdf (matches file content)18^21 Its., — 10—12 Iti. vom Grossglockncr. Pleospora socialis Nssl. et Kunze An Carex aterrima n. ps. Peri- thccia dense grcgaria vel caespitosa...(4,541 × 7,275 (30.3 MB)) - 12:16, 20 March 2023
- File:Annual report (IA annualreport5721903newy).pdf (matches file content)TO THE HERBARIUM New to the herbarium Asarum reflexum Hebeloma Bick. socialis PJc. Hyponiyces boletinus Aster curvescens Burgess Crataegus ascendens...(1,018 × 1,672 (46.24 MB)) - 02:53, 4 May 2024
- File:Bulletin - New York State Museum (IA bulletinnewyork751904newy).pdf (matches file content)ADDED TO THE HERBARIUM New to the herbarium Asarum reflexum Hebeloma socialis Pk. Hypomyces boletinus Pk. Hydnum balsameum Pk. uiacrescens Banker H....(822 × 1,320 (5.4 MB)) - 06:36, 2 January 2024
- File:Monograph of the Coccidæ of the British Isles (IA monographofcocci02newsrich).pdf (matches file content)somewhat resembling the pygidium of the Diaspin&" In the Ceylonese C. socialis, Green, and also in C, angr&d, Ckll., there is no true tibio-tarsal articulation...(604 × 852 (25.84 MB)) - 11:44, 7 April 2021
- File:1981 Annual technical report of the National Plant Materials Center. (IA CAT81754666003).pdf (matches file content)frutex 11 Astragalus onobrychis II 1 Carex bigelowii Cyperaceae 1 Carex lachenalii II 3 1 Carex saxatilis II 3 1 Cassia artemisioides...(1,135 × 1,454 (11.39 MB)) - 20:59, 17 August 2024
- File:A guide to the microscopical examination of drinking water - with an appendix on the microscopical examination of air (IA b21905812).pdf (matches file content)) 2. 4. Dinobryon Pycnobryon sertularia. 3. Stylo- 3. Tetra- socialis. (Fro.) A nthopkysacecc. 1. Antbopbysa bcen a Dujardini. Mlilleri....(979 × 1,600 (8.65 MB)) - 05:00, 29 June 2023
- File:A guide to the microscopical examination of drinking water; with an appendix on the microscopical examination of air (IA guidemicroscopic00macdrich).pdf (matches file content)of Carex, with stomata, and some of the round subjacent parenchyma cells seen through 11. Section of the stem of or medullary cells, it. Carex, showing...(725 × 1,247 (10.35 MB)) - 05:00, 29 June 2023
- File:Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana (IA bollettinodellas261894soci).pdf (matches file content)Litorella lacustris, L. Polygonum amphibium, Tipha — — latifolia, per L. Carex — L. lo bagnata più alla bassa: trisulca, L. minor, L. polyrhizza...(764 × 1,260 (29.84 MB)) - 19:59, 23 May 2024
- File:Journal of botany, British and foreign (IA journalofbotanyb35trim).pdf (matches file content)Andongo. Freq. ast unico loco ad rupes submersas in rivulo de Cabondo socialis cum Podostemaceis med. Febr. 1857. description is : ; ; ; jj. ;...(720 × 1,179 (35 MB)) - 23:44, 6 January 2021
- File:Bulletin - New York State Museum (IA bulletinnewyork251898newy).pdf (matches file content)Marasmius acerinus Pk. Juncoides spicatum (Z.) Kiinize (-'litopilus socialis /'/'. Panicum Atlanticum N'ash Hebeloma Alopecurus agrestis Z. palustre...(1,164 × 1,756 (10.97 MB)) - 00:57, 4 May 2024
- File:Botanisk tidsskrift (IA botanisktidsskri125bota).pdf (matches file content)fircellet Gonium (Dujardins Tetramonas socialis?) Tavle 1). 9: 69-83; 1876. une Gonimn a 4 cellules (Tetramonas socialis Dujardin?) : (herlil Sur Ibd. Resume...(950 × 1,402 (3.62 MB)) - 18:38, 11 December 2023
- File:Federal Register 1988-09-07- Vol 53 Iss 173 (IA sim federal-register-find 1988-09-07 53 173 5).pdf (matches file content)willow oak and pine (Krai 1983, McDaniel 1981). The endangered Clematis socialis and Sarracenia oreophila occur with Marshailia mohrii at two separate sites...(1,118 × 1,514 (714 KB)) - 23:10, 17 August 2024
- File:Archiv für Naturgeschichte - Index 1835-1859 (1860) (IA archivfrnaturg00berl).pdf (matches file content)88. XIV, Atherina XV, 377. — custris XXIII, 159. 167. — pontica IV, socialis 101. Alhlia rustica 1.1,266. Atopa VII, 88. Atractodes cavifrons IX...(643 × 1,137 (13.25 MB)) - 08:34, 12 September 2023
- File:Zeitschrift für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften Bd. 11 1858 (IA zeitschriftfrd11natu).pdf (matches file content)übereinstimmend, aber auch mit individuellen Abweichungen. 51. platte Atrypa socialis n. vom Schneckenberge sp. Auf einer dünnen Schiefer- liegen zahlreiche...(758 × 1,252 (34.14 MB)) - 17:00, 4 February 2023
- File:Zeitschrift für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften Bd. 11 1858 (IA bub gb ciJLAAAAYAAJ).pdf (matches file content)übereinstimmend, aber auch mit individuellen Abweichungen. 51. Atrypa socialis n. sp. platte vom Schneckenberge Auf einer dünnen Schiefer- liegen...(625 × 1,047 (61.78 MB)) - 17:00, 4 February 2023
- File:Földtani közlöny (IA foldtanikozlony2418magy).pdf (matches file content)Bulimmá cuspidata 25. — B. elegáns 25.— B. porrecta 25. — B. pyrula 25. — B. socialis Born. 25. —■ Buliminus (Chondrula) tridens Müll. var. albolimbatus Pfeiff...(983 × 1,450 (37.86 MB)) - 19:08, 29 July 2022
- File:Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg 060 1904 (IA jahresheftedesve60vere).pdf (matches file content)Samnilung*. (Konservator: Prof. Dr. E. Alb. Fr aas.) Trigonodus Sandhergeri socialis x. Schl., Eiisf/jlus Albertii E. Phil, aus von Schwäbisch-Hall, Iltioplioria...(856 × 1,325 (34.68 MB)) - 15:25, 28 December 2022