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- File:中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会公报2017年第三号.pdf (category May 2017 in China)Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, Year 2017, Issue 03. Chinese (China) 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会公报2017年第三号...(991 × 1,604 (12.37 MB)) - 00:57, 5 June 2022
- File:Catalogue of the specimens of neuropterous insects in the collection of the British museum (IA catalogueofspeci04brits).pdf (matches file content)submarginatum), antennarum articulus 2?w 3i macula et thoracis sutura lateralis '2a jiavescentia. Ahe angustce ; vena costal is et reticulatio metallicce ; venuhc...(564 × 1,006 (3.75 MB)) - 11:50, 13 February 2024
- File:List of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, Part IV- Odonata (IA dli.granth.70736).pdf (matches file content)submarginatu)t), antennarum articulus 2us 3i macula et thoracis sutura lateralis 2a flavescentia. Alm august& ; vena costalis et reticulatio metallica ; verzulce...(645 × 1,100 (2.84 MB)) - 20:55, 20 December 2022
- File:Lepidoptera indica (IA lepidopteraindic02moor).pdf (matches file content)Oriuoma Damaris, ? ,^ 2, 2a. Ehaphicera Satricus, 3, 3a. Rliaphicera Moorei, J* . 1 1, la. Maniola Davendra, . 3 2, 2a. Maniola latistigma, ...(1,125 × 1,562 (31.66 MB)) - 20:42, 11 December 2020
- The Chinese speaker; readings in modern Mandarin ( ) Author Morgan, Evan, b. 1860 Christian Literature Society for China Title The Chinese speaker;...(1,091 × 1,508 (24.69 MB)) - 03:09, 1 November 2024
- DescriptionThe West China Missionary News (October 1939).pdf English: The West China Missionary News (October 1939; v. 40 no. 10), published by West China Missions...(766 × 1,239 (1.39 MB)) - 06:19, 13 May 2023
- Introduction to the study of the Chinese characters ( ) Author Edkins, Joseph, 1823-1905 Title Introduction to the study of the Chinese characters Publisher London :...(933 × 1,477 (35.64 MB)) - 22:32, 20 February 2023
- training of teachers in China ( ) Author Chêng, Nai-wên, 1890- [from old catalog] Title The training of teachers in China Publisher Chicago Description...(889 × 1,229 (4.73 MB)) - 03:28, 18 October 2024
- to be concluded with China ( ) Author Tyler Title Indian revenue from Indian opium; chinese money at the expense of chinese life; british honour or...(2,527 × 3,508 (1.43 MB)) - 23:18, 18 October 2024
- Forty-Two Sections, from the Chinese ( ) Author Beal, S. Title The Sutra of the Forty-Two Sections, from the Chinese Volume 19 Publisher Journal of...(762 × 1,212 (1,000 KB)) - 01:39, 21 March 2021
- File:Illustrations of Indian Zoology, Vol. 1.djvu (matches file content)B-VOWbj. V IPS,- UilBSSES SPOTTED WOOiMMBCKER. [ale— 2 Female.- 2a Wing- 21) Tail Tkhthy rrt«tklk WlfU <>>liP. Square. . 3 MQHL [.til...(3,686 × 5,634 (17.5 MB)) - 18:30, 23 June 2018
- Chinese-language phrase book in the Canton dialect ( ) Author Stedman. Thomas Lathrop, 1853- [from old catalog] Lee, K. P., [from old catalog] joint...(756 × 1,150 (12.94 MB)) - 00:26, 29 February 2024
- File:List of the specimens of lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum (IA listofspecimenso2728brit).pdf (matches file content)pallidissime ochracea, lineis duabus cinereis nigro marginatis, la angulata, 2a subarcuata perobliqua, punctis duobus discalibus et quinque marginalibus albis...(608 × 1,050 (48.42 MB)) - 20:37, 1 January 2021
- Republic of China Navy (ROCN). ( ) Author Wang-Nai.;Lind, Judith H. Title Local area network standards and guidelines for The Republic of China Navy (ROCN)...(1,202 × 1,585 (4.44 MB)) - 10:08, 21 August 2024
- File:The practical book of period furniture, treating of furniture of the English, American colonial and post-colonial and principal French periods (IA gri 33125007249432).pdf (matches file content)2a. Interlaced strap splat 26. Ladder-back pierced 2c. Pillared splat 3a. 6, Ladder-back with hooped top rail Cupid 's-bow top rail Chinese fret...(1,083 × 1,420 (26.78 MB)) - 00:00, 31 December 2021
- File:Facile synthesis of NiCo2S4-CNTs nanocomposites for high-performance supercapacitors.pdf (matches file content)two shake-up satellites (marked as ‘Sat.’) using the Gaussian fitting method. For Co 2p of the S1 sample (figure 2a), the binding energies at around 778...(1,085 × 1,575 (1.61 MB)) - 02:09, 19 June 2024
- File:Lepidoptera indica (IA lepidopteraindi1moore).pdf (matches file content)2a, the female, the latter taken from the specimen captured by Mr. Moller, and now in the collection of Mr. J. Id. Leech. Indo-Malayan and Chinese allied...(2,612 × 3,320 (12.53 MB)) - 13:24, 6 November 2022
- File:A magnetic reference unit using permanent magnet flux. (IA magneticreferenc00simp).pdf (matches file content)FL drop across the cores go into saturation at points c and g of Figure 2A, then the voltage drop across the load resistor is equal to the supply voltage...(1,135 × 1,610 (4.34 MB)) - 14:18, 29 June 2023
- File:The Times of India Calendar and Directory, 1869, abridged edition (IA dli.granth.72169).pdf (matches file content)Secretary for Western India. News. Badham and Company's Advertisement. 2a • .VAN.A.DI "s?) •,s. , . A Arb : ., ..., CbiktA, , t...4.1 4 '....(750 × 1,104 (33.6 MB)) - 17:53, 22 December 2022
- File:List of the specimens of lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum (IA listofspecimenso46brit).pdf (matches file content)dense vestitae. Alae vix latae. 00 Alae amplae. XX Abdomen inferior 2a proxima. non superans. 41. Stilpnotia alas posticas - - - 49. Sinaga...(572 × 1,060 (65.22 MB)) - 20:37, 1 January 2021