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Create the page "Cobitis guttata" on this wiki!
- File:IV.—An attempt to ascertain the Fauna of Shropshire and North Wales (IA biostor-94192).pdf (matches file content)the North Forest wanting the nasal projection. Common in Shropshire, but Cobitis barbatula, Linn. (Loach.) : not observed in North Wales. Esox Lucius...(677 × 1,166 (13.49 MB)) - 07:25, 27 July 2024
- File:Akvarium lyubitelya.pdf (matches file content)................................................... 249 Бартгрюндель (Cobitis b arb atu la)............................................................(881 × 1,354 (26.19 MB)) - 02:49, 28 July 2023
- File:Histoire naturelle des poissons (IA histoirenaturell181846cuvi).pdf (matches file content)du mot de Cobitis qu'il Artedi n'a compris dans que la le genre de ce loche franche [Cobitis barbatula), la loche de rivière [Cobitis tœnici),...(718 × 1,177 (24.42 MB)) - 00:24, 19 October 2024
- File:Museum naturalium Academiae upsaliensis cujus partem primam (-XXXIII, ultimam) (IA museumnaturalium00upps).pdf (matches file content)flavicoUis, iindulata, ' (f). i^'giittata, j6'guttata, 1^'guttata, 20'guttata, ohlongG-guttata, Elophoms aquaticus. minutus, Byrrhus firophularice...(833 × 1,122 (65.53 MB)) - 04:23, 28 October 2022
- File:Encyclopdie d'histoire naturelle. (IA encyclopdiedhistchen 8).pdf (matches file content)Platycerqces. Platycerci.139 Serpent a sonnettes. Crotalus.. . 146 Loche. Cobitis.295 Platynotes. Platynotes. LOl'HOBRANCIlES.333 Platyrrhiniens. Platyrrhinii...(1,020 × 1,681 (10.23 MB)) - 10:31, 29 November 2021
- File:Fauna Suecica (1761) (IA carolilinnaeiequ00linnca).pdf (matches file content)49oconglomer. 404 491 guttato-pun6i:. 492 14-guttata 397 493 16 guttata 399 494 ig-guttata. 495" 20-guttata. 400 496oblongo-gut389 497 obliterata...(660 × 1,137 (41.38 MB)) - 11:14, 1 November 2021
- File:An introduction to the natural history of fishes (IA introductiontona00wils).pdf (matches file content)vulgaris. Muller's Topknot. Block's Topknot. The Whiff. The Scald-Fish. Cobitis barbatula. Botia ' Family Pleuronectida. Leuciscus L. L. L. L. L....(1,306 × 1,710 (11.22 MB)) - 06:57, 9 August 2023
- File:Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarien-Kunde (IA bltterfraquarien1908stut).pdf (matches file content)(Misgurnus . . . . 614 437 667 363 222 235 , 228 Die Atmung von Cobitis taenia und Nemachilus barbatula 255 342 Zur Biologie der Groppe (Cottus...(1,552 × 2,272 (110.29 MB)) - 20:45, 1 December 2023
- File:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA catalogueofanim00fors).pdf (matches file content)II. 14 . Mu/ S. Bl. # # # m abdominal, XXIX. Loch Beardlefs Cobitis heteroclita XXX. Am Mud-filh Amia Cat Silurus i a XXXI. Silure...(741 × 1,250 (3.8 MB)) - 20:33, 6 December 2023
- File:Okens Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte (IA okenslehrbuchde321816oken).pdf (matches file content)Citellus 842 Civetta, Viverra 1007 Clupanodon 64 Clupea 85 Coati, Nasua 1077 Cobitis 82 Cochlearius , Can» croma Coecilia 28 6 Coelogenys 821 1 XII Coendu...(660 × 1,229 (150.82 MB)) - 16:20, 12 October 2021
- File:Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-akademiens forhandlingar (IA fversigtafkong231866kung).pdf (matches file content)1'utilus i Lebra sjö. Abramis bräma i Ifö sjö. A. alburnus allm. Esox CoBiTis tcenia SiLURUS glanis Ifö och i i Belo>e allm. lucius, Salmo salar...(789 × 1,268 (33.76 MB)) - 06:26, 23 September 2022
- File:Catalogue of vertebrated animals of Japan (IA catalogueofverte00okad).pdf (matches file content)Family ( hjprinidce. Botia, Gray. curta, SrJdeg. \ . . [ 19 ] 'Cobitis, Art. taenia, L. ' IVusgurnus, Lace p. anguillicaudatus, ' Anchilognathus...(760 × 1,200 (5.91 MB)) - 15:27, 26 April 2024
- File:Nachträge zu Gurlt's Verzeichnis der Thiere. bei welchen Entozoen gefunden worden sind (IA biostor-214064).pdf (matches file content)s. {Filaria?). Periton. Creplin. Inter tun. veutr. Ideni. Laurer. Cobitis Barbatula. Echinorrhijnchus Proteus Westr. Mehlis. S ilurus Glan is. Ecldnorrlojnduis...(575 × 1,058 (3.65 MB)) - 17:00, 28 July 2021
- File:Records of the Indian Museum (IA recordsofindianm22indi).pdf (matches file content). ... Clubiana ... Clubiondae Clypeolum ... Cobitidae ... ... Cobitis zonal'ternans Coccidae ... Ooe'.ioxvs capitatus fus'fipennis ... Coenoptichus...(1,029 × 1,537 (42.6 MB)) - 20:17, 20 November 2020
- File:Forster's catalogue of the animals of North America, or, Faunula americana (microform) (IA cihm 06619).pdf (matches file content)N. # -;;- Bl. Mus. S. Bi. # abdominal. XXIX. Loch Beardless Cobitis heteroclita XXX. Amia Mud-fish Amia XXXI. SiLURE Cat Silurus Armed...(1,129 × 1,364 (2.21 MB)) - 12:28, 26 April 2024
- File:Archiv für Naturgeschichte - Index 1835-1859 (1860) (IA archivfrnaturg00berl).pdf (matches file content)114. Cnemidophorus heterolcpis XI, 160. Cobelura lorigera XIII, 149. Cobitis IV, 77. — caspia 98. Coccimorphus alutaceus XIII, 179. Coccinella arcula...(643 × 1,137 (13.25 MB)) - 08:34, 12 September 2023
- File:Beiträge zur Rheinischen Naturgeschichte (IA beitrgezurrhei11849gese).pdf (matches file content)S. lavaretus; Petromyzon fluvia(Ammoccetes) branchialis; Cottus gobio; Cobitis und Gasterosteus aculeatus. C. Jeses; tilis, P. fossilis 14tes Stück...(654 × 1,179 (7.96 MB)) - 06:45, 9 November 2024
- File:Catalogue of the subjects of natural history in the Museum of the Royal Dublin Society, also of the antiquities, &c (IA catalogueofsubje00roya).pdf (matches file content)Abdominales. Ventral Fins on the Belly, behind the Thorax. Colitis. 40 Cobitis Barbatula Bearded Locbe or Groundling Silurus. 41 42 43 44 45 Silu...(616 × 1,108 (8.55 MB)) - 11:51, 13 February 2024
- File:Quellenkunde der vergleichenden Anatomie als Vorläufer einer pragmatischen Geschichte der Zootomie. Für Naturforscher und Anatomen (IA b28739401).pdf (matches file content)discovered innsclc belonging to the crystalline lens in the eye of the Cobitis Anableps fish, from Surinam, to adjust thc lens for Vision at near distances...(902 × 1,493 (22.84 MB)) - 18:31, 4 December 2022
- File:The Journal of the Linnean Society of London (IA journaloflinnean120183890linn).pdf (matches file content)Blceker, xiv. 554. micropogon, Blyth, xiv. ftnote 555. — — — ; — — — (Cobitis) fossilis, Jeitteles, v. 22. Acanthopterygii, Linn., xiii. 110, 112, 205...(789 × 1,258 (29.26 MB)) - 00:39, 21 August 2024