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- File:Price list on lining out stock - fall 1925 - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31317076).pdf (matches file content)50 in. .1 yr. same amomum *6-9 *9-12 *12-15 *4-6 Oxeye Butterfly davidi magnifica, Bush CORNUS .1 yr. *12-18 in. in. in. in. in. in. in...(872 × 1,268 (577 KB)) - 17:03, 20 August 2024
- File:Fall 1935 lining out stock list - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31345674).pdf (matches file content)i i /-n , yr. yr. yr. yr. yr. yr. minor, Box Barberry.2 yr. BUDDLEIA davidi magnifica, Oxeye Butterflybush.1 yr. CALYCANTHUS floridus, Common Sweetshrub...(1,741 × 2,512 (1.12 MB)) - 05:26, 18 August 2024
- File:Price list of hardy plants - by the Roberts Rose Company. (IA CAT31323135).pdf (matches file content)June to July, red. .75 arendsi, Salland. arendsi, Venus. Large plumes Davidi. feet, 3 feet, July, June of violet June Mont flowers. 5 .75 to...(727 × 1,075 (2.33 MB)) - 20:52, 15 August 2024
- File:Preliminary price list of hardy plants - spring and fall 1924 - by the Roberts Rose Company. (IA CAT31313813).pdf (matches file content)deep violet-rose. 6 feet, 3 feet, July, Large plumes of June to July. Davidi. feet, plumes violet A grandis rosea maxima. flowers. 5 to 6 splendid...(931 × 1,308 (2.78 MB)) - 03:16, 11 March 2023
- File:Ornamental and fruit tree catalogue - 1926 - Leonard Coates Nurseries. (IA CAT31321428).pdf (matches file content)BOTTLE BRUSH. See Callistemon. BROOM. See Cytisus and Genista. BUDDLEA fly davidi. Oxeye magnifica. harroviana potted... .D Rock Cotoneaster. horizontalis...(852 × 1,220 (2.64 MB)) - 01:45, 2 May 2024
- File:Huntington, 1937 - Ralph E. Huntington Nursery. (IA CAT31349375).pdf (matches file content)fine mixture of the late blooming named varieties. 2 Vi feet. ASTILBE DAVIDI. A handsome Chinese native with large rose plumes overcast with purple....(1,543 × 2,266 (7.13 MB)) - 09:36, 18 August 2024
- File:Bullettino (IA bullettino10soci).pdf (matches file content)penultima citazione di Hòrnes un equivoco geografico. La Róne, pag. 109, Davidi Font. (Moli, plioc. PI. VII, fig. 6) dalla descrizione dell' autore...(1,172 × 1,839 (17.85 MB)) - 23:49, 2 January 2024
- File:Zoologischer Jahresbericht (IA zoologischerjahr1911staz).pdf (matches file content)Bouet, G., & (2) Vol. 56 p E. Roubaud, Sur la presence au monas Davidi Lafont, Flagelle Tome 70 p 55-57 Fig. [46] *Bowman, Fred. B., Two 387—393...(906 × 1,402 (44.91 MB)) - 01:37, 28 February 2023
- File:General price list. No. 144, spring 1922 - trees, shrubs, vines, evergreens and herbaceous plants - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31308127).pdf (matches file content)feet 75 95 1.00 : heavy ..Box Barberry. 9-12 inch 1.00 BUDDLEIA davidi (variabilis) 2 year, strong CALYCANTHUS .. . 70 ..American Sweet-shrub...(912 × 1,308 (2.57 MB)) - 10:18, 16 July 2024
- File:Wholesale price list 1919-1920 - for the trade only - Cottage Gardens Nurseries. (IA CAT31303541).pdf (matches file content)A in. pot.... 1 iy2 DARWIN BARBERRY knighti stenophylla RTTDDLETA davidi veitcliiarsa .5 4 A lindleyana mexicana, in. pot.... in. pot 2...(752 × 1,135 (2.24 MB)) - 13:44, 11 March 2023
- File:General price list. No. 147, fall 1922 - trees, shrubs, vines, evergreens and herbaceous plants - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31308120).pdf (matches file content)BERBERIS Each (Continued) 9-12 inch, 2 yr 12-15 inch, 3 yr BUDDLEIA davidi (variabilis) CALYCANTHUS feet, inch, occidentalis 3-4 70 6.00 50...(808 × 1,289 (2.53 MB)) - 07:37, 11 March 2023
- File:Chetham miscellanies (IA chethammiscellan36chet).pdf (matches file content)printed in Holland anno bius.3 you may by wdiom, and for whom, Vita .Davidis Georgii was printed; which may better direct to the procuring of it. It...(1,072 × 1,235 (23.98 MB)) - 14:51, 25 February 2024
- File:General price list. Catalog no. 150, spring 1923 - trees, shrubs, vines, evergreens and herbaceous plants - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31310516).pdf (matches file content)85 pentaphylla 70 feet 1.25 feet feet ARONIA 2-3 inch 3BUDDLEIA davidi (variabilis) 4CALYCANTHUS Horidus 36.00 55.00 60 5.00 40.00 New ...(764 × 1,131 (2.24 MB)) - 05:22, 11 March 2023
- File:General price list, No. 235, spring 1928 - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31328347).pdf (matches file content)00 .50 4.50 minor Box Barberry 8-15 inch ... 40.00 .60 5.00 BU DOLE IA davidi magnifica Oxeye Butterflybush 2- 3 feet...... 25.00 .40 3.00 3- 4 feet ...(720 × 1,006 (6.33 MB)) - 22:11, 20 August 2024
- File:General price list, No. 255, spring 1929 - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31330756).pdf (matches file content)and color effect. minor Box Barberry 3.00 $20.00 6-10 inch . .40 BUDDLEIA davidi magnifica Oxeye Butterflybush 3-4 feet . 35.00 .55 4.50 Common Buttonbush...(750 × 1,083 (6.46 MB)) - 09:25, 20 August 2020
- File:General price list. No. 218, spring 1927 - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31325762).pdf (matches file content).50 4.25 36.00 .40 2.50 3.50 BUDDLEIA 1 yr. Oxeye Butterflybush davidi magnifica No. 1 CAR AG AN A arborescens 3 feet 4 feet CORCHORUS CORNUS...(725 × 1,070 (6.88 MB)) - 10:33, 19 August 2020
- File:General price list. No. 205, fall 1926 - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31322819).pdf (matches file content)yr Japanese Barberry Box Barberry minor 12-15 inch BUDDLEIA 1 yr. davidi magnifica Oxeye Butterflybush No. 1 CARAGANA arborescens Siberian Pea-tree...(839 × 1,108 (7.01 MB)) - 23:21, 18 August 2020
- File:General price list - spring 1925 - catalogue no. 181 cancels previous general price lists - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31317069).pdf (matches file content)100.00 . .35 . Box Barberry minor 10-15 inch, BUDDLEIA 2 year davidi variabilis 2 year, No. Orange-eye Butterflybush 1 2- 3- CALYCANTHUS...(881 × 1,258 (4.37 MB)) - 12:46, 18 August 2024
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA gri 33125016455517).pdf (matches file content)a Draconi¬ Nympha, Nymphaei Apolloni at arum pr <efides. bus traJlo ■ Cyclops, inter fabros officina Vulcani. Meleager, apri Calydonii confeSlor. Cecrops...(1,020 × 1,500 (46.79 MB)) - 06:24, 28 October 2024
- File:General price list. No. 230, fall 1927 - Naperville Nurseries. (IA CAT31325763).pdf (matches file content)00 40.00 .40 3.00 25.00 Box Barberry minor 8-15 .40 .45 .55 inch davidi magnifica Oxeye Butterflybush 2-3 feet 8 GENERAL PRJCE CALYCANTHUS...(760 × 1,093 (6.85 MB)) - 23:54, 17 August 2024