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- File:Robert Henri (IA roberthenri00henr).pdf (matches file content)Stephens, Esq., Moline, III. Tony In Private Collection Portrait of Fay Bainter ManUs Collection of Paul Schulze, Esq., Chicago, III. Patience Serious...(768 × 1,100 (5.68 MB)) - 03:41, 11 May 2024
- File:Educational Directory 1915-16. Bulletin 1915, No. 43 (IA educationaldirec00bure 2).pdf (matches file content)designation. Address. Pliilippine Islands: C H. Magee..... Porto Rico: Edward M. Bainter. Commissioner of education. Wilfred A. Barlow.. General superintendent...(779 × 1,268 (23.54 MB)) - 15:23, 18 August 2024
- File:Catalogue (IA catalogue20inte).pdf (matches file content)Henri, Robert NEW YORK, NEW YORK; bom, CINCIN¬ NATI, OHIO 137 Fay Bainter as the “Image” in “The Willow Tree” Heustis, Louise Lyons new york, new...(554 × 800 (1.66 MB)) - 23:21, 12 February 2024
- File:Educational Directory 1912. Bulletin 1912, No. 31. Whole Number 505 (IA educationaldirec00bure).pdf (matches file content)Miss Rose A. Bird. Walter E. Clark. Willis T. Pope. Frank R. White. Edward M. Bainter. Montgomery, Ala. Phoenix, Ariz. Little Rock, Ark. Sacramento, Cal...(731 × 1,239 (11.79 MB)) - 09:30, 21 August 2024
- File:The Billboard 1918-03-16- Vol 30 Iss 11 (IA sim billboard 1918-03-16 30 11).pdf (matches file content)Billboard 5 New Woods Theater In ('lilo*BO DaiiiaKCtl by ploalon Fay Bainter Bomb Ex- Chicago, March 9.—The new Woods Theater, at the corner of Dearborn...(1,462 × 2,012 (17.47 MB)) - 16:34, 7 April 2022
- File:Collection of Nebraska pioneer reminiscences (IA collectionofnebr01daug).pdf (matches file content)Bill," Marion Jerome Fonts, also known as "California Joe," and James Bainter had made hunting and trapping camps all the way along the Little Blue river...(831 × 1,327 (20.48 MB)) - 01:47, 1 April 2024
- 31-151, N.L. Freeman; v. 32-36, Marshall D. Ewell; v. 45, V.B. Denslow and M.D. Ewell; v. 152-245, I.N. Phillips; v. 256-377, S.P. Irwin; v. 378-415, 2nd...(762 × 1,277 (41.58 MB)) - 07:01, 23 November 2024
- File:Majestic Theatre Leave it to Jane Program (IA majestictheatrel00unse 0).pdf (matches file content)Bird” ASTOR THEATRE Broadway and 45th EAST with St. WEST IS FAY BAINTER WINTER GARDEN 50th Street and Broadway AL JOLSON in “SINBAD” 48TH ST...(937 × 1,452 (4.24 MB)) - 02:02, 12 January 2023
- File:Photoplay Studies (1940) (IA photoplaystudies62nati).pdf (matches file content)THE CAST OF "OUR TOWN" George Gibbs William Holden Martha Scott Fay Bainter Mrs. Gibbs Beulah Bondi Mrs. Webb Thomas Mitchell Dr. Gibbs Guy Kibbee...(1,210 × 1,587 (16.06 MB)) - 14:15, 20 October 2022
- File:Motion Picture Herald (IA motionpictureher164unse).pdf (matches file content)itffeoHti/eoi ima MAYO-VERA-ELLEN THE GOLDWYN GIRLS WALTER ABEL EVE ARDEN - FAY BAINTER Directed by • • STEVE COCHRAN LIONEL STANDER NORMAN Z. McLEOD Adapted...(1,383 × 1,852 (126.98 MB)) - 20:37, 2 May 2024
- File:Abendpost 1900-09-03- Vol 12 Iss 209 (IA sim abendpost-sonntagpost 1900-09-03 12 209).pdf (matches file content)Barade ab und hielten nach einem ſperrungen gegeben, aber die Arbeiter⸗ — Bainters’ Union: P D’Reefe, F. bewegung wuchs doch. ihnen zu Ehren veranftalteten...(2,447 × 3,337 (16.66 MB)) - 02:03, 3 July 2023
- File:Historical encyclopedia of Illinois (IA historicalencycllee00inbate).pdf (matches file content)\xi) White Settler Palestine Grove Settlement John Dexter and Andrew Bainter. l-'irst Black Hawk II. Binghamton and Rocky Ford Treaty of 1804 Black...(681 × 972 (74.43 MB)) - 08:45, 22 February 2021
- File:Poems upon several occasions. (IA poemsuponseveral01leapiala).pdf (matches file content)William Boreton. Mr. James Bradford. Rever. Mr. Burrows, M. A, Mr. Richard Airs. Boothby. Mrs. Bainter. William Bridges, Valentine Boyles, Efo Mr. Ebenezer...(612 × 947 (24.48 MB)) - 19:38, 9 December 2020
- File:Reports of cases at law and in chancery argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois (IA reportsofcases w50illi).pdf (matches file content)Austin V. Liui.l( et al. i\ 169 I- 308 Buiuter B etc., (ids. Bainter Austin Barnes Dean Hazleton ei al. v. 481 308 et aZ et al.. Wabash...(810 × 1,262 (33.22 MB)) - 19:14, 17 February 2021
- File:Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1920-Jan 1921) (IA motionpicturemag20brew).pdf (matches file content)i !'. Handy rssssi. STAGE PLAYS THAT ARE WORTH WHILE *r , Fay Bainter Istor, in "East West." Is The who story of a quaint little Chinese...(764 × 1,254 (77.57 MB)) - 09:19, 23 October 2022
- File:Medicaid Medicare exchange (IA medicaidmedicare00medi 6).pdf (matches file content)have requested 1115 waivers. Further details may be obtained from ^ Jean Bainter, HCFA's Office of Research, Demonstrations and Statistics, 301-594-7082...(860 × 1,150 (989 KB)) - 13:15, 24 August 2024
- File:Alumni directory, 1870-1919 (IA alumnidirectory100howa).pdf (matches file content)Edward Bates, M. D., 517 S. IGth St., Macon Ga^ Corey, Charles Read; Phar. D., 83, „, v-*. ; M., Clerk, College .r'^V^" T, *Brown, John M.,...(818 × 1,335 (12.19 MB)) - 21:36, 4 August 2023
- File:History of Mercer and Henderson Counties - together with biographical matter, statistics, etc (IA cu31924028805766).pdf (matches file content)Atkins, John Attig, Nicholas A Bailey, John Bailey, William Stuart Bainter, Peter C Bald Bluff Churches Bald Bluff Township Baker, Dr. Jacob Russell...(829 × 1,377 (46.03 MB)) - 02:19, 10 November 2024
- File:The Billboard 1917-06-23- Vol 29 Iss 25 (IA sim billboard 1917-06-23 29 25).pdf (matches file content)I’niversal, Bolin and Chris¬ have notwith¬ of Oh, business. Keystone, Bainter, late of The Willow Tree, and Princess will spe¬ be produced by William...(1,458 × 2,039 (18.59 MB)) - 16:43, 7 April 2022
- File:American Journal of Physics 21-9 (1953) Part 2 Cumulative Index Vol. 1-20 1933-1952 (IA americanjournalo219unse).pdf (matches file content)the de¬ termination of the disintegration constant of thoron. 6: 99—1938 Bainter, Monica E. Meeting of the Wisconsin Section. 19: 397—1951 Baker, Dale C...(1,020 × 1,525 (22.38 MB)) - 11:46, 6 August 2023