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- File:UNION FINANCIAL REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE (IA gov.gpo.fdsys.CHRG-108shrg90473).pdf (matches file content)should be allowed to shield its finances from its members. Unfortunately, OLMS’ existing financial reporting forms, which were created nearly 40 years ago...(1,275 × 1,650 (277 KB)) - 17:04, 20 August 2024
- File:McEvoy's Indianapolis city directory and business mirror for 1858-9 (IA citydir1858cdap).pdf (matches file content)outsi1le b11.ek cover n.ntl .............................. 112 Allln.g Olms. 1 hoots an(lahoes •••••••••• llM Eh'eenlenf & Ilt·own, fou11tlry • ......(845 × 1,333 (17.97 MB)) - 05:34, 4 January 2021
- File:Catalogue and Circular of the State Normal School at Bridgewater, Mass. for the Spring and Summer Term, 1866 (IA bridgewaterstate-1866-spring).pdf (matches file content)WHITNEY, A.M., ELIZA B. WOODWARD. GEORGE H. MARTIN. CHARLOTTE A. COMSTOCK. ELLEN G. BROWN. EMMELINE F. FISHER. HOSEA E. HOLT, Teacher of Music. JAMES C....(875 × 1,389 (1,003 KB)) - 23:40, 12 February 2024
- File:Middelburgsche courant 23-02-1832 (IA ddd 010270283 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)arlir8A2 Itore gemeld Perceel. 79 Roed. 66 Ellen ZAAILAND, gelegen als voren. s°. 1 Bnnd. 51 Roed. 61 Ellen WEILAND, mede aldaar gelegen. Zoo. als alles...(1,595 × 2,831 (678 KB)) - 21:57, 25 December 2021
- File:Middelburgsche courant 08-02-1827 (IA ddd 010269494 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Olm Plantsoen, welk Xe koop een extra goed BILJARD , geheel van Eikenhout gemaakt, laatste een Singel in de ronte formeert van ongeveer twintig ellen...(1,629 × 2,902 (516 KB)) - 10:21, 17 September 2022
- File:Bredasche courant 09-04-1825 (IA ddd 010242666 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)der Nederlandsche Loterij te Breda, Van circa 8 Buinders, 39 Roeden, 58 Ellen, 94 Palzijn, voor de 132 eLoterij, welke op Maandag den 18 men, (26 Buinders...(1,593 × 2,722 (518 KB)) - 23:28, 18 December 2023
- File:Middelburgsche courant 20-01-1827 (IA ddd 010269486 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Boomen , Willigen Struikhout en Olm Plantsoen, welft laatste een Singel in de ronte formeert van ongeveer twirttig ellen breed, mede beplant met onderscheidene...(1,629 × 2,902 (550 KB)) - 09:42, 17 September 2022
- File:The open door; or, Light and liberty (IA opendoororlightl00smit).pdf (matches file content)The Baptism and The Sermon V. after Church 35 49 Interview between Ellen Roberts and her Mother ‘‘ “ VI. VII. VIII. “ IX. 56 Mr. Hart’s...(1,085 × 1,712 (97.29 MB)) - 21:28, 22 December 2020
- File:Middelburgsche courant 02-11-1826 (IA ddd 010269452 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Boomen, Willigen Struikhout en Olm Plantsoen', welk Taaiste een Singel in de ronte formeérc van ongeveer ewincig ellen breed, mede beplant met ouderscheidene...(1,595 × 2,918 (527 KB)) - 10:36, 17 September 2022
- File:Annual catalogue of the officers and students of Oberlin College for the college year (IA annualcatalogueo00ober 0).pdf (matches file content)Henrietta. Carrie Barnard, Ridgeville. Ellen L. Barnard, Palmyra, Mich. Mary L. Barrett, M. Ellen Bash, Roanoke, Ind. Alvira P. Bates, Henrietta...(818 × 1,185 (36.76 MB)) - 09:23, 13 October 2024
- File:Catalogue of the First Winter Exhibition of the National Academy of Design (1867–8), Including the First Annual Collection of the American Society of Painters in Water Colors (IA 1867 68AWS).pdf (matches file content)Fringed Gentian Aster t 'Member and Tl le A tist r ' 'Miss Ellen Robbins. . ' Mi~s Ellen Robbins . of the American Society of p,.jnters in Water Colors...(804 × 1,325 (5.15 MB)) - 07:51, 13 February 2024
- File:Schwedische kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts (IA schwedischekunst00nord).pdf (matches file content)bort ift, fd^mebifd^ fein ift bie raul^en lilippen, Sommernäd^te. l^ellen nod? toill, Kaum bie Dort für eine üunft, nur eine fosmopolt= nid^t...(1,052 × 1,547 (22.89 MB)) - 02:51, 4 January 2022
- File:Leeuwarder courant 09-03-1821 (IA ddd 010580780 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)v. Ellen (81 Pondematen) ,d 4 a rpe Scharnegoutum , by Luitjen«7,Jacobs Postma wordende24bewoond en gebrukt LOSL eroot 4 Bunders Bv. Roeden Ellen (,2...(1,731 × 3,039 (1.64 MB)) - 11:58, 23 December 2021
- File:Opregte Haarlemsche Courant 17-11-1846 (IA ddd 010521926 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)een gaaf SMIRNAASCH TAPIJT (oude Fabriek^, lang circa 10 Ned. Ellen en breed 6 Ned. Ellen. Adres,'met opgave van prijs, bij de GEBRs. KLUIT, Boek- en Papierhandelaars...(1,800 × 3,079 (2.4 MB)) - 10:57, 27 December 2021
- File:Bredasche courant 26-08-1829 (IA ddd 010242896 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Prïncenhage , op den Kleibcrg groot te samen ongeveer 2 Blunders, 58 Roeden, 55 Ellen, belend _, oost P. Dielemans, Jufvrouw de Wed. van Micrlo C n J. Snels,...(1,606 × 2,441 (837 KB)) - 00:40, 19 December 2023
- File:Smith College Class Book 1903.pdf (matches file content)Montpelier, \'t. Machias, Maine Lowell, Mass. Ruth Stephens Baker Ellen Cray Barbour Plymouth, Mass. 217 Farmington Ave. Hartford, Conn. 16 ...(1,177 × 1,470 (7.94 MB)) - 22:07, 14 May 2024
- File:Middelburgsche courant 20-03-1821 (IA ddd 010268573 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)met koffij en fuiker, en the den en 86 Ellen, of 100 Gemeten oude Landmaat LANDS, met , Albion, kapt. J-olm Hürst, met Uukgotdereu beide van Londen....(1,583 × 2,958 (547 KB)) - 19:08, 25 December 2021
- File:Württembergische Jahrbücher für Statistik und Landeskunde (IA wurttembergische1855unse).pdf (matches file content)aufgenommen mürben von 1854/55 502 Uranfe, movon 344 aus Stuttgart unb $ar$ellen maren. ®er täglictye Jtranfen= ffanb betrug im 9)?itte( 27 bis 28. 33on...(812 × 1,395 (24.5 MB)) - 08:01, 31 October 2020
- File:Arnhemsche courant 14-07-1829 (IA ddd 010149538 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)Hof, oi' de liammelweide , grooit ongeveer 2 Bunders, 67 Roetien en 60 Ellen, het Huis % % % UIT DE HAND TE KOOP, oen nieuwe gekwoteerd I N°. 42 , alles...(1,570 × 2,231 (1.06 MB)) - 16:39, 15 September 2023
- File:Sonoma Valley Expositor 1903-11-27 (IA casomvhs 000141).pdf (matches file content)Sunday L. Ciar -Epii ® o p o s ito r G LEN ELLEN COLUM N a l se will SOCIETY NOTICES. W. W. Ellen wood Camp,. No. 487, mee ts th e irs: an d th...(2,829 × 3,710 (21.79 MB)) - 13:11, 24 February 2023