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- File:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA mobot31753000816063).pdf (matches file content)toitb longe necfcis an& natouoc mouttys torecepuetjjetoatet tt>at cornet!) frome tbe pppe of tbc alcmbfctt oftlje fafiion tf;c fame ttimwVt f>e d - i:Mit...(5,360 × 7,718 (77.55 MB)) - 21:13, 6 December 2023
- File:Herrn J.M. Dilherrns Predigers bey S. Sebald Evangelischer Schlussreimen der Predigen - so er im Jahr 1649(-1651) gehalten, mit dreyen singenden Stimmen, zweyen Discanten (IA herrnjmdilherrns00kind).pdf (matches file content)t>rr ©otf r Hoffe Xad- 0c^ani&u m«f? t)on E|^tgg!|gifeggg|^^g i frome frome (<pt\l mufi ^etm inmm fc^mn/mac§ m wnfrra iHüül^gÜi t>uj O J0(i(B(t...(795 × 527 (21.58 MB)) - 06:15, 23 January 2023
- File:Bildergeographie - eine Darstellung aller Länder und Völker der Erde (IA bildergeographie31duke).pdf (matches file content)wenn aud) tjdüig t)erdnberfen SSer^äftnifle. mächtig ftnb ^(merifaö ©frome! 'Mmajonettfluf, ifl o^neSwd* nid)t gerabe ber einjige ®runb, imb ...(700 × 1,150 (62.89 MB)) - 18:55, 20 November 2023
- File:Certayn godly sermons made uppon the Lords prayer (IA certayngodlyserm00lati).pdf (matches file content)fpnnes * j* o; be tbaungctbimtbUs,b3tflftetbeurfvnnes anD toicueDnefTe frome U*, anD gcuctb Unto Us bis bonme(Te,ngbtuouute*, fntticc,fnlfrllpngof tbclator...(737 × 1,081 (46.11 MB)) - 01:32, 28 October 2024
- File:The bankette of sapience (IA banketteofsapien00elyo).pdf (matches file content)oftfecpm tljat tearetl) a to?cl)e bcfo?ecuerpc courfetolianne . tl)ep come frome tt}c D^efTer : 3nD pet U)l}ere abuntiaunce, Ij map pcrcliaunc( fo?...(558 × 831 (9.06 MB)) - 19:17, 12 November 2022
- Horn to&enee txwjs To . name* of one :affirmc ^ t&e name, c^m &,**. frome rtjpnhe^ac %TM &a& are opuerf optraw* ^u tOefoimeoj tNtttDaefocaUeB...(695 × 1,191 (18.98 MB)) - 18:13, 6 May 2023
- aber biä an bie ^nfel SWan lief auf unb gieng norb« bei ^amtf(5atfa«@frome{f aud, wärf^ bem $(u{fe ^nabi^r vorbei : ob feine IDie ©efeüfc^aft brad)(e...(1,168 × 1,425 (36.83 MB)) - 11:24, 5 March 2021
- File:English coronation records (IA englishcoronatio00legg).pdf (matches file content)I 'ft CO. S.W. Ltd. Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works Frome, and London. MAOK AND P»I«TEB IN THAT BRI Preface In making this...(1,043 × 1,625 (27.69 MB)) - 10:33, 14 December 2021
- File:RR. PP. Antonii Sepp, und Antonii Böhm, der Societät Jesu Priestern teutscher Nation, deren der erste aus Tyrol an der Etsch, der ander aus Bayrn gebürtig (IA rrppantoniiseppu00sepp 0).pdf (matches file content)ijerb^iien f mi/ ju ttjac^fen p|!c;f ^onffctt fe^nb tiefe Paraubcca«^ o,\sXz frome(J{)vii? en/feDttb feinen a(ö unfern Patrien, ; uariet? usanternjorffctt/...(518 × 825 (32.52 MB)) - 08:13, 2 January 2021
- File:California Digital Library (IA arithmeticahisto00suev).pdf (matches file content)^e^unDen/ fonDern t>nfer geit jlig^t in ©ottee ^enDen/^fal.^u^^ieficfe auc^ Der frome .tei;fer Maximilianus ßomm^n wtrD/ Denn Ubm fecuiidus , Der jct^t...(883 × 1,162 (40.39 MB)) - 02:37, 27 January 2024
- File:Letters on prisons (IA b29000816 0003).pdf (matches file content)':''H,?&,''' J,t.JP ' K > • I’ ' •' ' ... »' Ct a.:? ' * Vf* ,rfc. I^: - \. I ,, _ , , ' •/: 'Tli-’ >..;' . ,j .-' f>' ‘ ...(1,404 × 2,331 (16.52 MB)) - 18:40, 4 December 2022
- might bothrichlV bly«feanddisbur<fcnS Re^p. m ^ ^ . rhcfchrv,om>s>frome>i,ei^ht,,Ulikclihood: *«.&,-„ ^'cxcSS '"•"''»or'!othere.ifyeuhaKethem. high...(1,191 × 1,427 (14.29 MB)) - 04:17, 30 June 2023
- File:Herrn von Buffons allgemeine Naturgeschichte. (IA herrnvonbuffonsa41buff).pdf (matches file content)^emegung biefe 35ett>egung unterfd)iebcne ^ugeldjen mit ficb »on @frome ncrurfacbef, ber nach einet 0eite binmenbef, fo pfiegef öfters auf einer...(637 × 989 (17.9 MB)) - 21:05, 17 July 2022
- File:Natur-Wunder und Länder-Merkwürdigkeiten - (IA naturwunderundln11wagn).pdf (matches file content)23erge aufbeut SReereSgrunbc fmb gfefeftfant bie Ufer, welche bie 3Reer(fröme einfcjvlte* |en, unb bie 9vicbtung i&refeßauf^ DefHinmett. (£üt SRccrfirom...(550 × 941 (24.2 MB)) - 09:52, 7 December 2022
- File:Literarischer grundriss zur geschichte der deutschen poesie von der altesten zeit bis in das sechzeh (IA literarischergru01hage).pdf (matches file content)bie in aUc n?aren Oei[b man affo ben rofe garf* ^icff^ ^B^^i frome ^ericf;e. Öieffric^ 53f. ro- oon Sernne tp^ T>ietfmav$ fun ff. H3ie...(666 × 1,185 (41.95 MB)) - 04:02, 5 January 2023
- File:The new Bath guide- or, Memoirs of the B-n-r-d family. In a series of poetical epistles (IA newbathguideorme04anst).pdf (matches file content)frequent inllances I've feen Of fathers, To all cruel and unkind, y ^rfcAd/*-* paternal duty blind. B 3 What • 6 ( What wretches do Whofe...(629 × 1,045 (6.56 MB)) - 15:57, 5 December 2022
- File:A school atlas of English history (IA cu31924096988609).pdf (matches file content)JFriesland East JFriesland West Frisohermont JFrisla Frobisher Str. Frome Fuentes d'Onoro .... JFulda Funfkirchen Furat,R . Fumes Furness Abbey FUrth...(1,275 × 1,547 (10.47 MB)) - 10:01, 30 July 2024
- File:University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (IA alessandromagnoi34aure).pdf (matches file content)L'auuei fìri del mio dettino atoaró. Vincefli ò 6rande,à la Regal tua frome^ Di Sidone tradita Del fuggito mio fpofo Reco il diademate tua qttcfi^aiircopon^o^...(416 × 783 (5.36 MB)) - 04:36, 16 September 2023
- File:Annual report of the directors of the Michigan Central Railroad Company to the stockholders (IA (matches file content)River " in to The length of Michigan City is this about 285 miles frome thence to the Illinois State Line, some 36 miles 35 miles of the line between...(677 × 1,168 (1.22 MB)) - 20:44, 2 May 2024
- File:Catalogue of the select collection of English coins and medals, in silver and copper, the property of a well-known collector, (Hon. Mr. Butler) ... (02-09-1846) (IA catalogueofselec00soth 51).pdf (matches file content)14 258 Shillings, Chichester, Derby; Devon, two varieties; Fazelcy, Frome, Flintshire ; Gloucester, three varieties; Hampshire, Hereford; Leeds, two...(1,285 × 2,116 (2.66 MB)) - 11:47, 13 February 2024