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- File:Ackworth School catalogue - being a list of all the boys and girls educated at that institution, from its commencement in 1779, to the present period (IA ackworthschoolca00ackw).pdf (matches file content)Charles Ady 1 100 William Gregory 1 Benjamin Wheeler 2 Rebecca Gilkes 3 William Gilkes 4 Sarah Moone Elizabeth Sedgwick 5 6 Samuel Woodhead 7 Daniel Smithson...(475 × 856 (4.2 MB)) - 06:55, 8 July 2023
- File:General catalogue of the trustees, officers, and graduates, and of students not graduates of the St. Lawrence university, Canton, New York, 1856-1910 (IA generalcatalogue01stla).pdf (matches file content)Probate 1909 1909 Everitt Mattison, M.A., Admiralty Percy Grannum Burton Gilkes, Federal Courts IN 1907 1008 . LL.B., Practice in THE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE...(710 × 1,177 (6.57 MB)) - 23:08, 10 May 2024
- File:Books from the Library of Congress (IA selectedlistofma00free).pdf (matches file content)Winter with Robert Burns, Anonymous Thomas Dunckerley, Henry Sadler Peter Gilkes, Albert F. Calvert M17 History, Geographical Divisions Ml7.941 Scotland...(1,391 × 2,233 (8.03 MB)) - 15:47, 9 December 2023
- File:What to do with our boys and girls (IA b28113627).pdf (matches file content)VOLUME. Sir George Baden-Powell, Bart., M.P. Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart., M.P. Gilbert Gilkes. Miss Clementina Black. Mrs. M. A. Marshall, M.D. ...(1,004 × 1,512 (7.25 MB)) - 18:32, 29 November 2024
- File:The Annual monitor... or, Obituary of the members of the Society of Friends in Great Britain and Ireland.. (IA annualmonitororo19alex).pdf (matches file content)Guernsey. Elder. 8 63 13 10 mo. 1859 Gilkes, NailsivoHh. Wife of Benjamin G. Gilkes. Benjamin G. Gilkes, 76 16 1 mo. 1860 79 25 1 mo. 1860...(552 × 879 (10.31 MB)) - 02:46, 26 June 2022
- File:The Journal of education (IA journalofeducati3419unse).pdf (matches file content)278. Amendments passed, Amendments to, 505. Modern Language Teaching, Gilkes, Mr., on Bill Bill, 281. Rowbotham, Francis J., Nature Teaching, Rundall...(1,120 × 1,645 (86.96 MB)) - 10:30, 18 June 2021
- File:Sussex in the great Civil War and the interregnum, 1642-1660 (IA sussexingreatciv00thomiala).pdf (matches file content)Brighton. (Two.) GoooLPHiN-OsBORNE, Lady D'Arcy, Churchill, Hemel Hemsted, GILKES, Herts. GRANGE, Colonel E. L., M.A., LL.D., F.S.A., Great Grimsby. GRANTHAM...(854 × 1,308 (15.74 MB)) - 13:32, 27 May 2024
- File:The violin- its famous makers and their imitators (IA violinitsfamousm00hart).pdf (matches file content); ; ; — ; — — — — 305-313 — Gilkes, Samuel a thorough artist, and pupil of William Forster— Gilkes, William— Gough, Walter 313, 314 Harbour...(777 × 1,247 (25.18 MB)) - 00:01, 24 December 2020
- File:General catalogue of the trustees, officers, and graduates, and of students not graduates of the St. Lawrence university (IA generalcatalogue00stla).pdf (matches file content)Bailment John Henry Schmid, LL.B., Law of Probate Percy Grannum Burton Gilkes, LL.B., Practice in 1911 John 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1909 ........(812 × 1,191 (18.71 MB)) - 23:08, 10 May 2024
- File:Whittier Home Telephone Directory, No. 32 (IA cwh 000021).pdf (matches file content)Gilchriest, J. B._________ ___ _______................414 N. Greenleaf Ave. Gilkes, Miss Lillie M.................. ................Residence 123 N. Bright...(904 × 1,350 (30.05 MB)) - 17:24, 26 July 2022
- File:Papers on moral education, communicated to the first International Moral Education Congress held at the University of London September 25-29, 1908; (IA papersonmoraledu00interich).pdf (matches file content)FINDLAY, M.A., Ph.D. (Professor of Education, U. of Manchester), A. H. GILKES, M.A. (Master of Dul- wich College, London). Rev. CANON GLAZEBROOK (Ely)...(793 × 1,387 (40.3 MB)) - 11:27, 2 July 2021
- File:A guide to the best historical novels and tales (IA cu31924029592312).pdf (matches file content)andG.P. Putnam's Sons, U.S.A.) Ilamilcar (Carthage Mercenaries). A. H. Gilkes (Longmans The Second Punic War. & Co.) Duffield Osborne (W. A. J...(868 × 1,158 (10.71 MB)) - 23:19, 9 May 2024
- File:The chemist and druggist (electronic resource) (IA b19974760M0287).pdf (matches file content)Brampton Crompton James Dawson Edwards Curry Cule Leithead Fielder Gilkes Hucklebridge Ellis Nettle Fry Evans Patterson Jenks Jevons Forr....(1,002 × 1,497 (22.95 MB)) - 16:43, 17 February 2023
- File:A guide to the best historical novels and tales (IA guidetobesthisto00nieliala).pdf (matches file content)Richards; and G.P. Putnam's Sons, U.S.A.) Hamilcar (Carthage and her A. H. Gilkes (Longmans The Second Punic War. & Mercenaries). Co.) Hannibal (Battle...(877 × 1,162 (21.32 MB)) - 23:19, 10 May 2024
- File:Hereford, Herefordshire, and the Wye (IA herefordhereford00chap).pdf (matches file content)Owen, St. John Street, Hereford. G. George, Mr. E., Coningsby Gilkes, Mr. M. D'Oyley, Street, Hereford. Infirmary, Hereford. Goodwin, Mrs...(1,135 × 1,458 (4.85 MB)) - 15:29, 1 August 2022
- File:Britain on and beyond the sea, being a handbook to the Navy League map of the world (IA britainonbeyonds00crof).pdf (matches file content)Commonwealth) Admiral The Hon. FREMANTLE, E., Esq. K.C.B. GIBBOX, J. GILKES, A. H., Esq. H., Esq., M.A. (Heaxhnaster of Dulwich College) GILL, JOHX...(635 × 1,068 (10.06 MB)) - 18:44, 23 December 2023
- File:Federal Register 1980-03-28- Vol 45 Iss 62 (IA sim federal-register-find 1980-03-28 45 62 2).pdf (matches file content)until January 1976. The following employees of FDA served: Clarence C. Gilkes, D.D.S.. served and Executive Secretary. Michael D. Kennedy served as Panel...(1,145 × 1,595 (1.99 MB)) - 17:26, 26 August 2024
- File:Tuberculosis eradication under the accredited-herd plan - herd list no. 3, list of herds, all breeds, officially accredited as free from tuberculosis (IA tuberculosiserad142unit).pdf (matches file content)Address. Purebred Grade cattle. cattle. Michigan— continued. B Gilkes, T. Gregory & Borden Griffin, Wm. Haller, H. M: I. . , Hanchett...(841 × 1,385 (4.18 MB)) - 05:57, 18 August 2024
- File:The chemist and druggist (electronic resource) (IA b19974760M1090).pdf (matches file content)but meanwhile Mrs. Clarke proceeded to the establishment of Mr. F. G. Gilkes, chemist, where nothiDg was said by her to give the chemist any suspicion...(1,079 × 1,545 (4.81 MB)) - 02:13, 17 March 2022
- File:Huntsville Center bulletin - USACE-p16021coll8-2004.pdf (matches file content)these things for granted and lose focus on the true meaning of life. lvor Gilkes Small Business Office That day I watched the news in disbelief and saw...(1,250 × 1,664 (8.08 MB)) - 01:06, 13 November 2024