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Create the page "Holcus caespitosus" on this wiki!
- DescriptionHolcus caespitosus Boiss nmnhbotany 2160470 NMNH-00132629.jpg Smithsonian NMNH - Botany Dept. Name: Holcus caespitosus Boiss. Taxonomy: Plantae...(7,319 × 10,319 (75.78 MB)) - 12:15, 19 December 2023
- DescriptionHolcus caespitosus Boiss nmnhbotany 2160469 NMNH-00132628.jpg Smithsonian NMNH - Botany Dept. Name: Holcus caespitosus Boiss. Taxonomy: Plantae...(7,319 × 10,319 (76.63 MB)) - 12:15, 19 December 2023
- File:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu (matches file content)Gateshead Fell, D. 7^5. Holcus lanatus. In Meadows and Pastures. 76. Holcus mollis. In Woods and Hedges. 77. Holcus avenaceus. In Woods and...(2,550 × 3,300 (7.74 MB)) - 15:17, 3 January 2022
- File:Illustrations of the British flora- a series of wood engravings, with dissections, of British plants (IA illustrationsofb00fitc).pdf (matches file content)1192. Avena Arrhenatherum avenaceum. flavescens. I 1195. Holcus mollis. 1194, Holcus lanatus. 293 1196. Cynodon Dact_vIon. 1197. 11 99. Nardus...(681 × 1,100 (27.96 MB)) - 18:47, 17 July 2024
- File:Tableau de l'École de Botanique du Jardin du Roi (IA b29297886).pdf (matches file content)des Cafres. Afr. 0 0 dé Alep. 0 v . * C . ( * 5 . ) Holcus Holcus lanatus Z. laineux. mollis z. velouté, f. ip Andropogon f. le...(1,250 × 2,047 (22.43 MB)) - 18:12, 22 July 2022
- File:Checklist of the vascular plants of the intermountain region (IA checklistofvascu32holm).pdf (matches file content)IDAHOENSIS Nash Idaho Redtop A. B. Mountain B. A. aristulatus Michx. A. caespitosus Trin. A. ALPINUS J. E. Smith A. occidentalis Scribn. & Tweedy Scribn...(1,172 × 1,825 (10.43 MB)) - 18:06, 17 August 2024
- File:Prodrome de la flore belge (IA prodromedelaflor12wild).pdf (matches file content)Scirpus caespitosus ; Carex paniculata, leporina, echinata, canescens, l'emota, digitata et rostrata. Milium effusum. Agrosti,s canina Holcus mollis...(641 × 1,091 (72.74 MB)) - 18:04, 17 February 2023
- File:Tekhno-Botanīcheskiǐ Slovar, ia Latinskom i Rossilskom Yazuikakh - (Latin-Russian Botanical Lexicon.) (IA tekhnobotanchesk00loud).pdf (matches file content)Caespes Lycoper- /^epud. , , Caespititius , , , ^^ pititia Caespitosus Caespitosae paludes . -- , caespitosa. ^^. Calamarius caes- ...(918 × 1,375 (62.15 MB)) - 09:13, 9 September 2024
- File:Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne (IA nytmagazinfornat59phys).pdf (matches file content)littoralis, monte in Næsby, Valeriana Anthoxanthum odoratum, Scirpus caespitosus, Aira montana, aquatica, Aira alpina Phieum Primula farinosa, officinalis...(810 × 1,375 (16.8 MB)) - 13:51, 27 May 2022
- File:Die Phanerogamen - Flora Oesels und der benachbarten Eilande und Beitrag zur Flora der Insel Runoe (IA diephanerogamenf00sass).pdf (matches file content)ferruginea Reichb., Blysmus compressus L., , /. uniglumis Link., Scirpus caespitosus L., 5. silvaticus Cladium Mariscus C. glaucus bufonius L. folium...(960 × 1,479 (4.86 MB)) - 10:08, 26 April 2024
- File:A catalogue of plants growing without cultivation in the vicinity of Amherst College (IA catamherst00hitc).pdf (matches file content)Tongue. officinale. 1 2 virginicum L. Williamstovvn. 119 Cyperus L. caespitosus .1 Torre j. 2 dentatus Torrey. 3 diandrus Torrey. 4 flavescens...(1,050 × 1,460 (2.56 MB)) - 08:23, 28 June 2023
- File:Intermountain range plant names and symbols (IA CAT31304131).pdf (matches file content)Western fescue FEOVO ovina ovina Sheep fescue FEOVB ovina Alpine fescue HOLCU Holcus spp. HOLA lanatus HORDE Hordeum spp. HOBR brachyantherum HOBU bulbosum...(893 × 1,310 (3.62 MB)) - 20:47, 15 August 2024
- File:A catalogue of plants, growing spontaneously within thirty miles of the City of New-York (IA cataloguenyc00torr).pdf (matches file content)common. 8 poaeformis. Ph. In brackish meadows. Long-Island. Sept. 9 caespitosus. Sp. nov. In the salt-marshes about GreenAug. Sept. wich and Hoboken...(697 × 1,260 (8.43 MB)) - 21:20, 7 May 2024
- File:A catalogue of plants, growing spontaneously within thirty miles of the City of New-York (IA catalogueplants00n).pdf (matches file content)? Aug. 8 poaeformis. Ph. In brackish meadows. Long-Island. Sept. 9 caespitosus. Sp. nov. In the salt-marshes about Greenwich and Hoboken. %. Aug. Sept...(691 × 1,297 (5.79 MB)) - 23:06, 8 May 2024
- File:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA catalogusplantar00schl).pdf (matches file content)Mariscus Z. — — — nigricans Z. 1211 1336 1334 Scilla bifolia Z. Scirpus caespitosus z. 1342 1343 1335 boeothryon Ehrh, palustris 1337 lacustris Z...(537 × 922 (3.82 MB)) - 20:34, 6 December 2023
- File:Illustrations of the British flora- a series of wood engravings, with dissections, of British plants (IA illustrationsofb00fitcrich).pdf (matches file content)1096. Scirpus pauciflorus. 1098. Scirpus fluitans. 1097. Scirpus caespitosus. 1099. Scirpus setaceus. CYPERACEM. 1 1 100. 102. Scirpus Savii...(758 × 1,077 (46.06 MB)) - 06:35, 7 April 2021
- File:Bulletin de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou (IA bulletindelas11829412mosk).pdf (matches file content)Böhmen Wib. ovatus Ehrh. Milium efFusum. acicularis. Calaraagrostis caespitosus. Epigeios Roth, setaceus. litorea Cand, caricinusSchrad. lanceolata...(689 × 1,233 (15.47 MB)) - 09:19, 2 January 2024
- File:Plants of Monroe County, New York, and adjacent territory (IA plantny00beck).pdf (matches file content)exilis, siccata, Paspalum setaceum, Andropogon Virginicus, Scirpus caespitosus, Scirpus subterminalis, Hierochloa borealis, Trisetum subspicatum Scleria...(870 × 1,402 (11.29 MB)) - 03:03, 11 May 2024
- File:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA florulabostonien1824bige).pdf (matches file content)crisped hairs. young, tains, it resembles Scirpus N. H. July. caespitosus. On the White moun- Perennial. ERIOPHORUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM. Willd...(789 × 1,314 (23.02 MB)) - 20:49, 6 December 2023
- (Dunbar; on the coast two miles east of South Queensferry.) 40. Scirpus caespitosus, King's Park ; (Braid Hill ; Pentland Hills ; Ravelrig Toll Moss ; Hunter's...(612 × 1,077 (4.08 MB)) - 23:50, 11 September 2024