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- File:002 - José Roberto Arantes de Almeida vivo 002, CNV-SP.pdf (matches file content)Jefatura de Inteligencia Naval dirigido a SIDE, Batallón de Inteligencia 601, SIFA, SIPNA, DIG, SSF y DGIPBA y pide averiguar el paradero de dos oficiales de...(1,254 × 1,760 (3.29 MB)) - 18:16, 7 March 2024
- File:Expositionem veteris inscriptionis de Aesculapio et Hygea diis philanthropois submittit Ferdinandus Jacobus Baierus ... (IA b30506074).pdf (matches file content)kogwlSoc yiTtot yv*v{§{K& , Ket} 7sro?Lce 'srctpd zearfos rdv e<$ U* T£/*qv (aceSifa y * 'srpQffifyiv^eiv tw rt 'Xeigxgyetw 9 ,D z kcu rds tyotp toH*...(1,525 × 1,912 (8.07 MB)) - 21:22, 6 March 2021
- File:Hard red spring wheat. Quality report- physical, chemical, milling, and baking characteristics (IA CAT85247840008).pdf (matches file content). '- i ...p , ’ < 'iUtm ? • . I*ivr .., . . ®' '“«!» sifa-.iytjjw .*: i, •n- # kji <«•• ' f -:'? ^ -i': s> ' : yrj)::...(1,062 × 1,585 (2.99 MB)) - 15:06, 18 September 2020
- File:Francisci Passovii quaestio de vestigiis coronarum Meleagri et Philippi in anthologia Constantini Cephalae (microform) (IA 4775032).pdf (matches file content)verba, iitoirfee 6h (6 MeXiaypos) r6r ^aVfiaHtov rovtoric i^Biir intypkiifuiSifa» dri<pHyo4^j otH^iraMe 8^ enSror xard 0rotVestigia ^ij^ j» ,) • ^ •'...(1,254 × 1,487 (1.05 MB)) - 20:10, 6 March 2021
- File:Beiträge zu der geschichte der ritterburgen und bergschlösser in der umgebend von Frankfurt am Main (IA bub gb eEzvvrpEC6gC).pdf (matches file content)SBetf frauen=£lofrer in granf- Sergen mit ber SerbfKcbtung auf SHartinötag Sifa)of$ breijebn (Solfcbe Pfennige bem Gabblan, ber ba befinget bie Säbelten...(625 × 964 (14.19 MB)) - 11:02, 10 November 2023
- File:Bombay Courier, 23 July 1831 (IA dli.granth.2826).pdf (matches file content). . .R s. 30 per doz. vtcite his sifa tio n of Assistant to the M int Engineer clerk, senior puisne judges, junior ditto ditto, X X: JSi.m T £L E C O...(2,650 × 3,250 (12.88 MB)) - 20:03, 5 December 2023
- File:Philippine Welser historisches Schauspiel in fünf Acten (IA bub gb Q4I7AAAAcAAJ).pdf (matches file content)©c^malcö Glofett tc* Gr^cry>g*. ©ütfern unt> darauf ©Triften, fiiuW ein Sifä mit @dj»ert mit ein SBeljr- gcljange; nacfcläffig Eingeworfen. ßrfte...(625 × 881 (8.51 MB)) - 03:26, 27 October 2024
- File:Zeitschrift des historischen Vereins für Niedersachsen. Jg. 1857 (IA bub gb ZhUFAAAAYAAJ).pdf (matches file content)SRitterS £einric$ bon 1314 ben St&malje^nten bon Suühorpe and Äfoflet (Sifä>, Urf. be« ©efd)te$W bon SRaltyafyi, SBanbl. 6.470). £er Sehnten Don Süttorf...(625 × 1,020 (40.17 MB)) - 21:08, 19 April 2023
- File:Il Friuli giornale politico-amministrativo-letterario-commerciale n. 128 (1905) (IA IlFriuli 128-1905).pdf (matches file content)Prolissi è s&bboadagti. pati sulla, fag= Frangdasghjgia. av; Eranmo per mortà, Sifa-il giro. per Monsalica: Legnago | —_ Noù?A tor ma ini atthisnte sioni : Perl...(1,516 × 2,102 (3.63 MB)) - 10:51, 3 April 2022
- File:Meine LebensErinnerungen (IA bub gb XnRP5HoZiVYC).pdf (matches file content)LIBRARY OF THE Leland Stanford Junior üniversity HOT TO BE TAKEN OUT OF THE HBRARY. Digitized by Google Digitized by Google fSfttint geüettS -...(625 × 1,004 (15.73 MB)) - 21:37, 1 January 2021
- File:The Bombay Gazette, 18 June 1841 (IA dli.granth.18810).pdf (matches file content)e .* * P U B L I S H E D Thrice a Week, on every M O N D A Y, W EIkN E SIfA Y, and F R I D A Y Morning. 3pru« 13 » o p f t i 5 tr (Quarttr : - S 2 »upee<...(2,550 × 3,300 (5.61 MB)) - 14:28, 3 October 2021